🔙 Quay lại trang tải sách pdf ebook Tiếng anh cơ sở tập 2 Ebooks Nhóm Zalo t r A n v a n p h u o c (C hu bien) CaoE)3ng Y t6 Phu Tho - Thu vicn KM.00811 COSO 23} 6 BASIC ENGLISH CD L ^ J NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC TS. TRAN VAN P H l/tiC (Chu bien) HO THI MY HAU - TRUONG BACH LE TON NLT THANH THUY - LE THI HUYNH TRANG - TRUONG VIEN TIElMCi A1\I1 CO SO (Basic English) TAP II (Tai ban Ian th u ba) n h A x u a t b a n g ia o d u c Ban quyen thuoc Nha xuat ban Giao due. 04 - 2008/CXB/519 - 1999/GD : Ma so : 8N472n8 - DAI l6 i g iOi t h ie u B asic E nglish 1 & 2 la k et qua cua sU hdp tac chuyen m on giCa cac giang vien co n hieu k in h nghiem va tam h u y et cua cac K hoa tien g A nh thuoc n hieu trUdng D ai hoc cua kh u vUc m ien T ru n g (Dai hoc V inh, D ai hoc H ue, D ai hoc D a NSng va D ai hoc Q uy Nhdn) vi m ot bo giao trin h do ngUdi V iet N am bien soan p h u hdp vdi trin h do cua sinh vien tien g A nh khong chuyen ngQ va vi m ong m uon dong gop vao sU n an g cao ch at lUdng day va hoc tien g A nh ta i V iet N am . B asic E nglish 1 & 2 n h am vao viec cung co" va p h a t trie n kien thtjtc ve ngQ am , ngut phap, tii vUng va ki n an g giao tiep ngon ngii tijf trin h do ttfdng dUdng vdi trin h do sd cap (elem entary) len den trin h do tien tru n g cap (p re-in term ed iate) thong qua viec re n luyen cac ki n an g tong hdp nghe, noi, doc, viet va ki th u a t dich xuoi-ngUdc. B asic E ng lish 1 & 2 dtfdc bien soan theo q u an diem cau truc-chiic n a n g (stru ctu ral-fu n ctio n al), lay viec re n luyen cac cau tru e ngii p h ap va re n luyen ki n an g doc hieu lam tie n de cho viec thUc h ien cac chiic n an g giao tiep ngon ngiJ tro n g giai doan d au hoc tien g Anh cd scf va giai doan sau hoc tien g A nh chuyen nganh. B asic E ng lish gom h a i tap , moi ta p co 30 b ai hoc (U nit) va cung co" (C onsolidation). T ap 1 d an h cho sin h vien n am th ti n h a t, teip 2 d a n h cho sin h vien nam th ti 2. So tie t hoc chinh thutc ta i 16p cho tijfng b ai hoc t£r 5 den 6 tie t va so" tie t d an h cho cac bai cung co tu: 2 den 3 tiet. 3 Moi b ai hoc deu co cau tru e thong n h a t gom cac p h an M uc tieu bai hoc (U nit G oals), H oat dong tao khong k h i hoc tap (W arm -up), NgiC p h a p (G ram m ar), N oi (Speaking), Nghe (L istening), L uyen a m (P ronunciation), Tic viCng (Vocabulary), Doc hieu A, Doc hieu B (R eading A & B), Viet (W riting), Dich (T ranslation) va Tom ta t cac diem ngit p h a p (Language Sum m ary). C au tru e n ay khong n hiing giup cho giao vien chu^n bi b ai giang to t m a con giup cho hoc vien tvt hoc tot. C hung toi ch an th a n h cam dn K hoa tien g A nh cac trUdng D ai hoc K hoa hoc H ue, tn ld n g D ai hoc V inh, trUdng Dai hoc N goai ngG D a N ln g , trUcfng D ai hoc Stf pham Q uy N hdn va to tien g A nh cac trU dng D ai hoc Y khoa H ue, D ai hoc Nong Lam H ue da th a m gia gop y h ieu d in h de hoan th ie n b an thao. C hung toi h i vong B asic E nglish 1 & 2 se m ang lai nhieu k e t qu a khich le cho sin h vien khong chuyen ngii tro n g viec hoc tien g A nh. C hu b ie n TS. TRAN VAN PHU0C 4 Unit 1: MAPS Unit Goal Giving an d responding to com plim ents WARM-UP Names and Belongings Each student thinks of names of two or three things which begin with the same letter as the name s/he owns and makes a sentence, e.g. My name's Hoa and IVe got a hat, a house and a horse. Every student is asked to stand up and tell the whole class his/her sentence. GRAM M AR REVISION A. Put in have got ( ‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven 7 got and hasn’t got. 1. They like animals. T h ey ..........three dogs and two cats. 2. Sarah..........a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. 3. Everybody likes Tom. H e ..........a lot of friends. 4. Mr and Mrs Johnson..........two children, a boy and a girl. 5. An insect......... six legs. 6. I can’t open the door. I ..........a key. 7. Quick! Hurry! W e ..........much time. 8. “What’s wrong?” “I ..........something in my eye.” 9. Ben doesn’t read much. He ..!.....many books. 10. It’s a nice town. I t ..........a very nice shopping centre. 11. Alice is going to the dentist. S h e ..........toothache. 12. “Where’s my newspaper?” “I don’t know. I ..........it.” 5 13. Julia wants to go on holiday but s h e .......... any money. 14. I’m not going to work today. I ......... a bad cold. B. Choose the best reply from List B for each question in List A. Write the correct letters in the brackets. List A 1. Can you type? 2. Are you good at math? 3. What languages can you speak? 4. Can you drive a car?' 5. Can you get on with people? 6. When can you start work? VOCABULARY List B ( ) A. I came top in my class in the last test. ( ) B. I'm taking my driving test next week. ( ) C As soon as you like. ( ) D. Yes, about fifty words a minute. ( ) E. English and French. ( ) F. I think so. I’ve got a lot of friends. A. Look at these business cards and answer the questions. JOE VANISON Salesman Ford Motors Manston M OHAMED AKBARI TAILOR 2 IB SUEZ ROAD PORT SAIDO 6 Dr J T Halliwell Hilson General Hospital YOKO ELECTRICIAN 44 Main Street, Seoul SBH Java Mechanic 367 Highfield Avenue Centralon H L M Sharkas ARCHITECT Suite 106A Vitron Towers, Hadley 1. Who can repair cars? 2. Who can make suits or dresses? 3. Who knows how to sell cars? 4. Who can draw plans to build a house? 5. Who can treat sick people? 6. Who can repair an electric kettle? B. Read the following sentences and write the correct word in each blank. Choose the words from the list below. describes shows learns explains teaches lectures Mr Shaw .......... physics at the University of Hong Kong and .......... mostly to third-year students. The students like him a lot because he ..........how things work in simple language. Mr Shaw says that he often .......... a lot from his students. His wife is an English teacher in a secondary school. In her lessons s h e ..........her pupils how to write short stories a n d ..........people and scenes she knows in her stories. SPEAKING G iving a n d Responding to C om plim ents Purpose: Compliments express approval, and their main purpose is to show that you like some aspect of the other person’s appearance, belongings, or work. This reassures the other person that his or her taste, appearance, etc., is appreciated by other people. Whom to compliment: You may compliment anyone you have occasion to talk with. It may be a close friend or someone you have just met. And in certain cases you can compliment a stranger in order to get some information. 7 What to compliment: Usually, you compliment someone if you notice something new about the person’s appearance. You may also complimen^ a person on his or her general appearance. It is customary to com p lim en t person on a recently purchased item. When you visit someone s house or when the host prepares a meal for you, you can give compliments too. How to compliment. There are three ways to give a compliment: by saying something nice about the object, by asking how the person made it or where it was bought (but NOT how much it cost), or by asking for another look or another serving, if it is food. Replying to compliments: There are two basic ways of replying to compliments: accepting them and rejecting them. In most cases, it is best to accept the compliment. To do this, you can either thank the person and explain something about the thing being complimented, or you can return the compliment by giving the other a similar compliment. In certain cases, you may accept the compliment but deny what the person has said to compliment you. Some people do this to appear modest. Situation 1 A works in an office where X is the supervisor. X has invited everyone from the office to a cocktail party one evening. There A talks with B, X ’s spouse. B A 1. greets A 1. greets B, compliments clothing 2. accepts compliment 2. accepts compliment, B on 3. offers food 4. refuses compliment 8 complimentreturns 3. accepts, compliments B foodon the Situation 2 A and B are good friends from school. A sees B on a new motorcycle and begins to talk with B. A B 1. greets B 2. compliments B on new motorcycle 3. asks to try motorcycle 4. expresses thanks READING A MAPS 1. returns greeting 2. accepts compliment, tells when motorcycle was bought 3. agrees A map is a drawing of part of the earth. A map does not show everything that a photograph shows. It shows only those things that are important to the people using the map. Colors on maps tell us important things about the earth’s surface. Things made by humans, such as cities, railroads, and highways, are usually black. Blue is the color of water. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are blue. Green is the color for trees and national parks. A map symbol is a drawing that represents something real on the earth. On our map, there are symbols for things such as a house, church, school, etc. A box in the comer of the map tells what the symbols mean. We call the box a legend. Maps of small areas can show each street, river, railroad, church, and school. Maps of larger areas show only the larger cities and roads. On larger area maps, you can see whole states or countries. You do not usually see streets or buildings on larger area maps. One way to tell direction on a map is to look for the compass. The compass is a drawing showing directions. Usually, but not always, 9 north is at the top of the map. When north is at the top, south is at the bottom. East is to the right and west is to the left. T he four other directions shown on the compass are northeast, southeast, southw est and northwest. The map scale can tell you how far it is between any t\%o places on the map. It is usually at the bottom or in a comer of the map. It tells you that a certain distance, such as an inch on the map, is equal to certain number of miles or kilometers. Because a map is like a picture, you can find out many things about an area more quickly than reading in books. You can find the answers to these questions quickly on a map: 1. Is the area near an ocean? 2. What other forms of water does it have? 3. Are there any mountains? 4. Is there a desert? 5. How far is it between cities? 6. What is the best way to travel between cities? 7. Are there any national parks or recreation areas? Thousands of years ago, people made maps when they went to new places. They drew them on the earth or on walls of caves. Maps are better now because all maps begin from a photograph. Map photographs can be taken from airplanes or satellites. Today there are good maps of all areas of the world There are even good maps of places difficult to travel to, such as the Arctic and Antarctica. New maps are made every year because places change quickly Every year there are new roads, bigger cities, and fewer trees When you travel, a map is very important. You can find where you want to go in a new place. 10 Exercises A. Answer the following questions. 1. What do the following colors on a map represent? Black: Blue: Green: 2. What tells what the symbols mean? 3. How do all maps begin? 4. How often are new maps made? B. Decide i f the following statements are true or false. 1. A map shows everything. 2. A legend tells you that an inch is equal to a certain number of miles or kilometers. 3. North is always at the top of a map. 4. Every year there are more trees. 5. People started making maps in the last 100 years. 6. Black is the color of water on a map. 7. You can find national parks on a map. 8. A compass shows directions. 9. We do not have good maps of some places that are difficult to travel to. 10. A large area map shows houses, churches, and schools. READING B GIVEN NAMES Who names the baby? Who gives a baby his or her name? Naming customs are not the same in every society. In some societies, the parents 11 (mother and father) name the baby. But in others, the grandparents of the godmother and godfather (special friends or family m em bers chosen by the parents) name the baby. In Greece, the godmother or godfather names the baby. The parents hear the baby's name at a religious ceremony at the church. In some societies, the children have two given names. In these societies, all of the girls or boys in a family may have the same first name. For example, all the girls may have the name "Mane." Its the first given name. The second given name is different: "Marie-Rose," "Mane Jeanne," "Marie-Christine." All the boys may have the same first name "Jean": "Jcan-Paul," "Jean-Christophe," "Jean-Pierre." RELIGIOUS NAMES Where do religious names come from? In some cultures, everyone has a religious name. Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox give the names of saints to their children. "Teresa" (St. Teresa), "Anthony" (St. Anthony), "Nikos" (St. Nicholas). Jews choose names from the Bible: "Adam," "Rebecca." Moslems choose names from the Koran: "Mohammed," "Ali." THE MEANINGS OF GIVEN NAMES What do given names mean? In some cultures, given names have special meanings. The Chinese name "Po" means "good". The Chiilese name "Lok" means "happiness" or "joy." The name "Po Lok" has a very positive (good) meaning in Chinese culture. People think names with positive meanings bring their children good luck in their lives 12 NAMESAKES Who is a namesake? Sometimes parents give children the same name as a relative or friend. For example, a boy and his grandfather may both have the given name, "William.” A girl may have her grandmother's name, her godmother's name, or an aunt's name. The boy is the namesake of his grandfather. The girl is the namesake of her grandmother, godmother, or aunt. It is an honor for a person to have a namesake. RESTRICTIONS ON GIVEN NAMES What names can you choose? In some countries, a child must have a traditional name from that culture. For example, in France and Belgium, parents have to choose a common name from the past. A couple (man and a woman) in France wanted to name their daughter "Daisy," but they didn't because "Daisy" is not a traditional French name. In other countries, you can give your child any name. There are no restrictions at all. In the United States, parents may choose any name for a child, or they can make a new name. In the state of Pennsylvania, there are some interesting names in the birth records. For example, one child was named "Pepsi" and another was named "Coke". In Mississippi, the parents of a baby girl named her "Glory Hallelujah." In another state, one couple had five sons (boys) before their daughter (girl) was bom, and they were very happy to have a daughter at last. They named their daughter "Atlasta" - meaning "at last a girl" or "at last we have a girl!" 1. C om prehension Q uestions Circle the letter o f the correct or best answer. Discuss your answers with your class. 1. A couple has two children, and they are both boys. They have a. two sons 13 b. two daughters c. two namesakes 2. A couple has two children and they are both girls. They have a. two sons b. two daughters. c. two namesakes. 3. "There are no restrictions on naming your children." This means a. you have to give your children traditional names. b. you may name your children any names you choose. c. you have to give your children religious names. 4. Match these words. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right that means almost the same thing. a. culture 1. my mother's sister b. my parents 2. society c. my aunt 3. my mother and father 5. "Traditional" means a. something new, for example, a new custom. b. something good, for example, a good custom. c. something old, for example, an old custom. 2. Vocabulary Practice Choose the correct word and write it in blank. Discuss your answers with a partner. 14 Sometimes the parents or the grandparents____________ (like name-feed) (1) the child. Sometimes, however, the _____________ (parents-godparents-grandparents) (2) name the child. Chinese people try to ■_______ (choose-write-say) (3) the name of a child carefully. The name can have a special meaning, and they choose a name with a _____________ (positive-negative-funny) (4) meaning. Religious parents give the child a name from the Koran or the _________ ______ (telephone books'Bible-friend) (5). Roman Catholics name their children after_______________(movie stars-singers-saints) (6). Sometime a child has the name of a special person the child's parents love and respect very much. This child is th e ________ child-namesake-daughter) (7) of this special person. It is an ___________ (honor-privilege-mistake) (8) to have a name sake. It means the parents love and respect you. In some cultures, parents have to give children____________ (popular-beautiful traditional) (9) names. In other cultures, parents are ____________ (religious-sad-free) (10) to name their children whatever they want. They can make a new name TRANSLATION 1. Toi r a t th ich k ieu toe cua chi! 2. Chiec vay em d an g mfic tro n g xinh qua! 3. Biia tiec th a t tu y e t vdi, dSc b ie t la m on ga quay! 4. Con gai chi tro n g k h a u k h in h qua! 5. Bifc tra n h b a n ve mdi dep lam sao! 15 LISTENING I. You are going to hear a song written by Enc Clapton called Wonderful Tonight. Read the words o f the song and put one o f the words or phrases in the box into each gap. There are more words than gaps! feel head because eyes all right heart were blond light darling morning car everyone home bed walking beautiful clothes brushes love evening keys puts look Wonderful Tonight I t ’s late in the........... She's wondering what ........... to wear S h e ........... on her make-up Then........... her lo n g ........... hair. And then she asks me, ‘Do I lo o k ...........? ’ And I say, ‘Yes, Y o u ...........wonderful tonight. We go to a party A n d ...........turns to see T h is...........lady That’s ...........around with me. And then she asks me, ‘Do you feel all right? ’ and I say, ‘Yes, I ........... wonderful tonight. ’ I feel wonderful 16 ........... I see The love light in your............ And the wonder o f it all Is that you just do n ’t realize How much I ........... you. I t ’s time to g o ........... now And I ’ve got an aching........... So I give her the............ She helps me to bed. And then I tell her As I turn out th e ........... I say, ‘My, ........... Y o u ...........wonderful tonight' 2. Find the mistakes in this summary and correct them. A husband and wife got ready and went to a party. The party started in the early evening. He thought she looked very pretty, but he didn’t say anything. There were two or three other people at the party. He was angry with his wife, and she was worried about him. He loves her very' much, but she doesn’t love him. At the end of the party he didn’t feel very well. He drove the car home He had another drink before he went to bedr TRUONG CAO OANG YTE' PHU THO THU VIEN ss:J Ui}& 17 LANGUAGE SUMMARY COMPLIMENT RESPONSE ! would like to compliment you on Thank you It s nice of you to say so. I would like to compliment you on... /> I think your (hair) is very nice. Thank you, but it really isn’t anything special. I just love your ... Thank you. Yours is even nicer. The (chicken) is delicious...! Thank you. I really like your...! This (cheese) is super. That’s not a bad (bike) you’ve got. That’s neat. That’s nice. That’s not bad. Terrific. Thanks. Pretty good. OK! All right! I ^ Note: 1 3 :4 A G O A O The phrases ^earthc top of ones near the bottom} ]\j ■he list are generally more formal than the It is sometj compliment.simply to say “Thank >0iT to a ^o further repl^ is required. Unit 2: BANANAS Unit Goal Asking an d talking about routines and habits WARM-UP: How much do you know about your teacher? Participants : five students and the teacher Material: six small boards Each participant has one board on which they write the answers to the following questions: 1. How often does the teacher go shopping? 2. How often does s/he teach? 3. How often does s/he eat out? 4. How often does s/he drink? 5. How often does s/he cry? The teacher gives the answers. The winner is the one who has the most correct answers. GRAM M AR Put in always, usually, very often, often, quite often, sometimes, occasionally, never. 1. I t ........ 2. People . 3. Women rains in Hanoi in winter. .......get up late on Sundays. .............win the Nobel prize. 4. Good-looking people have nice personalities. 5. Policemen 6. . Women ... smile. give flowers to men. 7. Elephants eat meat. 19 8 Passport photographs ....................................l°°k ^ PcoP*e' 9. P nccs....................go up. 10. Politicians...........................tell the truth. 11 People............................live to be 100 years old. 12. Holidays...............................cost too much money. V O C A B U L A R Y Choose the best word from the list below to complete the conversation. Then write the correct form o f the word in the blank. immediate hard fast sudden careful good A, Drive very carefully now. A car may .............come out of that side road. A lot of drivers drive to o .................. here. B. Do you think I’m ready to take my driving-test yet? A. Yes, you can drive very .................Why don’t you apply for a test .................... ? B I don’t know my highway code yet. I’m trying very ... ... to leam it. S P E A K IN G Questionnaire: How self-confident are you? 1. If a friend asks you to lend him/her some money, do y'ou ever refuse? a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e always 2. If you meet an English-speaking foreigner do you ever pretend not to speak any English9 a. alway s b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e never 3. When you are not satisfied with things you have bought how often do you complain? a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e. always 4. Do you ever avoid situations where you may meet people you don’t know? a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e. never 5. If you go out to eat with friends how often do you choose the restaurant? a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e. always 6. If you make a mistake and your teacher corrects you do you feel embarrassed? a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e. never 7. If you are waiting in a queue and somebody pushes in front of you do you ever complain? a. never b. rarely c. sometimes d. often e. always 8. If you feel attracted by a boy/girl do you stand nearby hoping that s/he will speak to you? a. always b. often c. sometimes d. rarely e. never Compare your answers with those o f the people next to you. Say why you choose each answer. Add up the numbers you have ticked. The higher the total the more self-confidence you seem to possess. W RITING A. Write the reason why you chose each answer to the questionnaire, fo r example: If a friend asks me to lend him/her money I (sometimes) refuse because .... B. Write a letter to a new pen-friend. As this is your first letter, you should describe yourself so that he or she gets a good idea o f what you are like and what your daily life is. Your letter should be behveen 100 and 120 words in length. 21 R E A D IN G A Bananas are widely believed to grow on trees : this is incorrect The banana is a plant which finishes all its growth in one year, reaching t height of 30 feet. Bananas have a stem from which come large, green leaves. The plant reaches its maturity in about 18 months. As the bunches of bananas mature and the fruit develops, they can be propped up with poles and covered with blue polyethylene bags. These prevent bruising, protect against the frost, and speed ripening by increasing heat and humidity. Once the banana plant has produced its fruit, the mother plant dies and is replaced by pups (sucker plants). These grow next to the parent and make a new generation of banana plants. Choose the best answers. 1. What does ‘this’ in line 1 refer to? A. the belief that bananas grow on trees. B. certain beliefs about bananas C. widely-held beliefs about banana trees D. the belief that bananas do not grow on trees 2. What would be the best title for the first paragraph? A. Beliefs about banana plants B. The growth of a banana plant to maturity C. A year in the life of a banana plant D. Banana plants: from birth to maturity 3. Why are blue polyethylene bags mentioned in paragraph 2? A. They are used to prop up bananas B. They protect growing bananas and speed ripening. C. They help increase heat and humidity and so prevent bruising D. Bunches of bananas are always covered with them 22 4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. How the banana plant produces its fruit B. How a sucker plant is called a pup C. The death of mother plants D. The growth of sucker plants 5. The next sentence after the passage is most likely to be: A. The old banana plants are chopped up and used as manure B. Chicken manure can now be used to feed all kinds of banana plants. C. Bananas are used in dessert recipes all over the world D. Bananas are grown all over South and Central America 6. Another way of expressing the last sentence is: A. Sucker plants grow beside the parent plant and create new banana plants. B. A new generation of parent plants grows next to the sucker plants. C. Growing next to the parent plant helps sucker plants make a new generation of banana plants. D. Parent plants have sucker plants growing beside them; two generations of plants thus grow together. READING B LITTER IS A PROBLEM IN OUR CITIES Litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans - on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem People don't always put their garbage in the garbage can. It's easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view. 23 The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there This fencc is a wall of garbage Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage bring animals, which sometimes carry disease. Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage on the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail. Two famous sayings in the United States are: "Don't be a litterbug!" and "Every litter bit hurts!" Q uestions First student: Change each sentence into a question. Second student: Answer each question w.ith a short answer. 1. Litter is a problem in our cities First student: Is litter a problem in our cities? Second student: Yes, it is. 2. Litter is ugly. 3 Papers are .difficult to catch 4 This fence is a wall of garbage. 5. Litter is against the law. 6. People don t always put their garbage in the garbage cans 7. Litter makes the city look ugly. 24 8. Litter spoils the view. 9. The wind blows papers far away. 10. Food and garbage bring animals. 11. Animals sometimes carry disease. 12. Some people want to control litter. 13. They never throw litter themselves. (Don't they ever...) 14. The law punishes litterbugs. 15. They usually pay a fine. TRANSLATION 1. Toi luon luon thtfc k h u y a nhvfng hiem khi day m uon. 2. - B an co h a y di xem phim khong? - T h in h thoang, khoang m ot th a n g m ot lan. 3. Ldp trvfdng cua chung toi luon di hoc d u n g gio va khong bao gic> quen lam bai ta p d nha. 9 . 4. 0 H ue, trcfi h a y m ifa vao k h o an g th a n g 10 -1 2 . LISTENING Desmond Philton works fo r Market Research company. He's asking Mr Norris about his free time. Listen to the interview and fill in the gaps. 1. What time does Mr Norris usually arrive home? before six o’clock at six o’clock after six o’clock 25 2. What docs he usually do after dinner? watch television read go out visit friends 3. How often does he (a) go out ? (b) watch television? (c) visit friends? (a) (b) (c) rarely once or twice a week three or four times a week every night 4. Docs he ever go to never rarely occasionally sometimes often the cinema? the ballet? the theatre9 the opera9 26 LANGUAGE SUM M ARY Adverbs o f frequency (How often?) These adverbs are words such as always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / rarely / never. They are always placed: 1. after the verb‘be’ He's always on time. 2. before other verbs in their simple forms He never gets to work late. 3. in between the auxiliary and the verb if there’s only one auxiliary in the complex verb He '11 rarely get angry. 4. after the first auxiliary' if the complex verb has two or more auxiliaries He's never been fired from a job. 27 Unit 3: UFO PHOTOGRAPHS Unit Goal M aking commentaries WARM-UP: Who is it? Four people work in an office: two women and two men. Anne likes Catherine, but she dislikes the two men. Peter doesn't like the person that Anna likes, but he likes Anne. Only one person likes Catherine. John likes two people. One person doesn't like Anne. Who is it? G RAM M AR Complete each gap with a verb in either the simple or the present continuous. Dear Erica, We are enjoying our holiday a lot. Each day we ................ the usual things - we ................ down to the beach, ................ a dip in the sea, .................... in the sun for a while - that’s what we ................ at the moment - although Eddie ................ to annoy me*- he ................ cold water over my back while I ....................this letter. We .................... both really tanned and I ................ very healthy. We ................to windsurf - i t ......................much easier than I thought. W e ................ you were here. Love from Janet 28 VOCABULARY Form the correct noun from each verb in bold type. Write your answer in the blanks on the right. Example. There was a big (explode) but no one was there, explosion 1. We carried out a careful (examine) of the area. 2. The police also started an (investigate). 3. There is no satisfactory (explain) of UFO. 4. The (appear) and (disappear) of UFO was a mystery. 5. Many people believe in the (exist) of flying saucers. READING A Read the problem and complete the solution. Problem: Arsenal, Manchester, Liverpool and Tottenham are four football teams. Each team is playing against one of the others on the next three Saturdays - a different one each time. On Saturday the 12th, Arsenal are playing against Manchester. Manchester are playing against Tottenham on the 19th. Who is playing against whom on the 26th? Solution: Manchester ............. against Arsenal on the 12th, ............. they are playing.............Tottenham on th e ............... .............on the 26th th e y .............. against A rsenal.............. Tottenham. ............. they are playing against..............on the 26^. ............................... are playing against.............. on the 26th. Words to put in: 29 Arsenal Liverpool Tottenham are playing are not playing against_____ 19^_________and o r so so_____ so A Can you think of some things that are happening in this town or country during the next week or so? (concerts, football matches, visits, .. .) B What are you doing this evening? What are you doing next weekend? What are you doing for your next holiday? i C. Complete this dialogue and practise it in pairs. X: Are you doing anything this evening? Y: I’m not sure. Why? X: Well, would you like t o .............with me? Y: I'd love to, but I’m probably..............ing. X: Well, how about tomorrow? Are you free? Y: ............................................... . X: .................................................. READING B IT'S NOT A HOAX.' SAYS ‘UFO PHOTOGRAPHER' 7 he man who says he took this photograph two nights ago near his home in north London has been accused o f a hoax. As soon as the photo was shown to local airport officials, they immediately said it must be a fake. 45-year-old Bob Green, who took the photograph, said he saw a large orange light in the sky. He watched it for about 30 seconds, then asked his son to rush indoors and get his camera. When Graham has just shown this newspaper article to Robin. Thcv have been talking about it. Robin The next thing you 11 be saying is that there are little green men watching us from the skies. 30 Graham: Perhaps there are. Who knows? But I'm not saying that All I'm saying is that plenty of people have seen flying saucers Robin: Flying saucers? Military aircraft, you mean - or clouds, or balloon, or even Venus. Any trick of light in the sky is a 'flying saucer'. People imagine things so easily. Graham: Flying saucers are a reality. Robin: Then why aren't there more photographs? Graham: There are plenty of them. Robin: Not nearly enough, and it's so easy to fake photos on things in the sky. And even if flying saucers do exist, why don't they land? Why don't the little green men get out of their saucers and say who they are? Graham: Perhaps the time isn't ready. The earth is still under observation. Robin: If I were a little green man, do you know what I'd think? Graham: What? Robin: I'd think that cars were living creatures and human beings were robots designed to look after them! C om prehension questions 1. What are Robin and Graham talking about? 2. Docs Robin believe that 'little green men are watching us from the skies'? 3. Does Graham believe this? 4. According to Graham, have many people seen flying saucers9 5. What explanations does Robin offer for flying saucers? 6. What do people do easily? 7. Who says flying saucers are a reality? 8. Why aren't photos very good evidence according to Robin? 31 9. For a moment, Robin assumes that flying saucers exist What question* does he ask Graham? 10. What would Robin think if he were 'a little green man 9 W RITING Write a letter to your friends and describe a football match, using the words or phrases below: friendly match - students of English vs students of Maths - Prof. Nam - referee Hue stadium - full - excited English team - score a goal Math team - rather well final score - 2 to nil English team - coffee house - victory LISTENING Listen and answer the following questions. 1. What time is it? 2 What's the name of the television programme? 3. Is the record recorded, or is it alive? 4. Where's it coming from9 5. What was today's most important event? 6. Who was first9 What nationality is she? 7. WTiat did she get? 8. Did she break the world record? 9. What was her time9 10 How many medals have the USA won? 32 TRANSLATION Translate the news in the listening activity into Vietnamese LANGUAGE SUMMARY Use the Present Continuous for: + what is going on now, at this moment + in complete actions going on over a longer time - hours, days, weeks, months, years - even centuries or millennia if you’re a physicist (from then) -» now —> into the future + planned actions/ arrangements which are in the future + actions which may have started and are going on now and will continue into the future 33 Unit 4: THE MOON Unit Goals Comparative and superlative Talking about change WARM-UP One student thinks of the name of a town or a country and says T am going to (and gives the name)." He then points at another person, who in ten seconds must give two adjectives which begin with the same letter as the name of the town or the country, e.g. Student 1 :1 am going to Belgium. Student 2: big, beautiful The next student then chooses another town or country. If a student cannot think of two adjectives beginning with the same letter, he chooses the next country instead. "I am going to ..." etc. GRAM M AR A Complete the follow ing table. Superlative longest most hopeful 34 Positive Comparative Example, long longer 1. good 2. generous ................ 3 worse 4 5. obscure 6 ................ farther 7. happy 8 least 9 ....... more girlish ................ 10. yellow ................ ................ B. Correct the following sentences. 1 Bob was the biggest of the twins. 2. You could not meet a more kinder lady. 3. The patient made the wonderful recovery. 4. Mary was as old like Jane. 5. Who is the tallest? Jack or Betty? 6. The more bright students do not always do well in tests. 7. The weather is colder as last week. 8. The noise in Rome is far worst than in Florence. C. Write the following sentences correctly.. 1. He arrived more late than his boss. 2. Instead of slowing down, he drove more fastly. 3. He did this test easily then the one before. 4. She drives worst than I on the freeway. VOCABULARY Read the following paragraph carefully. The world's oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution However, little is known about the long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious problem of modem times is that man is destroying the earth's natural resources and transform ing huge areas into wasteland As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the wildlife on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger of disappearing completely from the face of the earth. The dangers, however, are not confined solely to the land or the 35 sea. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities Man s whole environm ent is being changed in a serious way. For each o f the following dictionary definitions, write down the correct word (printed in bold type) in the passage. Example, birds, animals, fish which are not tame . wildlife 1. results, consequences 2. keeping something safe from harm 3. the process of making something dirty or impure 4. barren area, desert 5. the air, water and land in which we live 6. completely changing in form or nature 7 wealth, goods or products people can use 8. the air surrounding the earth 9. the number of people living in a place 10 difficulty which needs attention and thought SPEAKING Pair work. Talk about some o f the problems you would be faced with if you suddenly had to live in a foreign country. Think o f the following aspects: - food - language - culture - climate - time zone 36 READING A THE MOON When people look up into the sky, they can see that it is not empty. During the day, they can see the sun. At night, they see the moon and many, many stars. Scientists want to leam more about the sun and the moon because they are near us. The stars are very far away, so people can’t go there yet. However, people have already been on the moon. Scientists know a lot about it. The moon is nearer than the sun. The moon is about 240,000 miles away. The sun is farther, 93 million miles from us. When people look at the moon, it looks almost as large as the sun. That is because it is much nearer. The sun is really much larger. The sun is a star. It is a ball of fire; it sends out light. The moon is rocky and hard. It is not hot. It does not send out light; it reflects light. This means that the moon does not make its own light. The sun sends out light to the moon. Then the moon sends the sun's light back to the earth The moon is very different from the earth. There is no air on the moon. It is both very hot and very cold there. During the day, it is very 37 hot in the sunshine, but at night it can be -200 F degrees (129 degrees below zero C.) There arc no trees, grass, or water on the moon, only rocks and deserts. There arc many mountains that are from 2 to 5 miles high. There arc at least 30,000 round holes in the moon called craters Some of the craters are half a mile wide, but some are as large as 160 miles wide. A moon is a smaller object in space that goes around a planet Our moon goes around our earth. It takes about 28 days for the moon to go around the earth. At the same time, the moon itself also turns. This takes about 28 days too. This is why one side of the moon is always turned towards the earth. The other side is always turned away. Spaceships went around the moon in the 1960s. They took the first pictures of the back side of the moon. In July 1969, two men from the United States stepped on the moon They took some machines to make some tests. They brought back 48 pounds of rocks from the moon. Scientists have learned many things from that trip to the moon. They have learned that the rock£ are 3.5 billion years old They are not like rocks on the earth. There arc many things about the moon that scientists still do not know. The first trip to the moon was very' important It means that now human beings have walked on a place different from the earth. It is a beginning. It is a step to all the other planets and stars. A Choose the best answers. 1 Scientists want to leam more about the sun and the moon because they are near us. a. people who study science b. people who write books c people who teach in universities 2. The moon does not send out light, it reflects light a. makes light b sends back light from another place. c. shines 3. There are round holes in the moon callcd craters. a. mountains b. rivers c. holes 4. Spaceships went around the moon in the 1960s. a. boats that go on the sea b. airplanes that fly above the earth c. machines that take people off the earth into space. 5. It was a step to all the other planets and stars. a. an example of a planet is the sun b. an example of a planet is the moon c. an example of a planet is the earth B. Decide i f the following statements are true or false. 1. The sun is nearer to us than the moon. 2. The moon looks almost the same size as the sun. 3. The sun reflects ligLt. 4. It is always very cold on the moon. 5. Some of the mountains on the moon are 5 miles high. 6. The largest of the craters on the moon are about half a mile wide. 7. We can see all of the moon. 8. The rocks on the moon are 3.5 billion years old. 9. The rocks from the moon are like rocks on earth. 10. The moon reflects light. READING B PEOPLE WORK AT MANY DIFFERENT JOBS A secretary writes letters, answers the telephone, and meets people. She uses a typewriter every day. She puts papers away in the file cabinet. 39 She stands between her boss and his visitor. She helps her boss to plan hit time and to finish his work. Choice Questions Answer each question with a complete sentence. 1 Does she put papers away in the garbage or in the file cabinet? She puts papers away in the file cabinet. 2 Does a secretary write books or letters? 3 Does she meet the boss or the visitors? 4 Docs she answer the telephone or the typewriter? 5. Docs she use the typewriter every day or every week? Tcachcrs work in schools. They help their students to leam They order books, explain lessons, give homework, and correct papers. At the end of every term, they grade their students. Choice Questions 1. Docs the teacher work in a school or in an office? 2 Does the teacher collect garbage or correct papers? 3. Does the teacher give grades at the beginning or at the end of the term? A porter is a hotel worker who carries the bags of the travelers. He shows the hotel guests to their rooms, and they usually give him some money for his help. A chef works in a hotel or in a restaurant. He plans the meals and cooks the food He often has helpers to cut vegetables, to bake bread, and to prepare the meat. 40 Choice Questions 1. Is the porter a worker or a guest? 2. Does he work in an office or in a hotel? 3. Does he show the travelers their bags or their rooms? 4. Does a chef plan meals or lessons? 5. Does the chef work with other cooks or does he work alone? 6. Do the helpers plan meals or prepare food? An artist uses paper, pens, pencils, and paint to make pictures. She draws pictures for books and magazines. Her pictures are easy to understand. The drawings help to explain the ideas in the book. Choice Questions 1. Does an artist use a pen or a typewriter? 2. Does she use her pen to draw or to correct papers? 3. Does the artist order books or make the pictures for books? One kind of doctor is a surgeon. He works in a hospital. The surgeon operates on sick people; he repairs their bodies. After the operation, he orders medicine. The surgeon watches his patients until they are well. Yes/No Questions (Use these directions for all the yes/no questions) First student Change each sentence into a question. Second student: Answer each question with a short and a long answer. 1. A surgeon is a kind of doctor. 2. The surgeon repairs telephones. 41 3 He operates on sick people. 4 He watchcs his patients until they are sick. 5. The surgeon works in a school. Choice Questions 1 Is the surgeon a doctor or a hotel worker? 2. Docs the surgeon order books or medicine for his patients9 3. Are operations for sick people or for well people? The letter carrier delivers mail He walks from house to house with letters and packages in his bag He also picks up letters from the mailboxes and brings them to the post office. Yes/No Questions 1 The letter carrier brings letters and packages. 2. The letter carrier works in a restaurant. 3. He picks up letters from mailboxes. 4 He walks from house to house 5. The letter carrier brings letters to the post office. Choice Questions 1 Is the letter carrier a hospital worker or a post office worker? 2. Does he pick up letters or visitors9 3. Docs he cam a mailbag or a mailbox? 4. Does he write letters or deliver them? 42 A businessperson works in an office. He plans business activities. He prepares reports and goes to meetings. He learns about buying, selling, and producing things. A business person must hire workers to help him. Yes/No Questions 1. A businessperson works with patients. 2. An office is a place of business. 3. A business person goes to business meetings. 4. Buying and selling are business activities. 5. A businessperson hires other workers. Choice Questions 1. Does a businessperson prepare meals or reports? 2. Does he work in an office or in a school? 3. Does he work together with other people or alone? A firefighter tries to prevent fires by inspecting buildings. He asks people to make their houses safe from fire. When a fire starts, he rides to the building in a fire engine. Firefighters hurry to put out fires and to save people. Yes/No Questions 1. A firefighter works in a post office. 2. He tries to prevent fires. 3. He asks people to throw litter. 4. Firefighters ride to fires in fire engines. 5. They save people from fires. 43 Choice Questions 1. Docs a firefighter start fires or put them out*7 2 Does a firefighter inspect building or food? 3. Do firefighters save people or money? Who- Questions Answer the following questions by giving the kind o f worker who does each activity. Then make ten who- questions o f your own to ask the other students. 1. Who puts out fires? 2. Who draws pictures for books and magazines? 3 Who carries the travelers' bags? 4. Who plans business activities? 5 Who operates on sick people? 6. Who helps her boss to plan his time? 7 WTio grades students at the end of every term? 8 WTio brings letters and packages from house to house? W RITING How many changes have there been in your town in the past few years'9 In about 100 words, describe some o f them and the way they havt affected your life. LISTENING Here are some o f the things Tina said about the cities she visited. Listen and form the comparative and superlative fo r each group o f words as follows: 44 1 Tokyo - London - New York - exciting 2. London - New York - Rome - old 3. London - Rome - New York - Tokyo - old buildings 4. New York - Tokyo - London - parks. TRANSLATION Translate the examples in Language Summary into Vietnamese. LANGUAGE SUM M ARY + These adjectives form the comparative and superlative in a completely irregular way good better best bad worse worst little less least many/much more most far farther farthest (distance) r further furthest (extra or additional) old older/elder oldest/eldest + Comparison of health: well/ill better worse He was very ill last week, but now he's getting better. She wasn't very well this morning, and now she's feeling worse. + These adverbs have an irregular comparative and superlative form well better best badly worse worst late later latest/last 45 little much far less least more most farther (distance) farthest + Much and fa r arc used before comparative adjcctivcs and adverbs, before too, or before more or less. Jane's much/far better. You're much/far too nice. I paid much/far more than I should. There's much/far less water in the river than usual There's fa r too little opportunity fo r adventure these days Before a plural expression many and fa r arc used to strengthen more Far (but not many) is used before too many, too few, fewer and less. There are many/far more people than I expected There are fa r fewer (or less) cinemas than there used to be We've got fa r too many eggs and fa r too few egg-cups With superlative adjectives and adverbs, much and (by) far can be used He's much the most imaginative o f them all. We're walking by fa r the slowest. 46 Unit 5: CONSOLIDATION G RAM M AR A. Identify the one underlined word or phrase A or B that should be corrected or rewritten. 1. California, with a population of more than 23 million, is the more A populous state in America. B 2. The gorilla is much in danger of extinction as is the giant tortoise. A B 3. In man, yellow-blue color blindness is less common as re-green color A B blindness. 4. The area of the United Sates is divided into 50 states, of which the largest is Alaska and the most small is Rhode Island. A B 5. Los Angeles and San Francisco are two of the more visited cities on A B the West Coast. B. Put 'C' i f the sentence is correct. Put X ' i f there is an error in the superlative pattern. 1. They were the most poorest people I had ever seen. 2. When he won the contest, he was the most surprised person than the other contestants. 47 3. I went to Belgium, Holland, and England last year, and I liked Belgium better. 4 Is the Sahara the largest desert in the world? 5 August is hottest and most humid month of the year 6. John, Phyllis, and Mary were all saving money to go to Egypt, and John saved the most. 7. You can use any of these three pens, the red one is the best for marking on heavy material. 8. That place serves the goodcst ice cream in town. C Fit the verbs take, work, do, plant into the sentences below using either a simple present or present continuous form. 1. a) Can I speak to Mrs Laing9 I'm sorry My mother's not at home. S h e ..........some shopping b) Will she be at home tomorrow morning? Yes. S he.........the housework in the mornings. 2. a) Have you got a job for the summer? Yes I in a factory for six weeks, b) WTiat’s the name of his company? H e ......for a company called Metalco. 3. a) WTiere's the best place for these seeds? I alw ays..........them behind the tree. b) WTiere's Tim? He's in the garden H e ...........some flowers. 4. a) Show me how to do the trick. It's simple I the card from the bottom of the pack b) WTiere does Susan go every evening? To evening classes - this month sh e ............a typing course 48 D. Choose the correct tense (simple or continuous) fo r the verbs in brackets. 1. Water (freeze) at 0 ° C. 2. Quick! Take the saucepan off the cooker - the water (boil). 3. She's a dietician - she (help) people to choose the right food. 4. This is how you (make) an omelette. First you (take) three eggs and (break) them... 5. Can't you do it more quietly? You (make) a terrible noise. 6 .1 can't help you now. I (study) for an exam tomorrow. 7. I (spend) my holiday here in Torquay this summer. 8 .1 always (spend) my holidays in Scotland. 9 .1 (do) all the cooking while my wife is in hospital. 10. This boy never (do) what he should do and always (do) what he shouldn't. E. Rewrite the sentences below putting the following words and phrases in the right place (be careful about punctuation). hourly always once never ever twice a week monthly now and then every other day 1. We love Greece so much that I have spent my holidays there. 2. We have our English lessons, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 3. A: When can we hear the news? B: Well, Radio 2 broadcasts a news summary. 4. Have you been to London Zoo in Regent's Park? 5. This international scicntific journal is published except in August. 6. I've only seen the Queen, when she visited the local hospital. 49 7 The museum is open to visitors, on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons 8 Alan must be at the office at eight thirty, so he gets up later than seven thirty. 9 My niece comes to see me, when she happens to come this way READING THE LOSS OF THE 'TITANIC The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891 Even by modern standards, the 46,000 tons Titanic was a colossal ship At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen water-tight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she w ent dow n on her first voy age w ith heavy loss of life Four day s after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision, the Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall oficc which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen water-tight compartments had already been flooded' The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water As there were not enough life-boats for everybody. 1500 lives were lost. Comprehension Questions 1 Where was the Titanic sailing? 2 WTiat was seen by a look-out? 50 3. When did the ship turn sharply? 4. Did it sail alongside the iceberg, or did it collide with it? 5. What was heard from below? 6. What did the captain do? 7. What did he find? 8. WTien did everyone jump overboard? 9. Why were 1500 people drowned? W RITING In not more than 150 words write an imaginary account o f what happened on the Titanic immediately after the order to abandon ship was given. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs. Title: Abandon Ship Introduction. Order to abandon ship unexpected - everyone unprepared. Development: Immediate effect - panic and confusion - people rushing in all directions - crew came up from below - lifeboats lowered - people jumped overboard - struggle to get into lifeboats - lifeboats full. Conclusion. Titanic sank rapidly - people in water - cries of despair - lifeboats moved away. 51 Unit 6: WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S FAMILY 0 Unit Goals Past events Narrating past events The simple past tense ; regular a nd irregular verb forms WARM-UP : Begin telling a story. This can be the first few lines of a stay from the coursebook, or improvised, or the teacher can invite a student to start Then, going round the class, each student has to add another brief 'instalment' to the story. PRESENTATION Read the following news: Top fashion model Gina cried last week when she said goodbye to her pet - a young Siberian wolf called Sasha. She kept the wolf in her Rome apartment, :ook it for walks in the park, and even took it shopping with her. “People were terrified,” complained a neighbour. “1 took a gun with me whenever I went out.” Last week, police told Ms Ricardi that she had to give the wolf up. She gave it to a local zoo. Match these verbs from the text with their base forms. cried said kept took were went told gave give take tell be keep cry go say R egular p a st fo r m s What are the past form s o f these verbs? 52 wait arrive play carry stop wash invite enjoy try plan How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in 'e'? How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in a consonant + y 7 Irregular past form s Student A: Choose a verb from the box and make a sentence in the past. Say buzzed instead o f the verb you chose. Student B: Give the past tense o f the missing verb. see write eat bring wear tell wake drink buy go take fly leave read drive wake have come get lose Examples: A Yesterday I buzzed a good film. B saw A One day she buzzed a gold coin in her garden. B found Exercise 1 Find the correct action fo r each person. Examples: Copernicus studied the planets. Shakespeare wrote plays. °eople Actions Copernicus going to the moon 53 Shakespeare Picasso Neil Amstrong Marco Polo Columbus Edison Exercise 2 inventing the elcctnc light studying the planets painting pictures sailing to America writing plays travelling to China Bob had a lot o f jobs to do last weekend. He didn 't have time to do all of them. Which ones did he do? Examples. He washed the car. He didn't buy a new battery for the car. Weekend Wash car S Write to bank Buy new battery for car Book holiday S Phone sports club S Pay electric bill Paint gate Clean windows S Exercise 3 Write questions to ask about the missing information. 54 Example “I went to Indonesia in 19__” When did you go to Indonesia? 1. “ I went to..............for my last holiday.” Where.................................................... ? 2. “We stayed i n ...............?5 Where.............................. ? 3. “We stayed there for weeks.” How long.......................... ? 4. “We h a d .......................... ..............weather.” Did.................................... good weather? 5. “We travelled round bv H o w ................................. ? 6. “We h a d .......................... .................. food.” Did.................................... ........ good food? SPEAKING Ask and answer questions with another student. Did you go anywhere yesterday? Where? What time? Did you watch anything on TV last night? What? What time? Did you enjoy it? Did you meet anyone y esterday? Who? Where? What time? Did you buy anything last weekend? What ? Where? 55 WRITING Write about a pleasant bad experience that you had. using the simple past tense. VOCABULARY Write the correct word from the box in each blank in the following conversations. reporter daily newsagent headline articlc advertisement 1. “Can 1 get a copy of the Daily Times at an y ___________ ?” “Yes, of course. It’s on sale even in small shops.” 2. “Are you a newspaper___________ ?” “Yes, I work for the Morning Sun.” 3. “Does the Star come out once a week or is it a __________ ?” “It appears every morning.” 4. “How much does it cost to put a n _____________in this paper?” “It’s twelve dollars a line for the first day and ten dollars a line for each of the following days.” 5. “Recently I read a very interesting_______________about new ways of solving crimes.” “What paper was this in?” 6. “There’s a very good story in today’s paper about a young boy and his successful business cleaning windows.” “Was that the story- with t h e ______________ Ladder to Success’?” 56 LISTENING Listen and fin d the answers to the following questions. 1. Who enjoyed their weekend more, the boy or the girl? 2. What did the woman have to eat or drink on the train? 3. Where are the young couple from exactly? 4. Did the young man like the film? What was its title? 5. What is the woman neighbour going to do this weekend? 6. Where and when did the woman buy her pullover? « READING A Read about William Shakespeare ’s family. Complete the family tree. When John Shakespeare married Mary Arden in 1562, they didn’t know that their third child would become the most famous writer in the English language. John was a prosperous businessman, who owned a glove-making factory near Stratford Mary was the daughter of a wealthy landowner in the neighbouring village of Wilmacote. In April 1564, their eldest son, William was bom in Stratford upon-Avon. Not much is known about William’s early life. In December 1582, he married Ann Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer. Their first child, Susanna, was born in May 1583. In February 1585, she gave birth to twins — Hamlet and Judith. Shakespeare's early interest in theatre led him to London, where he spent much of his life away from his family in Stratford. In London, 57 William bccamc the best known playwright of his time In his life, he wrote 37 plays, the best known of which arc Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. He also wrote a large number of poems. He only returned to Stratford to live with the family for the last four years of his life When Shakespeare died in 1616, he was survived by his wife and his two daughters. His son, Hamlet, had died in 1596. and William Shakespeare and ________ born: .......................... died: ......................... I I bom:..................... bom:................. bom:.................... died: ...1596 ... READING B Read the passage. When you finish, you will answer the questions that follow. A BRIEF HISTORY OF HORSES WITH HUMANS For many thousands of years, people hunted for horses to cat In fact, horse meat was a very common food. Then, about 6.000 vears ago, people discovered that horses were useful, too. Somewhere in southern Russia and west Central Asia, people first began to use horses to \sork for them. 58 This discovery changed human history. People were able to travel faster and farther with horses. They were able to leave their own land. Many people went to distant lands, met new people, and saw new places. For many centuries, until railroads were built, people everywhere depended on horses to work and to travel. In fact, horses worked to help build the roads and railroads we use today. They also worked on farms. They pulled fire engines and ambulances in cities. Horses were indispensable to people for a very long time. Read the following questions. Then go back to the passage and scan quickly fo r the answers. 1. When did people discover that horses were useful? 2. Where did this discovery happen? 3. Where did these people use horses for? 4. How did horses help to win wars? 5. What were some uses for horses in the past? 6. The main idea of this passage is a. People discovered horses 6,000 years ago. b For a long time, horses were useful to people, c. Horses helped people to win many wars against enemies. 59 LANGUAGE SUMMARY I started Did I start9 I did not (didn't) start You started Did you start9 You did not (didn't) start He/she/it started Did he/she/it start? He/she/it did not (didn't) start We started Did we start? We did not (didn't) start They started Did they start9 They did not (didn't) start Was and Were I was Was I9 I was not (wasn't) You were Were you? You were not (weren't) He/she/it was Was he/she/it9 He/she/it was not (wasn’t) We were Were we? We were not (weren’t) They were Were they? They were not (weren't) 60 Unit 7: LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE Unit Goals Saying what was happening The p a st continuous When an d While clauses WARM-UP In pairs or small groups the students think of as many words as they can in two minutes that they know were originally English but are commonly used in their own language (Vietnamese). Write up all the words on the board. Alternatively, do the activity as a competition and see which group has the most words. Gr a m m a r Presentation Ye$terday Tom and Tim played table tennis. They began at 10 o’clock and finished at 11 o’clock. What were they doing at 10.30? They were playing table tennis (at 10.30). “The^ were playing” means that they were in the middle of playing tennis. They had started playing but they hadn’t finished. This is the Past Continuous tense: I/he/she was playing We/they/you were playing We use the past continuous to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but hadn’t finished: 61 - This time last year 1 was living in Quang Ngai - What were you doing at 9 o'clock last night9 We often use the past continuous (I was doing) and the past simple (I did) together to say that something happened in the middle of something else: - Quang burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner - I saw Linh in the park She was sitting on the grass and reading a book. - It was raining when 1 got up. - While 1 t o working in the garden, 1 hurt my back Exercises A A group o f people w ere staying in a hotel. One evening the fire alarm rang. Use the words in the brackets to make sentences saying what each person was doing at the time. Example: (Don / have / a bath) Don was having a bath. 1. (Mai / write / a report in her room) M a i..................................................................................... 2. (Quang / get / ready to go out) Quang ................................................................................. 3. (Tuyet and Huong / have/dinner) Tuyet and H uong............................................................. 4. (Tom / make / a phone call) T o m ..................................................................................... B Put the verb in the correct form, past continuous or past simple Example: While Tom was cooking (cook) the dinner, the phone rang (ring). 1. George ........ (fall) off the ladder while he (paint) the ceiling. 2. Last night 1 ........... (read) in bed when suddenly I (hear) a scream. 62 3. . (you / watch) television when I phoned you? 4 Ann (wait) for me when I .............(arrive). 5. Tom look) (take) a photograph for me while 1 ......... (not / C. These sentences make four different stories. Which sentences go together? Tell each story using when or while. READING A A. Read the passage. When you finish, you will answer the questions that follow. LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE Some people leam a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself leam a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can leam, you will leam. BE patient. You do not have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you leam something new. We can leam from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry' about taking risks. The second step is to practise your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that y our writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can practise with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English. tThe third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After each class, think about what you did Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the 63 teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but >ou tried to understand it Write these accomplishments in your journal You must be positive about learning English and believe that you can do it. It is important to practise every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will feel more confident in yourself. Read the following questions. Then go back to the passage and scan quickly for the answers. Write them in the space under each question. 1. Are there ways to make learning a second language easier9 a. Yes b. No 2. How many steps are there?____________________________ 3. Describe each step. Then give one example of each step, a. b. c. 4. WTiat is the main idea of this passage? a. It is very important to leam a second language b. Some people leam a second language easily. Other people do not. c. There are ways to help you leam a second language more easilv. 64 READING B W HY LEARN ENGLISH? Jin Lee has studied English for a long time. Read the story and find out: How does he feel about learning English? I am a fourth - year student at a good university in Korea. I will graduate in four months and take a job with a company in a small town near Seoul. I have spent almost 10 years learning English. And let me tell you, it has been a waste of time. To begin with, I will probably never use English in my work. My job will be with a taxi company. Everyone speaks Korean. The owner of the company is Korean and all of employees are Korean, too. The taxi drivers themselves do not need to speak English because there are very few foreign visitors in our small town. 1 don’t need English in my free time, either. If I want to read about what is happening in foreign countries, I can read Korean newspapers and magazines. I can leam all about other countries by reading in my native language, not English. And of course all the television stations carry international stories, so I don’t have to watch the news in English in order to understand what is happening all over the world. I think of the many hours, days, weeks, even years that I spent in school and at home studying English. Just think of what else I could have studied instead of English. I could have studied more history, so that I could understand my country better. Or I could have read more literature, to help me understand the great writers of my country. Instead, I spent so much time studying English. And for what reason? So I could pass examination? What a terrible waste of time. 1 really can’t understand why people need to study English for many so years. 65 Hit at do yo u think? Which opinions do you agree with? Check as many as you want 1. English is the most important international language We should all study it until we're good at it, even if it takes several years. 2. If you need English for work or travel, you should leam it. But not everybody needs to leam it - for a lot of people, it's just a waste of time and energy. 3. You may think you don't need English now, but who knows? You might need it in the future. So, it's better to be prepared 4 I think learning a foreign language is very important But it doesn't have to be English Other languages are important, too, especially the languages of neighbouring countries. 5. We should study English but not for so long. The people who really need it can continue to study it if they want. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. LISTENING 1. The pictures tell the story o f how a man first met his wife. Try to put them in the correct order. Can you guess the story? 2. Listen to the story on the tape, and check that you have put the pictures in the correct order. 3. How many o f these questions can you answer? What was the man writing? What was his friend's name? What kind of party w as it? Whose part> was it? What was the weather like? WTiat colour clothes was the woman wearing? Why did she have a suntan? 66 SPEAKING Walk around the class and ask at least ten other students the questions below, then fill in the grid their answers in note form and be ready to let your teacher know how many people had similar answers to your : questions. Where were you at three o’clock this morning? What were you doing? Where were you at eight o’clock this morning? What were you doing? Where were you two years ago? What were you doing? Where were you in August last year? What were you doing? 3 am 8 am two years ago last August Student 1 Student 2 Student 10 67 WRITING 1. Rew rite the follow ing passage putting the verbs in brackets in the past continuous tense. When I (walk) down the street, 1 heard a shout. A small boy (shout) for help. He (hold) his stomach. A car (pass) and 1 stopped it When we (drive) to the hospital, the boy (cry) with pain When we got tQ the hospital, some nurses (wait). They (take) him away when I remembered to ask his name and address. 1 went to his parents' house and they immediately went to the hospital. Two weeks later I met the boy again when I (walk) to work. He thanked me for help 2. Think o f something that happened to you. or invent something Write your story using the past continuous and past simple. Then show your story to the persons sitting next to you asking them to guess whether it is true or was invented. VOCABULARY Circle the word that does not belong with the other w ords Tell why the other three words go together. 1. chemistry, geography, mathematics, navy 2. newspaper, journal, radio, magazine 3. jeans, denim, nvers, leather 4. advertisement, competitor, inventor, athlete 5. disease, space, solar system, comet 6. heart disease, harmless, cancer, sickness 68 LANGUAGE SUMMARY Past simple & Past continuous Past simple: for events in the past He burned his hand. Past continuous: for things that were going on at the time. He was frying an egg. Past continuous tense Was(n’t)/ were(n’t) + -ing She was writing a letter. They weren’t working. Was she writing a letter? What were you doing? when & while Past continuous + when + past simple He was frying an egg when he burned his hand. Past simple + while/ when + past continuous He burned his hand while he was frying an egg. 69 Unit 8: FAMOUS PEOPLE Unit Goals Talking about experience Agreeing with som eone's likes or dislikes The present perfect tense with 'ever' So, neither, too, either WARM-UP Divide the class into groups of four or five. The students then take it in tuns to tell a story which is either true with fantasy elements added, or wholly true; though difficult to believe, or wholly untrue. The other students listen and say which elements, if any, are true. G R A M M A R Presentation Study this example conversation: Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora? Nora: Yes, I've been to 25 different countries. Nora's life Dave: Really? Have you ever been to Vietnam? Nora: Yes, I’ve visited Vietnam twice. past present Dave: What about India9 Nora: No, I've never been to India. When we talk about a period of time that continues up to the present, we use the present perfect. Nora and Dave are talking about the places Nora has visited in her life (which is a period continuing up to the present). 70 We often use ever and never with the present perfect: Have you ever eaten caviar? We have never had a car. Exercise You are asking someone about things s/he has done in his/her life. Use the words in brackets to make your questions. Example: (you / ever / be / to Italy?) Have you ever been to Italy? 1. (you ever / be / to South America?) 2. (you / read / any English books?) 3. (you / live / in this town all your life?) 4. (how many times / you / be in love?) 5. (what’s the most beautiful city / you / ever / visit?) 6. (you ever / speak / to a famous person?) So; neither; too; either - “I’m feeling tired.” “So am I.” (= I'm feeling tired too) - “I never read newspapers.” “Neither do I.” (= I never read them either) - I passed the exam and so did Tim. (not “so Tim did”) “N o t... either” can be used instead of “neither” and “nor”: - “I haven’t got any money.” “Neither have I.” or “I haven’t either.” Exercise You are talking to someone. You have the same ideas, taste etc. as your friend. Use So., or Neither each time. Example'. I’m feeling tired. So am I. I don’t like eggs. Neither do I. 71 1. 1 need holiday 3. I was ill yesterday 2. 1 don’t like milk. 4. I should smoke less 3. I couldn’t get up this morning. 5. I spent the whole evening 1. I’d love a cup of tea. watching television. 6. I didn’t know that Ann was in 2. I’ve never been to Africa. hospital. Agreeing with someone’s likes - I ’m crazy about football. - Are you? I am, too./ So am 1/ Me, too. / 1 like it, too or - 1 really like football. - Do you? 1 do, too./ So do 1/ Me, too Say that you are crazy about or that you like the follow ing things and people very much. Your partner will agree. 1. football 4. the Beatles 7. travelling 2. exercising 5. Trinh Cong Son 8. Britney Spears 3. Huynh Due 6. opera Agreeing with someone’s dislikes -I don’t like beef noodles very much. can't stand beef noodles. - (No,) neither do I./ I don’t either /1 can’t either./ neither can 1 or - 1 hate beef noodles. - (Yes.) So do I. I do, too 72 Say that you don't like five o f the following things. Your partner will agree. 1. hamburgers 4. speaking English 2. rock n’ roll 5. modem art 3. mystery stories 6. camping READING A. Read the descriptions o f two famous people. Underline the parts that describe their main influence on their people. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) Very few scientists have inspired the kind o f heated controversies that this man’s work provoked. His observations on the lonely Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador made him famous, but they also created controversies about humanity’s beginnings - issues that still anger people and incite politicians and religious leaders across the world. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Like a magnificent earthquake, the invention of the camera shook the foundations of the art world, and this artist was among the first to pick up the pieces. What he did with those pieces, rearranging and recombining them, changed forever the way we would appreciate and evaluate painting. Few artists in history have had this kind of impact or influence. B. I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and 73 has gone to Alicc Spring, a small town in the centrc of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin From there, he will fly to Perth My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting Answer these questions about the text: 1 What has the writer just received from his brother, Tim17 2. Is Tim an engineer, or is he a doctor'’ 3. How long has he been in Australia9 4. Has he already visited many places or not9 5. Where is he now? 6. Has Tim ever been abroad before or not? 7. Is he enjoying his trip very much or not9 SPEAKING Ask and answer. A: Have you ever read/ seen/ been to .......9 B: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t./ Not yet A: What did you think of it9 B: Great./ Not bad./ OK./1 didn't like it./ WRITING Imagine you are visiting Hue City Danang City. According to plan, you are going to stay in this city fo r one week, and this is your fifth dax in the city. Write a postcard to an English friend o f yours telling him her what you have done (places o f interest you have been to. the kinds o f food vou have eaten, how many photographs you have taken, etc) so far The postcard might begin like this: 74 Dear James, How are you? I’m writing you from Hue/ Danang City. I have been in this city for five days and have done a lot of interesting things. I have visited........................... LISTENING How long have these people been in Britain? Listen and write the number o f weeks, months, or years they have been there. 1 6 '/z weeks............................ 5...................................... 2 ..............6..................................... 3........................................................ 7....................................... 4. .....................................................8...................................... TRANSLATION Translate the following sentences into English using the present perfect tense. B an da bao gid th a m Cong vien Suoi T ien 6 T hu Dvfc chUa? 2. B an da bao gid d