🔙 Quay lại trang tải sách pdf ebook Giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thương mại II Ebooks Nhóm Zalo SỞ GIÁO ĐỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HÀ NỘI DÙNG TRONG CÁC TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC CHUYÊN NGHIỆP UYÊN LIỆU SỞ G IÁ O D Ụ C VÀ D À O T Ạ O H À N Ộ I TRẨN THỊ PHƯONG MAI {Chủ biẽn) GIÁO TRÌNH ENGLISH F0R BUSINESS II (Dùng trong các trường T H C N ) ĨđạihỘcthẩinguyềnỊ! Ị tRIìKG TẰM HỌC LIỆU j NHÀ XUẤT BẢN HÀ NỘI - 2007 Chú bién: TRÂN THỊ PHƯƠNG MAI Tham gia biên soạn: Đ Ỗ THỊ KIM O A N H N G U Y Ễ N THỊ BÍCH N G Ọ C 2 Lời giới thiêu A 7 ước la dang bước vào thời kỳ công nghiệp hóa, hiện 1 V dại hóa nhằm dưa V iệt Nam trở thành nước công lìglĩiệp văn m inh, hiện đại. Trong sự nghiệp cách m ạng to lớn đó, công tác đ ào tạo nhản lực luôn giữ vai trò quan trọng. Báo cáo C hính trị của Ban C hấp hành Trung ương Đ áng C ộng sán V iệt N am tại Đ ại hội Đ ảng toàn quốc lần th ứ IX đ ã c h ỉ rõ: “ Phát triển giáo dục và đào tạo là m ột trong những động lực quan trọng thúc đẩy sự nghiệp công nghiệp hóa, hiện đạ i hóa, là điều kiện để phát triển nguồn lực con người - yếu tố cơ bản để phát triển xã hội, tăng trưởng kinh tế nhanh và bền vững” . Quán triệt chủ trương, N ghị quyết của Đ áng và N hà nước và nhận thức đúng đắn v ề tầm quan trọng của clìươììg trình, giáo trình đối với việc nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo, theo đê nghị của S ở Giáo dục và Đ ào tạo H à N ộ i, ngày 23/912003, Úy ban nliân dân thànli phô' H à N ộ i đ ã ra Q uyết định s ố 5620/Q Đ -U B cho pliép S ở G iáo dục và Đ ào tạo thực hiện đ ề án biên soạn chương trình, giáo trình trong các trường Trung học chuyên nghiệp (T H C N ) H à N ội. Q uyết định này th ể hiện sự quan tâm sâu sắc của Thành ủy, U B N D rliànli phô' trong việc nâng cao chất lượng dào tạo và p h á t triển nguồn nhãn lực Thủ đô. Trên cơ sở chương trình khung của Bộ G iáo dục và Đào tạo ban hành và những kinh nghiệm rút ra từ thực t ế đào tạo S ờ G iáo dục và Đ ào tạo đ ã ch ì đạo các trường T H C N tổ chức biên soạn chương trình, giáo trình m ộ t cách khoa hoc hê 3 thống và cập nhật những kiến thức thực tiễn p h ù hợp với đối tượng học sinh T H C N H à N ội. Bộ giáo trình này là tài liệu giảng dạ y và học tập trong các trường T H C N ở H à N ội, đồng thời là lài liệu tham klìảo hữu ích cho các trườiig có đào tạo các ngành kỹ thu ậ t - nghiệp vụ và đông đảo bạn đọc quan tâm đến vấn đ ề hướng nghiệp, dạy nghề. V iệc tổ chức biên soạn bộ chương trìn h , giáo trình này là m ộ t trong nhiều hoạt động th iết thực của ngành giáo dục và đ ào tạo T hủ đô đ ể kỷ niệm đ‘50 năm giải p h ó n g T h ủ đ ô ", "50 năm thànli lập ngành " và hướng tới kỷ niệm "1000 năm T hăng Long - H à N ội S ớ G iáo dục và Đ ào tạo H à N ộ i chân tlìànli cám ƠII Tliủnh ủy, U BN D , các sở, ban, ngành của Thành phô', V ụ G iáo dục chuyên nghiệp Bộ Giáo dục và Đ ào tạo, các nhà khoa liọc, các chuyên gia đầu ngành, các giảng viên, các nhà quản lý, các nhà doanh nghiệp đ ã tạo điêu kiện giúp đỡ, dóng góp ý kiến, tliam gia H ội đồng phản biện, H ội đồng thẩm địnlì và H ội đổng nghiệm thu các chương trình, giáo trình. Đ ây là lần đầu tiên s ỏ G iáo dục và Đ ào tạo H ừ N ộ i lổ chức biên soạn chương trinh, giáo trình. D ù đ ã h ế t sức cô gắng nhưng chắc chắn kliông tránli kh ỏ i thiếu sót, bất cập. C hủng tôi m ong nhận được những ỷ kiến đó n g góp cù a bạn đọc đ ể từng bước hoàn thiện bộ giáo trình trong các lần tái bản sau. GIÁM ĐỐC SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TAO 4 INTRODUCTION AIMS OF THE BOOK E n g lish fo r B u sin ess I I is a course book in English designed for students who are learning courses on business application. The book covers the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and w riting, as well as im proving pronunciation and building vocabulary. Particular em phasis is placed on reading. The prim ary goal of the book is to provide gram m atical know ledge, som e technical term s, words relating to business area, that is, to better the students’ ability to use the language according to professional situations and apply to practical job. COURSE LENGTH The course contains 150 hours of class instruction tim e, o f w hich hours for theory and 80 hours for practice. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK The book is divided into 10 main units and 2 review units. Each m ain unit focuses on a topic related to a professional situation and follow s the same teaching sequence. Keys, w ordlist, appendix, tape-script, inform ation file and language reference are at the back o f the book as the reference for teachers and students. Structure of a main unit P resentation includes suggested questions aim ing to provide useful inform ation involved in the topic given in the unit and to develop vocabulary as well as speaking skill. Listening The listening activities develop a wide variety of listening strategies, including listening for gist, listening for details and inferring m eaning from 5 context. Charts or graphics are often accom pany red with these task-based exercises to lend support to students. R eading The reading has tw o parts: a text and introduction to different kinds o f business level. The readings develop a variety o f reading strategies, including reading for details, skim m ing, scanning and m aking inferences. Som etim es included are pre-reading and post-reading questions in w hich the topic o f the reading is used as a springboard to discussion. Language S tu d y The new gram m ar o f each unit is presented and is follow ed by practice activities. D ifferent kinds o f exercises for speaking and gram m atical drills such as pair work, group work, or role-play provide more opportunities for student practice of the new language item s that have ju st been presented. Vocabulary develops students' vocabulary through a variety o f interesting tasks, such as word m ap and collocation exercises. V ocabulary activities are usually followed by w ritten or oral practice that helps students understand how to use the vocabulary in context. Speaking teaches students how to present an issue. Speaking tasks involve the use of new structures and words, concentrating on the topic o f the unit. W riting The w riting exercises include practical w riting tasks that ex ten d and reinforce the teaching points in the unit and help develop students' w riting skills. Review units The review units consolidate the students' knowledge learned from five previous units with a variety o f practical exercises. METHOD OF STUDY E nglish fo r B u sin ess I I teaches students how to use E nglish for very popular professional situations. Students are provided w ith useful language from the course book. In addition, students have the opportunity to personalize the language they have learnt, m ake use of their own language and experiences and express their ideas and opinions. In order to study the m ost effectively, students m ust be hard-w orking, active, try to read m ore references and to m em orize vocabulary as well. O utside classroom practice is also a good studying m ethod. 6 U N IT 1. M E E T IN G P E O P L E Page 11 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS • Getting information • Describing jobs • W riting personal profiles LANGUAGE STUDY • Introduction • Prepositions- jobs • Wh- question forms, Present Simple tense 2. O N T H E P H O N E Page 28 • Starting calls • Taking and leaving m essages • A sking for and giving repetition • Ending a call • Can / could / m ay 1 1 • Can / could / would you? • Instant decisions: I'll PRONUNCIATION • W ord stress • Spelling the alphabet, saying telephone num ber VOCABULARY • Countries and nationalities • Job titles U N IT 3. M E E T IN G Page 50 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS • Stating and asking for opinions • Interrupting and handling interruptions • M aking suggestions • A sking for and giving clarification • Justifying decisions • D elaying decisions • Ending the m eeting • Telephoning expressions • lend and borrow 4. C O M P A N Y Page 68 • C om pany profiles • Facilities • O rganizations • D escribing responsibilities • T alking about current activities • C om pany strengths 7 LANGUAGE STUDY • Should • Expressing opinions • G oing to (future) • Wliv d o n 't we ?/ • Shall we 9 We could • Present continuous, present sim ple tenses • H avel H as got • It is/ There is/ T h ere are PRONUNCIATION • Vowel sounds • -s ending: /s/, / z /, / iz / VOCABULARY • Phrasal verbs • C om pany departm ents • C om pany activities U N IT 5. PROD UCTS - SERV ICES Page 85 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS • E xplaining technical processes • D escription • Size and dim ension LANGUAGE STUDY • A djectives • was and were • W hat was it like? • D im ensions PRONUNCIATION • W ords with different spellings that sound the sam e 6. V ISIT IN G A C O M PA N Y Page 1 1 1 • A chievem ents • D escribing system s and processes • C om pany history • Present Perfect and Past Sim ple tenses • F or and sin ce , ever and never • Passive voice • Sequencers • V ow el sounds VOCABULARY • M ake and do collocations 8 U N IT 7. B U SIN E SS T R A V E L S Page 131 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS • A ir travel • Rules and regulations • Future possibilities • Com pany policy LANGUAGE STUDY • M odals expressing obligation • M ustn't and don't have to • Open conditionals PRONUNCIATION • Voiced and unvoiced consonant sounds 8. C O M P A R IN G IN F O R M A T IO N Page 148 • C om paring sales figures • C om paring com panies • C om paring countries • C om paratives and superlatives -er / m ore than... as... as. The - est / the most... • Stress patterns in words VOCABULARY • Travel-related words • Jobs and occupations Suffixes: -er /-est U N IT 9. D E A L IN G W IT H P R O B L E M S Page 166 10. D E V E L O P M E N T S Page 183 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS • Talking about consequences • Hypothesizing • C om plaining and apologizing • M aking suggestions • D iscussing solutions • D iscussing im provem ents • D escribing changes • D escribing graphs • G iving reasons 9 LANGUAGE STUDY • w ould / m ight / could • V erbs o f change: rise, • Second conditional fa ll, etc. • Supposing.... • A djectives and adverbs PRONUNCIATION • Contrastive in • W ords w ith silent letters sentences VOCABULARY • Term s of trade • C harts and graphs 10 Unit 1 MEETING PEOPLE Objectives • M astering P resent Sim p le tense • G reeting and responding • Introducing yourself and the others • Form ing appropriate manner. Contents Language fu n ctio n s: G etting inform ation D escribing jobs W riting personal profiles Language study: Pronunciation: Introduction P repositions-jobs W h- question form s, Present Sim ple tense W ord stress V ocabulary: C ountries and nationalities Job titles 11 PRESENTATION I. Do you know the other people in the class? Introduce yourself to everyone. Good afternoon. M y nam e is......a nd I work fo r i in ......... II. Look at the people in the photographs. 1. W here are they? 2. Is it a form al or inform al situation? 3. W hat are they doing? 12 III. Listen to the conversations and match each one to the correct picture. {1} IV. Listen to the first conversation again and complete this conversation. Louise M r V elazquez.................................you to Peter Brien. P eter,................Mr V elazquez o f Telefonica de España. M r V elazquez .......................................... :..................? Peter ..............................................................? Louise Peter works for our New York branch. H e’s.......................... international accounts. LISTEN IN G I. Put the following conversation in the right order. Write numbers in the boxes. The first has been done for you. Then listen to the second conversation again and check your answers. {2} o S ven o T h o m a s o T h o m a s o S ven o T h o m a s o T h o m a s o V ila Not bad, thanks.^ Yes, I do. How are you, Sven?t W elcom e to Oxford. It’s nice to see you again. Fine. Thanks, Thom as. A nd you?r Good. L et’s go upstairs and have som e coffee. Fine. How was your trip?- )>And you? Do you know my colleague, Sven O lsen? II. Listen to the third conversation again and correct the mistakes in these sentences. {3} Boh, Liz and Luigi are in an office, a pub a. It’s the m orning. b. Liz and Guigi are colleagues. c. Luigi is in the banking business. READING I. Read this article about a businessman called George Wong. Suggest possible words to fill the spaces. 13 G E O R G E W O N G ____ In his free tim e, G eorge listens to Rock m usic...............(4) likes bands like Led Z eppelin and T R ex. He has ten ............. (5), including a Ferrati 512T R , an A ston M artin Lagonda, a L am borghini D iablo, three M ercedes, and a M ini. I t’s an unusual M ini..............(6) it has a television, fridge and karaoke George W ong c o m e s . . 1) Italy but he lives in Hong Kong. H e’s sixty-five years...........(2) age, very successful, and h e.............(3) his job. He is Chairm an of Parkview, a property development, ship building, and distribution business. m achine inside. George hates num bers. He says h e............ (7) bad............. (8) things like balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, and he also.............(9) ties. He never.............(10) one. Below a re som e a n sw e rs. R ead th e a rtic le a g ain a n d m a k e q u e stio n s fo r these an sw ers. ............................U........................................................................ He com es from Taiw an. 2................................................................................................................. He lives in H ong Kong. 3................................................................................................................................................ H e’s 45. 4............................... ............................................................................................................. G eorge listens to Rock music. 14 His M ini has a television, fridge and karaoke m achine inside. II. Read the text below and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The N ikkei W eekly is w ritten in Japanese. © 2. It reports stories from A m erican new spapers and m agazines. © 3. N ikkei is a large publisher. © 4. Three m illion people read the N ikkei W eekly © Do you want to know what the Japanese are thinking? (T h en read w h at th e y 're re a d in g ) Every week the N ikkei W eekly reports in English all the m ajor stories appearing in the Japanese business new spapers and m agazines. You get the sam e new s the Japanese are getting. The N ikkei W eekly is published by N ikkei, the num ber one business new spapers and m agazines including the Nihon K eizai Shim bun, which has a circulation of 3,000,000. Through these publications, N ikkei gives the Japanese people the news and views that shape what they are thinking. If you want to know w hat the Japanese are thinking, read the N ikkei W eekly. 15 III. Read the text again and answer these questions. 1. W ho’s N ikkei? 2. How m any people read the N ikkei W eekly in Japan? 3. W hat things does N ikkei give the Japanese? LANGUAGE STUDY • Prepositions- jobs • W h- question forms, Present Sim ple tense I. Five people are visiting your company this morning. Look at their business cards, ask and answer questions about them. W hat’s his/ her nam e? W here does he/ she work? W hat nationality is he/ she? W ho does he/ she w ork for? W hat’s his/ her position in the com pany? 16 IV. Here are some answers, but what are the questions? 1. How do you do? 2. Perez. 3. P-E-R -E-Z. 4. I’m A m erican. 5. No, I’m single. 6. Honda. 7. They produce and sell cars. 8. R & D departm ent. 9. I'm an engineer. 10. English, Spanish, and French. W rite som e q u e stio n s to ask a p a rtn e r. A sk a b o u t: • their com pany • their job • their responsibilities • their hobbies and interests. V. Study the words in bold type in these sentences. I’m a financial controller. (a! an + job) an accountant. I work f o r IBM. I’m in m arketing. the chem icals business, chem icals. C o m p lete th is c o n v e rsa tio n . Use a, an, fo r , a n d in A W hat do you do for a living? B I ’m ..£?... com puters. A R eally? W ho do you work..... ? (fo r + em ployer) (in + type o f w ork) B M icrosoft. I’m...i.'.V-.. financial m anager. W hat about you? A I w ork.........Ford. B So, y o u 're ..¿ ii the car business? A Yes. I 'm ................. accountant. 18 C o m p lete th ese sen ten ces a b o u t yourself. 1. I’m a / a n . ..............'..,*,uL........................... 2 . 1 w ork for........................................................... 3. I’m in.................................................................. 4. I’m in charge o f................................................ 5. I’m responsible for.......................................... 6. I’m responsible to.......................................... T h in k o f th re e people you w ork w ith. W rite th e ir n am es a n d jo b titles. Exam ple: N am e Job titles Richard Baldw in Personnel M anager D irector 1..................................................................................................... 2................................................................................................... 3 .............................................................................................................................. Now w rite som e sen ten ces a b o u t th e ir jo b s. G uessin g gam e Think o f a job. Take it in turns to describe it to the w hole class. Your classm ates can m ake questions to get more inform ation about the job. They have to guess what the jo b is. PRO N U N CIA TIO N I. Listen to these words. Mark the syllable where the main stress falls. {4} Exam ple international a. construction e. European b. engineer f. responsible c. headquarters g. responsibilities d. financial h. nationality II. Now practise saying the words. Make sure you stress the right syllable. 19 VOCABULARY Sony is a J a p a n e s e com pany. The headquarters are in J a p a n . I I nationality country I. W h at a b o u t these co m p an ies? 1. H onda 6. L ’Oréal 2. IBM 7. R olls-R oyce 3. Olivetti 8. Nestlé 4. Ericsson 9. Siem ens 5. N orsk H ydro 10. Philips II. Complete the chart below. C o u n try N atio n ality Japan Japanese The USA r ' Italian Sweden N orw egian France British Sw itzerland G erm an The N etherlands A rgentina G reek Turkey Portugal 20 III. What countries and organizations does your company have contact with? IV. Which divisions would you expect the following people to work in? a. assem bly-line w orker....................... b. graduate trainee...................... c. accounts clerk...................... d. sales executive...................... e. office supervisor...................... f. scientist...................... g. personnel officer..................... h. forem an...................... W hich departm ent/s would you be most interested in w orking in? W hy? V. Complete the sentences using the prepositions in the box below. in fo r with to o f 1. The forem an is...... 11?..........charge...... £ ..........the w orkers in his section. 2. The production m anager reports................... the m anaging director. She is responsible................... the smooth running o f production. 3. Jane w orks.................. com puters. She d eals.................... custom er support. 4. The personnel officer is responsible................... the m anaging director. SPEA K IN G I. Work in twos or threes. You are participants at an international conference. Toss a coin to move. • Heads: move one square • Tails: m ove two squares Follow the instructions on each square and start a conversation. The first person to finish is the winner. 21 You see an old friend. G reet him/her. Ask another person about their company. N am e three countries which begin with the letter ‘B ’. Ask another person where they com e from. THE Introduce two people to one another. Ash another person about th eir family. N am e two countries where you bow when Nam e four countries you w ant to visit on holiday. ASk another person at the conference what their job is. Introduce yourself to another person at the conference. You arrive at the conference hotel. G o to the reception desk and register. CONFERENCE GAME It’s tim e to go hom e. Say goodbye to your new friends. you m eet som eone. A sk another person abour th eir hobbies and interests Exchange business cards with another participant. Say ‘thank you’ in three different languages. A sk another person about the departm ent or division they work in. II. Interview a partner about their learning objectives. 1. W hy do they want to learn English? 2. W ho do they want to com m unicate with in E nglish? 3. W hat do they w ant to practise most: reading, w riting, listening or speaking? 4. How m any hours a week do they spend learning English? 5. W hat equipm ent and m aterials do they have to help them learn E nglish? 6. W hat equipm ent and m aterials do they w ant to buy? 22 III. Work in groups. Practise introducing people. Introduce: • tw o people in a form al situation. • tw o people in an inform al situation. • yourself at a com pany reception desk. • yourself to a new colleague. • yourself to a foreign visitor you are m eeting at an airport. The phrases below will help you. M ay I introduce you to.....? ......this is....... How do you do? How do you do? Do you know ....? .....this is.... H ello./ Hi. Pleased/ N ice to m eet you. G ood afternoon/ G ood morning. I have an appointm ent to see.... My nam e is..... I d o n ’t think w e’ve met. I ’m.... Excuse me. A re you M rs Susan? I’m ..... IV. When do we say good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night? V. Now work in pairs. You are meeting your partner at the airport. The notes below and the conversation above will help you. S tu d e n t A S tu d e n t B Introduce yourself. C heckyour p a rtn e r's name. Confirm your partner is right. Welcome your pa rtn er to your country. Thank your p artn er. Ask your p a rtn e r a b o u t th e flight. Tell your p a rtn e r a b o u t th e flight. Offer help with th e luggage/ baggage. A ccept th e offer of help. 23 VI. Work in pairs. S tu d e n t B: You a re d riv in g a v isito r to th e c e n tre o f M ilan in Ita ly from the a irp o rt. Tell y o u r p a rtn e r so m eth in g a b o u t M ilan . T h e n o tes below will help you. S tu d e n t A: Ask y o u r p a rtn e r fo r in fo rm a tio n a b o u t M ilan . Milan Attractions: Cathedral, C astle Sforza, G alleria V ittorio E m anuele II (shopping arcade) La Scala opera house Fashionable shopping streets Distance: Florence: 250km / Rome: 4 5 0km /T urin: 120 km P opulation: 1,000,000 (approx) Economy: banking, fashion, engineering and chem ical industries WRITING I. Read the profile of Peter Sung and then write another profile about yourself. Use the points below to help you. name com pany R esponsibilities nationality position in the com pany hobbies hom e town PETER SUNG My nam e is P eter Sung and I’m Scottish. I live in H adlow , a lovely English village near London, and I w ork for the Swire G roup, B ritain’s largest private com pany. The G roup’s activities are divided into five business areas: shipping, aviation, property, industries, and trading. O ur best know n com pany is C arthey Pacific Airways. I work at our London head office; I'm head o f C orporate F inance, and I'm responsible for developing the business o f the Group. I’m alw ays very busy and I d o n ’t have m uch free tim e, but w hen I do, I like skiing and I grow m y ow'n vegetables, just for fun. 24 II. A visitor is coming to your company. You are meeting him/ her for the first time. Write down some questions you can ask. /. 3. 4. 5. III. Look at this list of participants for an IT conference in Toronto. Use the information below to help you fill in the gaps, as in the example. Ms Ishikazi's first nam e is M inako. M inako and A licia are colleagues. The Spanish w om an lives with Igor. M r Nanni is a salesm an. The translator is 28 M inako and M iho are both Japanese. Igor and M iho are the sam e age. TORONTO 5™ INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE Nam e /fá ra á 1 Ishikazi Igor Teploukliin Claudio ...............4 Alicia Lopez M iho Ikuta Company Telefonica LRC IBM Sony Jol> Systems analyst Engineer Salesman 5 Designer Nationality Japanese Russian Italian Spanish .............6 Resident e Barcelona ....................3 Rome Madrid Tokyo Age 26 32 43 28 .............7 W rite som e se n te n c es a b o u t each o f them . 25 NEW W ORDS after sales service (n) dịch vụ sau bán hàng auditor (n) kiểm toán viên Board o f D irector (n) Ban giám đốc cable system (n) hệ thống cáp cam paign (n) chiến dịch cash m anagem ent (n) việc quản lý tiền tệ com m unication system (n) hệ thống thông tin construction business (n) ngành kinh doanh xây dựng corporate finance (n) tài chính công ty custom er accounts (n) kế toán khách hàng deal with (v) giao dịch với distribution (n) sự phàn phối executive m anagem ent (n) quản lý điều hành finance controller (n) k ế toán trường/ người kiểm soát tài chính financial service (n) dịch vụ tài chính hum an resource (n) nguồn nhân lực invoice (n) hoá don m aintenance (n) sự bảo quản, bảo dưỡng m icrowave system (n) hệ thống vi ba m obile radio system (n) hệ thống thông tin di động m ultiplex system (n) hệ thống đa phức organization chart (n) biểu đồ tổ chức oversea visitor (n) khách nước ngoài packaging (n) việc đóng gói participant (n) người tham dự personal profile (n) sơ lược tiểu sử cá nhân position (n) vị trí product m anager (n) giám đốc sản xuất recruit (v) tuyển dụng 26 sales (n) space system (n) supply (n) taxation (n) teleflex (n) toss (v) training (n) việc bán hàng/ lượng hàng bán được hệ thống m ặt bằng hàng cung ứng thuế viền thông tung lên huấn luyện 27 Unit 2 ON THE PHONE Objectives • M astering Can I could I m ay I ............? Can / could / w ould y o u ............ ? Instant decisions: I'll........... • M aking arrangem ents over the phone. • Being polite and self-confident Contents Language fu n ctio n s: Starting calls T aking and leaving m essages A sking for and giving repetition Ending a call Language study: Pronunciation: V ocabulary: 28 Can / could / m ay I ............? C an / could / w ould y o u ............ ? Instant decisions: I 'll........... Spelling the alphabet, saying telephone num ber T elephoning expressions lend and borrow PR ESEN TA TIO N I. Study the forms below. What are they for? Listen to tw o telephone conversations and com plete the forms. C o n v e rsa tio n 1 GALAXY COMPUTER SUPPLIES CUSTOMER DETAILS AREAS OF INTEREST (TICK ✓) NAME COMPANY ADDRESSS FAX TEL. FIRESAFE CABINETS □ BZ"' □ □ Send brochure/ Sales literature Send quote Arrange a sales visit Phone back 29 C o n v ersatio n 2 GALAXY COMPUTER SUPPLIES Q UANTITY DESCRIPTION REF. NO P H O I O C O M D U C T O K W M JT S ACTION NECESSARY ORDER RECEIVED BY IIV TACT NAMI I I I K U c ' I >U c l A V tA C T \ ’C i 1 A1 1>1M AY PK A W II. Listen to the conversations again and answer these questions. {5} a. W hy do esn ’t the sw itchboard operator connect the caller im m ediately? b. W hat does the w om an say she’ll do? {6} c. W hat question does Christophe Terrien ask about the photoconductor units? d. W hat does M ary T hacher ask C hristophe T errien to do? 30 III. Match the words and phrases (1-10) with similar meanings (a-j). hold? Go ahead. /7 / put you though. An extension number. An office Could I have onnec One moment. / m ready. A country or number. your name? The line ... speaking engaged 31 area number. LISTEN IN G I. Listen to a message on a telephone answering machine and answer these questions. {7} a. W here is A nne Parker going? b. How can you reach her? II. One of Annd s colleagues listened to Anng s messages and made notes. Listen to the call, find the mistakes in the note below, and correct them. {8} A MESSAGE FOR: c lim e ''P a rk er FROM: Qtrrtj ON TEL. NO: 0 1 2 2 3 50621 G a n t maJze meeting □ PLE A SE C A L L B A C K OleaAe call lum tamavuuu- ta □ W ILL C A L L A G A IN anailteA. time-. □ U R G E N T III. Now listen to another caller and complete this message. {9} A MESSAGE FOR: c4tutr r[)arU er FROM: ON TEL. NO: □ PLE A SE C A L L B A C K □ W ILL C A L L A G A IN □ URGENT IV. Listen to a different recorded message. W ho is it fo r a n d w h a t is th e ir ex ten sio n n u m b e r? {10} V. A business journalist is writing an article about fitness centres. He telephones Life Health Clubs to arrange an interview. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. {11} c. W here is the M arketing D irector? 32 d. W hy ca n ’t he speak to the Sales Director? e. W ho does he finally speak to? VI. Work with a partner and try to complete this chart with the words used in the dialogue. Listen and check, then practise the dialogue with your partner. R ecep tio n ist Jo u rn a lis t A n sw ers telep h o n e: Life Health Clubs. How can I help? A pologizes: ............... h e's in a m eeting all day. O ffe rs to ta k e a m essage: .............................take a m essage? A sks c a lle r to w ait: ........ the line, please. A pologizes: ........................... Mr Lawrence, but his line is busy. M ak es a su g g estio n : Can I......? O ffers to tr a n s fe r him to rig h t d e p a rtm e n t: In that c a se ,.................................... to our Public Relations Department. In tro d u c e s him self: Hi..................... George Lawrence I......... from Washington. A sks fo r M a rk e tin g D ire c to r: .................. speak to the Marketing Director, please? A sks fo r Sales D ire c to r: ...................the Sales Director? E x p lain s re a so n fo r call: ...................to arrange a visit. 33 READING I. In this telephone dialogue the underlined expressions are impolite or incorrect. Find better expressions, as in the example. A: Hello. A re you E strada’s secretary? 1. Is that B: Yes. it’s me. 2 ................................. A: I want to speak to Estrada, please. 3 ................................. B: W hat’s vour nam e? 4 ................................. A: It’s Simon. A: W ait a m om ent. 5 ................................. B: OK... A: Excuse m e sh e’s in the m eeting. 6 ................................. B: You tell her to call me back. 7 .................................. A: W hat’s your num ber? 8 ................................. A: 002-345-1268 B: OK. I tell her. 9 ................................. A: Good. 10............................... II. Read these extracts from telephone calls. W ho do you think is talking? What do you think they are talking about? 1 A I’ll see you outside the bank at 10.30 then. B No, I said 10.28. A O K , 10.28. B A nd d o n ’t forget to change the num ber-plates. 2 A It’s M r C arter on line 5. B Not again! Could you tell him I’m busy, T erry. A I did, but he says h e ’ll wait. B O h, all right then. Put him through. 3 A I’m afraid no one is available to take your call. B Oh no, I hate these things. A Please leave your nam e and num ber after the tone B E r hello,... er... I’ll call back later. 34 4 A D arling, it’s me. Can you talk? B W ait a m inute. Yes, I think so, but be quick. A I ca n ’t stop thinking about you. B Thank you for calling, M r Smith. I’ll put a catalogue in the post for you right away. 5 A I’m on my last unit. B Hold on, Janet, I’ll get a pencil ...OK. A I’m on 0391 B O h no! 6 A All in all the legal fees come to $40,000 B T h at’s very reasonable. T h at’s one four, I hope. A No, M r Brown, four zero. I ’m afraid. B W hat? For four w eeks’ work? You m ust be joking! III. Match the telephone expressions in A with the responses in B. They are from different telephone conversations. 1. Could I speak to David, please? a. Yes, please. C ould you tell him ...? li 2. I ’m afraid the line is busy. b. This is Piers O lsen. 3. Could you spell that, please? c. Can I leave a m essage? 4. Can I take a m essage? d. Yes, speaking. 5. Sorry, sh e’s aw ay today. e. Yes; of course. I’ll put you through. 6. Hold the line, please. f. OK, I ’ll hold. 7. W h o ’s calling, please? g. C ertainly. It’s T-H -O -M -P-S-O -N 8. Is that Sarah? h. OK. I ’ll call back in a few m inutes. LA N G U A G E STUDY • C an / could / m ay /....? • C an / co u ld / w ould you ? • Instant decisions. I 'll..... 35 I. Study these phrases for starting calls. IDENTIFYING W HO IS SPEAKING SAYING W HO YOU W A N T TO SPEAK TO This is Jack W allers. Could I speak to .....? Jack W allers speaking. Can 1 Is that Julia? I’ d like to speak to ...... Extension 438, please. II. Supply the missing words in these conversations. 1. Ms Brunet: A ccounts D epartm ent, good afternoon. M r Keller: ........................ M elanie C ollins, please? Ms Brunet: Hold on. I’ll get her. 2. M rs Collins: H ello, Accounts. M r Keller: ......................M elanie C ollins, please. M rs Collins: 3. Switchboard: Curtis Holdings. M r Keller: ..................... 364, please. Miss Delmont: Personnel Departm ent. M r Keller: .......................Jean D elm ont? Miss Delmont: Y es,................... How can I help you, M r K eller? III. Sometimes we meet new situations or problems and we have to say what action we' II take. A The line’s busy. B I ’ll call back later. A C ould you take a m essage? B Hold on. I’ll get a pencil. A I’m sorry, she is out at the m om ent. B C an/ C ould I leave a m essage for her? Could you give her a m essage? 36 D ecide w h a t to d o in these situ atio n s. Exam ple: A I'm afraid yo u r bus is delayed. B I ’ll take a taxi. 1. I’m afraid your train is delayed. (taxi) 2. The D irector is busy just now. (tom orrow ) 3. W e need some m ore ink. (order) 4. They d o n ’t speak English. (interpreter) 5. This quotation is too high. (another supplier) 6. I have to go to our factory next Tuesday. (a lift) 7. They want w ritten confirm ation of the order. (fax) 8. Mrs Bell just fainted. (w ater) IV. Sometimes the line is bad and we need to ask for or give repetition. W ould yo u m ind spelling that, please? I'm sorry, could you say that a gain? C ould you repeat your name, p le a se ? / beg y o u r pardon. I d id n 't catch that. Right, let m e read that back to you. V. Sometimes the person we phone is not available. Match these reasons to the right picture a. I’m afraid sh e ’s on the other line. b. I'm afraid sh e ’s o ff sick. c. I'm afraid sh e ’s tied up at the m om ent. d. I’m afraid h e ’s in a m eeting. e. I ’m afraid h e ’s not here just now. 37 T h in k o f o th e r reaso n s. VI. Study these phrases for ending a call. OK. I think th a t's all. Thanks very m uch fo r yo u r help. Please call i f yo u need anything else. - T hank you fo r calling. - Thanks. See you. - G ood hye a nd thanks. - Bye. PRO N U N CIA TIO N I. Can you spell English words over the phone? Listen to the English alphabet and look at the chart. All the letters with similar sounds are grouped together. {12} 38 I 2 3 4 5] 6 7 Pí¿gc see ten f/ve hom e too arm A B F I O Q R H C L Y u J D M w K E N G S P X T V Z is pronounced /zed/ in British English and /zi:/ in A m erican English. II. Study the chart for a moment then close your book and try writing it on your own. III. Listen and write down the words you hear spelt. {13, 14, 15, 16, 17} 1 2 3 4 5 IV. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to dictate abbreviations and write them down. One person dictates the abbreviations below, and the other dictates the ones in File 1 on page 210. IBM FOB OPEC V IP FTA EU VDU EDP CIF AFTA JA L A GM FBI IT NGO U ND P W TO V. Do you know what the letters stand for? VI. Notice these different ways of saying telephone and fax numbers. 39 75920 seven five nine two oh seven five nine two zero 3387 double three eight seven three three eight seven (B ritish E nglish) (A m erican E nglish) (British E nglish) (A m erican E nglish) Exchange your w ork and home num bers with a partner. VII. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to dictate telephone numbers and write them down. One person dictates the telephone numbers below, and the other dictates the ones in File 2 on page 210. 36725 69922 944012 32571 372245 25 375 287761 N ote: In phone and fax num bers, English speakers norm ally group the num bers in threes, not in twos as is com m on elsew here in Europe. 386306 - three eight six, three oh six not three e ight, six thre e , oh six VOCABULARY I. We use these phrases to ask other people to do things. C a n y o n ......? C ould y o u ......? W ould y o u .........? Y ou a re on th e p h o n e. W h at do you say in th ese s itu a tio n s? a. You can 't hear the other person. b. You want them to repeat som ething. c. They are speaking too fast. d. You want them to spell a word. e. You want them to transfer you to the M arketing D epartm ent. II. Practise using these expressions with a partner. Ask him/ her to: a. spell his/ her first nam e for you. b. tell you the time. 40 c. tell you his/ her em ail address. d. give you a lift hom e tonight. e. lend you h is /h e r pen. f. lend you som e money. g. translate the letter. III. Put lend or borrow in these questions. Could I............................som e money? Could you........................ me som e m oney? N ote: W e lend to som eone and we borrow from som eone. So when we lend, we give; and when we borrow, we take. IV. We can reply to requests like this: 41 V. We use these phrases to ask if it's OK to do things. A SK IN G SA Y IN G YES SA Y IN G N O Can I ....? Yes, please do. I’m afraid .... Could I.....? O f course. I’m sorry but ... M ay I .....? Y eah, go ahead.* H elp yourself. ** * Inform al ** Inviting som eone to take som ething. P ra c tise w ith a p a rtn e r. Y ou a re in th e ir office a n d you w a n t to: 1. use their photocopier 2. sm oke 3. look at their copy o f the annual report 4. copy a file on their com puter 5. borrow their copy o f the Tim es 6. borrow their pen. 7. open the w indows. VI. Who makes these questions: a customer (C) or supplier (S)? 1 . 0 Can I place an order? 2. O M ay I have your nam e and com pany nam e? 3 . 0 W ould you quote for the supply o f 50 com puters? 4. O C ould you tell me the delivery address? 5. O Can you deliver next Friday? 6. O Could I have an address for the invoice? 7. O Could you tell me how m uch it will cost? 8. O M ay I have a discount? 9. O W ould you confirm this order in w riting? 10. O Could you spend us the latest price list? 42 VII. Work with a partner. Make up a conversation between a customer and a supplier. Use as many requests as you can. SPEA K IN G I. Work in pairs. One person looks at the information below and the other looks at the information in File 3 on page 210. You sell cars. A foreign custom er phones you. A nsw er her/ his enquiries about your latest car, the C230. The custom ers will ask about: • Y our prices • Discounts • Y our term s o f paym ent • Delivery tim es • The guarantee Invent your answ ers. You can agree to or refuse her/ his requests. D on’t forget to w rite dow n h er/ his details. II. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to give each other messages and write them down. One person dictates the messages below, and the other dictates the messages in File 4 on page 211. Phone. P aul Gotten. tonuwiow. nuvuiuu], pAX EXHIBmoN DATES T0 (0 3 ) 4 0 8 -4 4 )9 3 2 VERA IN SAO PAULO, 00 55 11 223-3181 S e n d 200 p ie c e s, ref no. 306/A J, to th e S ien a F actory III. Work with a partner. Make up conversations deciding what to do when someone is not available. E x am p le: 1. C ould I speak to P a d Philips, please? 3. I'm a fra id sh e 's on holiday this week. A. C an you ask her to ring m e next week? 43 These phrases will help you. I’ll hold. I’ll call back later. Could you take a m essage? give her/ him a m essage? Can you put m e through to her/ his secretary? IV. What would you say in these situations? Work with a partner and role-play each situation. Your partner should respond, as in the example. /. Sorry, it's a bad line. Can you say that again, please? ii. C ertainly. I'm calling fro m FPT. 1. You are on the phone, you ca n ’t understand the speaker. 2. A fter a presentation you want the speaker to give you m ore inform ation. 3. You w ant a colleague to go to the canteen and get you som e coffee. 4. You are on the phone, you want the other person to take a m essage for you. 5. You are at the canteen, you have forgotten your w allet. A sk a friend to lend you som e m oney. 6. You need your m anager’s signature on a docum ent. V. Sit back to back with a partner and act out these telephone calls. One person looks at the information below. The other uses the information in File 7 on page 211. Call 1 Your com pany’s new price lists are still at the printers. Y ou expect them to arrive today. A custom er calls with a request. W rite dow n the details. Call 2 Phone your partner and ask him / her to speak at the G M B C ongress at Queen M argaret’s Hall, M anchester on June 15,h. You want him / her to give a talk on his/ her com pany’s current projects. W RITIN G I. Study the letter below. 44 P H O T O T E C H N IO U E 31, rue de Constantine 16102 Cognac Cedex Telefax: 16 24 89 74 Telex 789201 Tel: 16 25 48 92 Kate Thomas Sales Manager Galaxy Computer Supplies 221 Hills Road Cambridge CB2RW 27 October 20xx START Dear Mr Thomas, With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm our order for: — 20 x Photoconductors Ref. No. 19734 C/X REFERENCE REASON FOR I would be grateful if you could deliver them as soon as REQUEST possible. CLOSING Thank you for your help. Yours sincerely, FINISH Christophe Terrien Director- procurement. REMARKS 45 II. Use this list of standard phrases to complete the letters below THE START Dir sir or m adam , Dear Ms W eston, Mrs W eston, M iss W eston, Ms W eston, Dear Paul, * ** ** THE FIN ISH Y ours faithfully, Y ours sincerely, Best wishes, AMERICAN ENGLISH Sincerely yours, Yours truly, * ** *** * suitable if you d o n ’t know the name of the person you are w riting to. ** suitable if you know his/ her name. *** suitable if the person is a close business contact or friend. THE R EFER EN C E W ith reference to your advertisem ent in the Tim es,... your letter of 30'h M arch,... your phone call this m orning,... THE REA SO N FO R W R ITIN G I am w riting to enquire about ... apologize for ... confirm ... R EQ U ESTIN G Could you possibly...? I would be grateful if you could... G IVING BAD N EW S U nfortunately... I’m afraid th a t... A G R E EIN G TO R E Q U E ST S ' I w ould be delighted to ... E N C L O SIN G D O C U M E N T I ’m enclosing ... Please find enclosed ... End letters with a friendly phrase or reference to future contact. 46 C LO SIN G R EM A R K S Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. there are any problems, you have any questions. R EFE R E N C E TO FU TU R E C O N TA C T I look forw ard to hearing from you soon. m eeting you next M onday, seeing you next month. GEO ORT LTD COMMERCE WAY LEIGHTON BUZZARD BEDFORDHSIRE LU7 3BW Tel: 0294736548 Fax: 02975 14678 Dear Ms Philips refer en c e .............. ...................................................... (1) y o u r pho n e call today ....................................(2) fo r not se nd in g you o u r ------------ r easo n for price list........................................... (3), it is still g iv in g b a d a t th e p rin te rs NEWS , , . ---------- However......................................(4) a copy of w r it in g th e old list w ith th e new prices pen cille d in. e n c lo sin g FINISH .........................................(5) ..................................(6) Giovanni Scott 47 _____ d o c u m e n t s CLOSING REMARKS G E O O R T LTD COMMERCE WAY LEIGHTON BUZZARD BEDFORDHSIRE LU7 3BW Tel: 0294736548 Fax: 02975 14678 Dear Jenny. REFERENCE ..(1) your phone call last Friday. ..(2) to confirm that ___ -------------- REASON FOR .....................................(3) come and speak at the GMB Congress in Manchester on June 25"1. ,..(4) send me a map showing ' ' AGREEING TO how to get to Queen Mary's Hall? --------------------------- a r e q u e s t r e q u e s t (5) (6) Giovanni Scott NEW W ORDS abbreviation (n) chữ viết tắt congress (n) đại hội delay (v) trì hoãn extension (n) phần nối thèm , m áy lẻ faint (v) ngát xiu identify (v) nhặn ra interrupt (v) ngắt lời note down (v) ghi chú 48 REFERENCE TO FUTURE CONTACT project (n) quotation (n) quote (v) ref sales prospect (n) sw itch board operator (n) transfer (v) urgent (adj) k ế hoạch, dự án bảng báo giá báo giá tham chiếu triển vọng vể doanh thu bán hàng điện thoại viên tổng đài chuyển khẩn cấp U n i t 3 MEETINGS Objectives • M a s te rin g “ should' • O rg a n iz in g a c o n fe re n c e a n d p a rtic ip a tin g in m e e tin g s . • H a v in g p a ss io n in w o rk a n d be p o lite , c a re fu l, o rd e rly . Contents Language functions: - Stating and asking for opinions - Interrupting and handling interruptions - M aking suggestions - Asking for and giving clarification - Justifying decisions - Delaying decisions - Ending the m eeting Language study: Should Expressing opinions G oing to (future) W hy d o n 't w e.....?/ Shall w e.....? / We co u ld ...... Pronunciation: Vowel sounds Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs 50 PR ESEN TA TIO N T hree m anagers discuss the recruitm ent of sales representatives (reps) for their new Spanish sales organization. I. Listen and note their reaction to the alternatives. Write F if they are for them and A if they are against them. {18} A lternatives M arcel Carlos N ancy recruit new Spanish Sales reps transfer French Sales reps II. Listen again and complete these minutes of the meeting. {18} THE NEW SPANISH SALES ORGANIZATION Alternatives 1 Take on new Spanish sales representatives and............................. (1). Alternatives 2 Teach our French sales reps Spanish and.............................(2). The advantage of Alternatives 2 is the French sales sta ff have already got.....................................................(3). The disadvantage is it takes............................. (4). The disadvantage of Alternatives 1 is th a t it takes a year to ............ (5 On the other hand, it is a Spanish.............................(6) so we should employ Spanish.............................(7). 51 III. Match these phrases from the conversations to the correct box below. NACY 1 INTRODUCES THE SUBJECT 2 PRESENTS THE ALTERNATIVES 3 ASKS FOR AN OPINION | 6 ASKS FOR A R E A C T IO N « * ! 11 GIVES AN OPINION a. I d o n ’t agree. b. W hy d o n ’t w e.....? c. Any views on this? d. I think we should. .. MARCEL 4 MAKES A POINT 5 MAKES A PROPOSAL 9 REJECTS THE SUGGESTION G EO RGE 7 DISAGREES 8 SUGGESTS AN ALTERNATIVE 10 ASKS FOR AN OPINION e. I d o n ’t think we should. .. f. We need to discuss... g. W hat do you think? h. The im portant thing here is......... i. How do you feel about that proposal....? 52 j. W e can either.... or. .. k. It’s a w aste o f tim e. Now listen to the conversations again and check your answers. {18} LISTENING I. Listen to part of a meeting and complete these notes. {19} Proposal: Special catalogue for multimedia products Action plan: ................................................................................. Person responsible: ................................................................................. Review date: ................................................................................. II. Now listen to another part of the meeting and complete these notes. {20} Proposal: ................................................................................ Action plan: ................................................................................ Person responsible: ................................................................................ Review date: ................................................................................ III. Listen again if necessary, and supply alternative words in these sentences. Use words from the meeting. I . W e need to 2. Could you 3. C ould you 4 C ustom er c a n ’t calculate w ........ o ...... handle d ........ w... tell us about it? f.........u ........... i........... ? be connected g ........ 1............ the costs. that, Thierry? after 6 o ’clock. 53 5. Do you w ant to 6. U lrike, can you organize t.... .... c ..........o ........... READING m ore sales staff? it? I. Complete the following passage using the correct words from the box. agenda proposal alternatives views agree should waste opinion people O NE M A N ’S M E E T 15 ANOTHER M A N 'N PO ISON There are m any different sorts of business m eeting, and how the participants behave varies from country. In France m eetings are generally used for briefing and co-ordination rather than discussing (1)................................... and make decisions. They follow the detailed (2).............................. , and com m ents are well thought out rather than spontaneous. The sam e is true at form al m eetings in G erm any, w here you (3 ).............................. be well prepared if you w ish to express an opinion. In the UK, on the other hand, participants often arrive at m eetings unprepared, and papers distributed before hand will not be read. This does not prevent anyone from expressing an (4)............................... or putting forward a (5).............................. , contribute their (6 )................................. M eetings in Italy seem to be the m ost inform al in Europe. T hey d o n ’t usually follow an agenda and (7).............................. often com e and go as they please. In fact, som etim es (8).............................. m eetings are m ore like a social gathering, used to reinforce a sense o f togetherness. It’s very different in Spain, where (9)............. ................ do little to create a team spirit. The Spanish prefer to be independent and m ake decision on th eir own. M eetings are often a (1 0 ).............................. o f tim e because it is im possible to get everyone to agree. W hat about business m eetings in your country? 54 II. Read the situations below and say what's going to happen. Example Interform ’s headquarters are in central London. O ffice rent rose by 26% last m onth The directors are looking at some new offices outside London today. T he directors are going to relocate their headquarters. 1. Leighton Dairies wants to buy some new bottling m achinery, but they don’t have enough money. The M anaging Director has an appointm ent with the bank m anager tom orrow. 2. M rs W right is in the restaurant with a client. They finished their m eal a few m inutes ago. She’s signaling to the waiter. 3. Corvent pic w ants to expand their freight transport service. The share price o f T ranspo pic, another freight com pany, is low at the m om ent. Corvent is buying up a large num ber o f Transpo shares. 4. M r Lawson has a tem perature o f 40"C. It’s 2.30pm , and h e ’s picking up his briefcase and putting on his coat. 5. R ivoler Ltd has a problem . Their main com petitor cut their prices by 30% last week. R ivoler’s Sales M anager has called an em ergency m eeting for this afternoon. LANGUAGE STUDY • Should • Expressing opinions • G oing to (future) • W hy d o n 't we.....?! • Shall w e.....? W e could 55 I. Recommend action in these situations. Begin your sentences with: I think we sh o u ld..........or / don't think we should....... 1. You have a fax m achine that is old and often breaks down. 2. Your turnover is falling. 3. O ne o f your suppliers often sends you invoices w ith several m istakes on them . 4. One o f your clients often fails to pay on time. 5. Your main product price is too high. 6. Y our sales force is not effective. 7. Your brand is not strong enough. 8. The com pany’s main w arehouse is too small. 9. Yout main com petitors are cutting their prices by 15%. 10. An em ployee is often absent from work. He says h e ’s ill but you do n ’t believe him. II. Work with a partner. You are meeting to discuss some of your company s problems. Take it in turns to start discussions on these subjects. The following phrases/ expressions will help you. A. We need to discuss..... Basically, we've got two alternatives. We can either... o r....what do you think? B. I think we should... PROBLEM A L T E R N A TIV E S com pany English classes em ploy a teacher send the staff to a language school the paperwork buy another com puter recruit a secretary com pany cars rent them buy them the pay deal offer a 10% salary increase offer 5% and a productivity bonus busy periods ask em ployees to work overtim e 56 take in tem porary staff office cleaning em ploy cleaners outsource the work the new sales jo b prom ote som eone contact a recruitm ent agency new m arket export products find an overseas agent III. Use should or shouldn't to fill the gaps. 1 M a n a g er: Nobody checks the em ail from the com pany website. T his........................happen. C olleague: You are right. W e........................ assign one person to check every day. 2 M a n a g er: Everyone goes to lunch at the sam e tim e and no one is left to answ er the phone. C olleague: I guess w e........................ all go together. Som e........................go at tw elve and som e at one. 3 M a n a g er: C ustom ers are com plaining that w hen they call the office, they are left on hold. W e ........................ keep people waiting. C olleague: W e ........................ organize a training workshop. IV. Below is part of a discussion between directors of an oil company talking about a fall in sales. In pairs, suggest appropriate interruptions to complete the dialogue. A: The fall in sales is m ainly due to the recession affecting w orld m arkets. B: (Interrupt: ask for clarification) A: W ell, it’s a general fall of around 5% in sales for m ost product areas. A lso , specifically in the oil processing sector, we have m uch lower sales, m ainly because we sold our O K subsidiary, A nglo Oils. B: (Interrupt: ask w hy A nglo was sold) A: W ell, no, I ’d rather not go into that. W e discussed that in previous m eetings. I’d prefer to talk about future prospects. The outlook is very good right now... B: (Interrupt: disagree) A: I ’m very surprised you say that. In fact, sales forecasts are m uch better now. A nyw ay, let m e tell you... 57 B: (Interrupt: you want to talk about new m arkets) A: New m arkets? Yes, but can we talk about new m arkets later? I have som e im portant inform ation on that. But first... B: (Interrupt: suggest a break) A: Take a break? W e ’ve only ju st started! - V. Now check your suggestions by choosing the appropriate sentences to com plete the dialogue. a. W hat? I ’d say things look quite bad. b. Can we talk about the decision to sell A nglo O ils? c. W ait, d o n ’t you think we should take a short break - have som e coffee? d. Sorry, I think I’d like to hear m ore about new m arkets. e. Er, can you tell us exactly how m uch sales have gone dow n? Useful expressions 1. Interrupting Excuse me, may I ask for clarification on this? If I may interrupt, could you say...? Sorry to interrupt, but... Do you think so? My impression is... What? That’s impossible. We/ I think. 2. Handling interruptions Yes, go ahead. Sony, please let me finish... If I may finish this point... Can I come to th a t later? That’s not really relevant a t this stage... Can we leave th a t to another discussion? 58 3. D elayin g d ec is io n s I think we need more time to consider this. I think we should postpone a decision... Can we leave this until another date? It would be wrong to make a final decision... 4. Ending the meeting I think we should end there. Ju st to summarize... WeVe covered everything, so I'd like to go over the decision we’ve taken. So, to include... we’ve agreed... We’ll meet again next month... It’s been a pleasure to see you tcday and I look forward to our next meeting... PR O N U N C IA TIO N I. Listen to the first halves of some of the sentences below. Choose the correct ending, then listen to the complete sentences and check your answers. {21} l . W e are going to walk W e are going to work 2. W e are going to sit W e are going to seat 3. W e are going to halve W e are going to have 4. W e are going to look W e are going to lock 5. W e are going to leave W e are going to live 59 .... to the m eeting. ... together in a joint venture. ... the budget. ... a long discussion. ... down and start the m eeting now. ... ten people round the table. ... at five o ’clock. ... in O xford. ... at som e figures. ...th e door. II. Practise the sentences with a partner. One person should read a first half. The other should listen carefully and say the correct ending. III. Practise with a partner. One person should read the sentences. The other should listen carefully and mark the vowel sound as in the example. Example: We are going to walk. Which is the vowel sound in the example sentence? VOCABULARY I. In the following sentences, choose the best option from the words A-D. 1. Power PCs are expensive, but if you wait, prices w ill...............dow n. A. back B. run C. turn D. com e 2. I agree, and if they criticize you at the m eeting, I will back y o u ............... A. up B. down C. in D. out 3. By the way, I.....................into Jane in New York, and she sends you her regards. A. looked B. turned C. cam e D. ran 4. Could you ring British A irw ays and find..............if there are any seats on the flight to Rom e? A. up B. in C. over D. out 5. W ork is alw ays so m uch better if you have a boss yo u ..............on with. A. get B. carry C. take D. hold II. Write the verb on the left-hand page, and write sample sentences on the right-hand page, showing the phrasal verbs in context. As you meet more phrasal verbs with the same stem, and add them to the left-hand page and put exam ples on the right-hand page. 60 I lo ck 15 xjrward to yCU M i l " » t ,n air.moor -M MiM»'«" ; rouri >^e ftC'WY i ,a*e th.l prob'.tn*. N* 1 11 leak *» 'h* m*nt' \!nd out * « « « *'W , a i«w me*»'» ’° a,, nriser.'.auon Now complete the following sentences using a phrasal verb with look. 1. Could I have the afternoon off? I’d like to look...................... a house that w e’re thinking o f buying. 2. I’ve forgotten the code for the D x l6 exhaust pipe. C ould you look it................... in the price list? 3. At the m om ent the accident investigators are looking.................... the cause o f the crash. 4. I am really looking................... to going away on holiday next week. 5. Y ou’d better look................... - the boss is com ing and he is in a bad mood. 6. C ould you look....................this letter quickly and see if there is anything you would like to add to it? III. Make sentences of your own using some of the phrasal verbs in part I and II above. SPEAKING I. Here are some expressions that are often used in meetings. Highlight those you think are the most useful. 61 If you are in a m eeting, you can find out w hat the other people in the group think by saying: W k a t a r e y o u r v ie w s o n th is , ^)r. n. ’V D o y o u a g r e e , T i n o ? vIJ0 ^^soK\y wl-\ot r lo y o u tk in k o b o u t tk is ? M s 5m it l\ , w k a t ^ you*4 o p in io n ? If you want to interrupt someone and put forward your own opinion you can say: j f j c o u ld ju s t m o k e o p o in t Ue>*e... £ - o u ld O m o k e o s u g g e s t io n ? SoF*»*y to in t e r r u p t , b u t «17 ;d ju s t lik e to s o y t k o t . . . «17+ s e e m s to m e t k o t . .. If you want to find out if the others in the group have understood o r if they agree with you, you can say: V OM s e e v v k o t «17 m e o n ? y\^ e y o u w it h m e ? D o n ;t y o u a g r e e / S a r l a ? ; A r e w e w n a n im o u s ? D o n ' t y o u t k in k s o , ^/\rs l^ o b in s o n ? D o e s a n y o n e o b ie c f ? If you d o n ’t understand what som eone has said, you can say: S o r r y , c o u ld y o u s a y t k a t a g a i n , p le a s e ? S o r r y , O d id n ' t q u i t e u n d e r s t a n d . C7'm s o r r y , O d id n ' t c a t c k w k a t y o u s a id . S o r r y , 0 't r \ n o t q u it e w it k y o u . II. Each person around this table is using one of the words in the box below to ask for and give opinions. Which word are they using? think agree p o in t fe e l 62 III. Your company must reduce its running costs by £.1,000,000. How are you going to save the money? Look at the proposal and decide. ESTIMATED SAVINGS 1. Cut the research and development budget: by 5% £. 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 by 10% £. 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 2. Cut the s ta ff training budget: by 10% £. 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 by 15% £. 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 3. Cut the advertising budget: by 10% £. 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 by 20% £. 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 4. Stop all donations to charity: £. 100,000 5. Make the company security s ta ff redundant and outsource the work: £. 150,000 6. Close the company health centre: £. 150,000 7. Cancel the plans to buy: new production machinery £. 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 new computer equipment £. 150,000 63 IV. Hold a meeting with some colleagues. Discuss the proposals one by one and decide what to do. If you decide to make a cut, decide who is responsible for taking action, and when by. W ho is going to he responsible fo r this ? Can you deal with that? C ould you take care o f this? H ow soon can yo u do it? Good. Can we discuss this again next T uesday, then? V. Work in pairs. You are in a meeting to discuss changes in the office. Read the instructions and prepare what you are going to say. The sentences below will help you. T h a t's a great/ a good idea. I c a n ’t agree with you there. T h a t's possible. I'm not sure about that. STU D EN T A ST U D E N T B 64 VI. Work in groups. Your company manufactures fashion clothing. They have decided to launch a new range of shoe products. Your group has to decide design issues for the shoes. Have a meeting. Choose one member to be the chairperson. The chairperson should open the meeting and make sure that everyone gives an opinion. The questions below will help you. U seful language D oes anyone have a suggestion? D oes anyone have any other ideas? W hat about you,.... (nam e)? W hat do you think? Discuss and decide these issues: • Should they be m en ’s or w om en’s shoes, or both? • W hat style(s)? • W hat should they be m ade of? • W hat age range should they be for? • W hat colours? • W hat price? WRITING I. The words in the box are often used in meetings for asking for or giving opinions. How many expressions do you know using these words? think agree point fe e l Which expressions are used to: I . ask for an opinion? 65 2. give an opinion? agree? disagree? II. Rearrange these sentences used in meetings. a. you/ thank/ com ing/ for b. go/ over/ m orning’s/ let’s / agenda/ this c. Peter/ Janet/ and/ are/ com e/ to/ unable/ today. d. is/ other/ any/ business/ there e. next/ w eek/ sam e/ m eeting/ the/ w ill/ be/ tim e/ at/ th e/ next NEW W ORDS alternative (n) su lira chon, phuong an basically (adv) v£ co ban b o n u s(n ) tien thucmg boom (v) tang trudng chairperson (n) chu tjch charity (n) to c h u t tir thien com petitor (n) doi thii canh tranh contract (v) ky hop dong contract w ork out (v) ky hop ddng vdi m ot c6ng ty khac corporate (adj) (thuoc) doan the, c6ng ty decors (n) sir trang tri donation (n) tien quyen gop elect (v) chon,b& u health centre (n) trung tam y te justify (v) bien ho m ake a point (v) dua ra mot v&'n de off season (n) khong dung then vu 66 prim e (n) productivity (n) prom ote (v) recom m end (v) recruit (v) recruitm ent (n) reduction (n) reject (v) representative (n) security (n) share (n) side-track (v) solution (n) state (v) subcontract (v) transfer (v) upgrade (v) view (n) volunteer (n) w arehouse (n) ưu tú năng suất đề bạt giới thiệu, khuyên, đề xuất tuyển thêm việc tuyển thêm (nhân viên) sự giảm bớt bác bỏ, huỷ bỏ người đại diện tổ chức bảo vệ, an ninh cổ phần đi chệch hượng giải pháp phát biểu thầu lại thuyên chuyển nâng cấp quan điểm tình nguyện viên kho hàng U n i t 4 COMPANY Objectives • M astering P resen t co n tin u o u s, p resen t sim ple tenses. • E xchanging inform ation about the activities o f business organizations. • Having good attitude in work. Contents Language fu n ctio n s: Com pany profiles' Facilities O rganizations D escribing responsibilities Talking about current activities C om pany strengths Language study: Present continuous, present sim ple tenses H ave/ H as got It is/ There is/ There are Pronunciation: -s ending: /s/, /z/, /iz/ V ocabulary: C om pany departm ents/ com pany activities 68 PRESENTATION I. Look at these pictures. What products or services do these companies provide? Do you know anything about their activities? 69 70 II. Listen to three people talking about these companies. Which company are they talking about? {22, 23, 24} III. Listen to the first speaker again. Complete the data sheet with suitable information. {22} DATA SHEET employees:........................................................... Subsidiaries:........................................................ Turnover:................................................................ Location of parent company:......................... Number of products:......................................... Joint venture partners:.............................. IV. Listen to the second speaker again. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). {23} 1. They carry over 13 m illion passengers a year. 2. They fly to 40 destinations in 25 foreign countries. 3. They provide a dom estic service that has 48 routes and serves 30 cities. 4. They are installing ‘FA N S ’ in their aircraft. 5. The ‘FA N S ’ are im proving com m unications and reducing air traffic congestion. V. Listen to the third speaker again and answer these questions. {24} 1. W h at’s the com pany turnover? 2. How m any em ployees are there? 71 3. W hat does the com pany specialize in? 4. W h at’s happening in the com pany at the m om ent? LISTENING A manager from BICC describes her company. Listen and complete the organization chart below. {25} BICC pic MAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Construction and manufacture of the cables ____ BALFOUR BICC 6 BICC CABLES DIVISION BEATTY CABLES AUSTRALIACABLES 7 MAIN 3Cables, piping Medium Cables products BUSINES 2 cables and voltage power ACTIVITIES wholesaling cables ; t u r n o v er ¿1,730m I I 4 5 £476m m READING I. Look at these notes on Swiss watch manufacturers - the Swatch Group. 1. Swatch G roup - group o f 26 watch com panies. 2. Swatch - quartz m echanism - only 41 parts (m ost oth er w atches more than 120). 3. The chairm an and founder - A ntonio Laporta. 4. New collection w ith m ore than 250 w atches in four ranges three tim es a year. 72 5. 50 production centres - in Europe: France, Switzerland, G erm any - in Asia: China, Thailand, M alaysia. 6. M ost fam ous product - Swatch watch. 7. Plans - com ponents for telecom m unications industry in future. 8. The group - sell - 32% of the world watches. 9. Swatch - cheap, from $31. 10. C om panies in G roup include O m ega, Tissot, Calvin K lein, Swatch, and Flik Flak - w atches and watch com ponents. 11. H eadquarters - Biel, Switzerland. 12. Future plans - com ponents for entire Swiss w atch industry and com panies outside Switzerland. 13. Annual sales - 118,000,000 watches. 14. O m ega - luxury w atches; Tissot, Calvin K lein - m iddle o f the range; Swatch and Flik Flak - basic watches. II. Now organize the information under the appropriate heading, as in the examples. Organization/ Structure 1 Swatch G roup - group o f 26 watch com panies Location/ DistributionProducts SalesFuture plans 4. New collection with more than 250 watches in four ranges three times a year III. Put your notes into complete sentences. Use the verbs in the box to help you. Exam ple: The Sw atch G roup is a group o f sixteen watch com panies. The Sw atch has a quartz m echanism with only fo rty-o n e parts. M ost other w atches have m ore than one hundred an d twenty. be plan produce m anufacture sell present make have 73 L A N G U A G E N O T E Presenting a company 1. Structure and location The com pany I group is called... It is a (F rench) com pany, based in (Paris). It has fa cto ries! production centres/ subsidiaries in... The C hairm an/ C E O / fo u n d er/ ow ner is... It em ploys (200) people/ It has (200) em ployees. 2. Products and custom ers T heir m ain activity is... The m ain products/ custom ers are... and... 3. R esults and future plans The annual turnover is ($30 m illion) with p ro fits o f ($2 m illion). The com pany is successful because... W e plan to... IV. Make a short presentation on the Swatch Group using information in part I above and the language from the language note. LAN GU AG E STUDY • Present continuous, present sim ple tenses • H as got • It is! T here is! There are I. Look at these two different ways of asking and answering questions with the verb have. 1 . H ow m any em ployees has ABB got? 2. It's got 206,000. 74 A. H as it got any fa cto ries in Vietnam? B. N o, it hasn't. I H ow m any subsidiaries does ABB have? 2. It has over 1,300. A. D oes it have a subsidiary in Singapore? B. Yes, it does. II. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about these companies. Aussedat Rey Group (paper) 9 industrial sites in France and 1 in Spain 1 distribution company in France and 1 in Holland 7 European sales subsidianes 1 wood supply subsidiary. ABB (electrical engineering) 206,000 employees 1300 companies Over 5,000 profit centers. 11 joint ventures in China. ANA (airline) 123 aircraft in the fleet. I 119 scheduled routes. | 163 affiliates and subsidiaries | 41 hotels with 12 overseas. I__ Pirelli (tyres and cables) 2 core businesses tyres and cables. 78 factories Over 41,000 employees. 2,000 research and development specialists Carisberg A/S (beer) 2 major brands Carbisberg and Tuborg 60 production sites. Around 100 subsidiaries and associated companies. 80 laboratories at the Carbisberg Research Centre III. Make sentences about an office. Begin: It's...... / 1 is n 't...... T h ere's a ...... There isn 't a ...... There are so m e ..... There a re n 't any. 75 Use the following words. com puters plants dark m ap very tidy windows coffee m achine photographs water foun ta in GRAMMAR NOTE sm all bookcase sim ilar to m y office W e use there is and there are to say things exist or d o n ’t exists. T h ere's a ch ild ’s picture but there a re n 't any plants. W e use it for things. The picture is on the notice board. It's orange. So we often use there when we talk about som ething for the first tim e and it when we describe the details. T h ere's a w ater fo u n ta in by the wall. It's tw o thirds fu ll. IV. Find out about a partner's place of work. Ask questions about the building and its facilities. Use the words below and begin: Is the building...? Is there a (n)...? A re there any...? 1 . m odem 2. staff restaurant 3. facilities for disabled staff 4. lifts 5. stairs 6. noisy 7. air conditioning system S. cold in w inter 76 9. separate room for sm okers 10. large car park 1 1 . near a railw ay station 12. bus stops nearby I 3. opposite a superm arket 14. creche 15. sport or recreational facilities 16. nice to w ork in PRO N U N CIA TIO N I. There are three ways to pronounce at the end of words: Isl, Izl, and /iz/. Practise saying these words. {26} SIN G U L A R PLU R A L /s/ m istake m istakes product products book books Izl em ployee em ployees sale sales train trains chair chairs /iz/ box boxes package packages bus buses house houses II. Now listen to some verbs. They all end with end with an /iz/ sound? Tick (V ) them. {27} ‘ s ” . Which ones 1. puts 6. plans 2. places V 7. services 3. pays 8. arranges 4. purchases 9. recruits 5. sells 10. m anufactures VOCABULARY I. Match the photos a-e to these companies. 77 1 1 . invoices 1 2. looks after 13. dispatches 14. organizes 15. deals with 1. a Japanese retail com pany...................................... 2. a French cosm etics com pany................................. 3. an Italian food com pany.......................................... 4. a Spanish telecom m unications com pany.......... 5. an A m erican car m arker............................................ W hat type o f com pany do you want to work for? II. Work with a partner. Use a verb in B, and a noun in C to make sentences about the companies in A, as in the example. A B C A irbus Industrie offers cellular phone netw orks. Yahoo m anufactures/ m akes tem porary staff. W alm art provides ^ aircraft. Thom as Cook recruits financial advice. M organ Stanley operates travel and holidays. M anpow er sells internet services. Vodafone organizes consum er goods. 78 Study this organization. Which department: a. m anufactures the products? b. places ads in m agazines? c. dispatches the products and sends them to custom ers? d. services the m achines and equipm ent? e. sells the products to custom ers? f. plans how to sell new products? g. purchases supplies? h. arranges courses for the staff? i. recruits new em ployees? j. puts the products in boxes and crates? k. invoices custom ers? 1. looks after cu sto m ers’ problem s and com plaints? m. pays the staff? n. organizes control system s to prevent m istakes? o. deals w ith taxation, investm ent, and cash m anagem ent? I. Prepare to make a short presentation on a company to the class. You can talk about your own company or one of the companies 79