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Contents at a Glance
About the Authors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xv About the Technical Reviewers �����������������������������������������������������������������������������xvii Acknowledgments��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xix
■Chapter 1: Machine Learning �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 ■Chapter 2: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery ������������������������������������ 19 ■Chapter 3: Support Vector Machines for Classification��������������������������������������� 39 ■Chapter 4: Support Vector Regression ���������������������������������������������������������������� 67 ■Chapter 5: Hidden Markov Model ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 81 ■Chapter 6: Bioinspired Computing: Swarm Intelligence������������������������������������ 105 ■Chapter 7: Deep Neural Networks ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 127 ■Chapter 8: Cortical Algorithms �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 ■Chapter 9: Deep Learning ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167 ■Chapter 10: Multiobjective Optimization����������������������������������������������������������� 185 ■Chapter 11: Machine Learning in Action: Examples������������������������������������������ 209 Index��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241
Chapter 1
Machine Learning
Nature is a self-made machine, more perfectly automated than any automated machine. To create something in the image of nature is to create a machine, and it was by learning the inner working of nature that man became a builder of machines.
—Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that systematically applies algorithms to synthesize the underlying relationships among data and information. For example, ML systems can be trained on automatic speech recognition systems (such as iPhone’s Siri) to convert acoustic information in a sequence of speech data into semantic structure expressed in the form of a string of words.
ML is already finding widespread uses in web search, ad placement, credit scoring, stock market prediction, gene sequence analysis, behavior analysis, smart coupons, drug development, weather forecasting, big data analytics, and many more applications. ML will play a decisive role in the development of a host of user-centric innovations.
ML owes its burgeoning adoption to its ability to characterize underlying relationships within large arrays of data in ways that solve problems in big data analytics, behavioral pattern recognition, and information evolution. ML systems can moreover be trained to categorize the changing conditions of a process so as to model variations in operating behavior. As bodies of knowledge evolve under the influence of new ideas and technologies, ML systems can identify disruptions to the existing models and redesign and retrain themselves to adapt to and coevolve with the new knowledge.
The computational characteristic of ML is to generalize the training experience (or examples) and output a hypothesis that estimates the target function. The generalization attribute of ML allows the system to perform well on unseen data instances by accurately predicting the future data. Unlike other optimization problems, ML does not have a well-defined function that can be optimized. Instead, training errors serve as a catalyst to test learning errors. The process of generalization requires classifiers that input discrete or continuous feature vectors and output a class.
The goal of ML is to predict future events or scenarios that are unknown to the computer. In 1959, Arthur Samuel described ML as the “field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed” (Samuel 1959). He concluded that programming computers to learn from experience should eventually eliminate the need for much of this detailed programming effort. According to Tom M. Mitchell’s definition of ML: “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” Alan Turing’s seminal paper (Turing 1950) introduced a benchmark standard for demonstrating machine intelligence, such that a machine has to be intelligent and responsive in a manner that cannot be differentiated from that of a human being.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
The learning process plays a crucial role in generalizing the problem by acting on its historical experience. Experience exists in the form of training datasets, which aid in achieving accurate results on new and unseen tasks. The training datasets encompass an existing problem domain that the learner uses to build a general model about that domain. This enables the model to generate largely accurate predictions in new cases.
Key Terminology
To facilitate the reader’s understanding of the concept of ML, this section defines and discusses some key multidisciplinary conceptual terms in relation to ML.
• classifier. A method that receives a new input as an unlabeled instance of an observation or feature and identifies a category or class to which it belongs. Many commonly used classifiers employ statistical inference (probability measure) to
categorize the best label for a given instance.
• confusion matrix (aka error matrix). A matrix that visualizes the performance of the classification algorithm using the data in the matrix. It compares the predicted classification against the actual classification in the form of false positive, true
positive, false negative and true negative information. A confusion matrix for
a two-class classifier system (Kohavi and Provost, 1998) follows:
• accuracy (aka error rate). The rate of correct (or incorrect) predictions made by the model over a dataset. Accuracy is usually estimated by using an independent test set that was not used at any time during the learning process. More complex accuracy estimation techniques, such as cross-validation and bootstrapping, are commonly used, especially with datasets containing a small number of instances.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Accuracy (AC) = +
TP TN FN FP (1-1)
+ + +
Precision (P) = +TP
TP FP (1-2)
Recall R( ) ,true positive rate = +TP
TP FN (1-3)
F M− = easure ( ) + ⋅ ⋅
1 P R
P R , (1-4)
⋅ +
where β has a value from 0 to infinity (∞) and is used to control the weight assigned to P and R.
• cost. The measurement of performance (or accuracy) of a model that predicts (or evaluates) the outcome for an established result; in other words, that quantifies the deviation between predicted and actual values (or class labels). An optimization function attempts to minimize the cost function.
• cross-validation. A verification technique that evaluates the generalization ability of a model for an independent dataset. It defines a dataset that is used for testing the trained model during the training phase for overfitting. Cross-validation can also be used to evaluate the performance of various prediction functions. In k-fold cross-validation, the training dataset is arbitrarily partitioned into k mutually exclusive subsamples (or folds) of equal sizes. The model is trained k times (or folds), where each iteration uses one of the k subsamples for testing (cross-validating), and the remaining k-1 subsamples are applied toward training the model. The k results of cross-validation are averaged to estimate the accuracy as a single estimation.
• data mining. The process of knowledge discovery (q.v.) or pattern detection in a large dataset. The methods involved in data mining aid in extracting the accurate data and transforming it to a known structure for further evaluation.
• dataset. A collection of data that conform to a schema with no ordering requirements. In a typical dataset, each column represents a feature and each row represents a member of the dataset.
• dimension. A set of attributes that defines a property. The primary functions of dimension are filtering, classification, and grouping.
• induction algorithm. An algorithm that uses the training dataset to generate a model that generalizes beyond the training dataset.
• instance. An object characterized by feature vectors from which the model is either trained for generalization or used for prediction.
• knowledge discovery. The process of abstracting knowledge from structured or unstructured sources to serve as the basis for further exploration. Such knowledge is collectively represented as a schema and can be condensed in the form of a model or models to which queries can be made for statistical prediction, evaluation, and further knowledge discovery.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
• model. A structure that summarizes a dataset for description or prediction. Each model can be tuned to the specific requirements of an application. Applications in big data have large datasets with many predictors and features that are too complex for a simple parametric model to extract useful information. The learning process synthesizes the parameters and the structures of a model from a given dataset. Models may be generally categorized as either parametric (described by a finite set of parameters, such that future predictions are independent of the new dataset) or nonparametric (described by an infinite set of parameters, such that the data distribution cannot be expressed in terms of a finite set of parameters). Nonparametric models are simple and flexible, and make fewer assumptions, but they require larger datasets to derive accurate conclusions.
• online analytical processing (OLAP). An approach for resolving multidimensional analytical queries. Such queries index into the data with two or more attributes (or dimensions). OLAP encompasses a broad class of business intelligence data and is usually synonymous with multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP). OLAP engines facilitate the exploration of multidimensional data interactively from several perspectives, thereby allowing for complex analytical and ad hoc queries with a rapid execution time. OLAP commonly uses intermediate data structures to store precalculated results on multidimensional data, allowing fast computation. Relational OLAP (ROLAP) uses relational databases of the base data and the dimension tables.
• schema. A high-level specification of a dataset’s attributes and properties.
• supervised learning. Learning techniques that extract associations between independent attributes and a designated dependent attribute (the label). Supervised learning uses a training dataset to develop a prediction model by consuming input data and output values. The model can then make predictions of the output values for a new dataset. The performance of models developed using supervised learning depends upon the size and variance of the training dataset to achieve better generalization and greater predictive power for new datasets. Most induction algorithms fall into the supervised learning category.
• unsupervised learning. Learning techniques that group instances without a prespecified dependent attribute. This technique generally involves learning structured patterns in the data by rejecting pure unstructured noise. Clustering and dimensionality reduction algorithms are usually unsupervised.
• feature vector. An n-dimensional numerical vector of explanatory variables representing an instance of some object that facilitates processing and statistical analysis. Feature vectors are often weighted to construct a predictor function that is used to evaluate the quality or fitness of the prediction. The dimensionality of a feature vector can be reduced by various dimensionality reduction techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA), multilinear subspace reduction, isomaps, and latent semantic analysis (LSA). The vector space associated with these vectors is often called the feature space.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Developing a Learning Machine
Machine learning aids in the development of programs that improve their performance for a given task through experience and training. Many big data applications leverage ML to operate at highest efficiency. The sheer volume, diversity, and speed of data flow have made it impracticable to exploit the natural capability of human beings to analyze data in real time. The surge in social networking and the wide use of Internet based applications have resulted not only in greater volume of data, but also increased complexity of data. To preserve data resolution and avoid data loss, these streams of data need to be analyzed in real time.
The heterogeneity of the big data stream and the massive computing power we possess today present us with abundant opportunities to foster learning methodologies that can identify best practices for a given business problem. The sophistication of modern computing machines can handle large data volumes, greater complexity, and terabytes of storage. Additionally, intelligent program-flows that run on these machines can process and combine many such complex data streams to develop predictive models and extract intrinsic patterns in otherwise noisy data. When you need to predict or forecast a target value, supervised learning is the appropriate choice. The next step is to decide, depending on the target value, between clustering (in the case of discrete target value) and regression (in the case of numerical target value).
You start the development of ML by identifying all the metrics that are critical to a decision process. The processes of ML synthesize models for optimizing the metrics. Because the metrics are essential to developing the solution for a given decision process, they must be selected carefully during conceptual stages.
It is also important to judge whether ML is the suitable approach for solving a given problem. By its nature, ML cannot deliver perfect accuracy. For solutions requiring highly accurate results in a bounded time period, ML may not be the preferred approach. In general, the following conditions are favorable to the application of ML: (a) very high accuracy is not desired; (b) large volumes of data contain undiscovered patterns or information to be synthesized; (c) the problem itself is not very well understood owing to lack of knowledge or historical information as a basis for developing suitable algorithms; and (d) the problem needs to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
The process of developing ML algorithms may be decomposed into the following steps:
1. Collect the data. Select the subset of all available data attributes that might be useful in solving the problem. Selecting all the available data may be unnecessary
or counterproductive. Depending upon the problem, data can either be retrieved
through a data-stream API (such as a CPU performance counters) or synthesized
by combining multiple data streams. In some cases, the input data streams,
whether raw or synthetic, may be statistically preprocessed to improve usage or
reduce bandwidth.
2. Preprocess the Data. Present the data in a manner that is understood by the
consumer of the data. Preprocessing consists of the following three steps:
i. Formatting. The data needs to be presented in a useable format. Using
an industry-standard format enable plugging the solution with multiple
vendors that in turn can mix and match algorithms and data sources such as
ii. Cleaning. The data needs to be cleaned by removing, substituting, or fixing
corrupt or missing data. In some cases, data needs to be normalized,
discretized, averaged, smoothened, or differentiated for efficient usage. In
other cases, data may need to be transmitted as integers, double precisions,
or strings.
iii. Sampling. Data need to be sampled at regular or adaptive intervals in a
manner such that redundancy is minimized without the loss of information
for transmission via communication channels.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
3. Transform the data. Transform the data specific to the algorithm and the
knowledge of the problem. Transformation can be in the form of feature scaling, decomposition, or aggregation. Features can be decomposed to extract the useful components embedded in the data or aggregated to combine multiple instances into a single feature.
4. Train the algorithm. Select the training and testing datasets from the transformed data. An algorithm is trained on the training dataset and evaluated against the
test set. The transformed training dataset is fed to the algorithm for extraction of knowledge or information. This trained knowledge or information is stored as a model to be used for cross-validation and actual usage. Unsupervised learning, having no target value, does not require the training step.
5. Test the algorithm. Evaluate the algorithm to test its effectiveness and performance. This step enables quick determination whether any learnable structures can be
identified in the data. A trained model exposed to test dataset is measured against predictions made on that test dataset which are indicative of the performance
of the model. If the performance of the model needs improvement, repeat the
previous steps by changing the data streams, sampling rates, transformations,
linearizing models, outliers’ removal methodology, and biasing schemes.
6. Apply reinforcement learning. Most control theoretic applications require a good feedback mechanism for stable operations. In many cases, the feedback data
are sparse, delayed, or unspecific. In such cases, supervised learning may not be practical and may be substituted with reinforcement learning (RL). In contrast to supervised learning, RL employs dynamic performance rebalancing to learn from the consequences of interactions with the environment, without explicit training.
7. Execute. Apply the validated model to perform an actual task of prediction. If new data are encountered, the model is retrained by applying the previous steps. The process of training may coexist with the real task of predicting future behavior.
Machine Learning Algorithms
Based on underlying mappings between input data and anticipated output presented during the learning phase of ML, ML algorithms may be classified into the following six categories:
• Supervised learning is a learning mechanism that infers the underlying relationship between the observed data (also called input data) and a target variable
(a dependent variable or label) that is subject to prediction (Figure 1-1). The learning task uses the labeled training data (training examples) to synthesize the model
function that attempts to generalize the underlying relationship between the feature vectors (input) and the supervisory signals (output). The feature vectors influence the direction and magnitude of change in order to improve the overall performance of the function model. The training data comprise observed input (feature) vectors and a desired output value (also called the supervisory signal or class label).
A well-trained function model based on a supervised learning algorithm can
accurately predict the class labels for hidden phenomena embedded in unfamiliar or unobserved data instances. The goal of learning algorithms is to minimize the error for a given set of inputs (the training set). However, for a poor-quality training set that is influenced by the accuracy and versatility of the labeled examples, the model may encounter the problem of overfitting, which typically represents poor generalization and erroneous classification.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Figure 1-1. High-level flow of supervised learning
• Unsupervised learning algorithms are designed to discover hidden structures in unlabeled datasets, in which the desired output is unknown. This mechanism has found many uses in the areas of data compression, outlier detection, classification, human learning, and so on. The general approach to learning involves training through probabilistic data models. Two popular examples of unsupervised learning are clustering and dimensionality reduction. In general, an unsupervised learning dataset is composed of inputs x x x x 1 2 3 n , , , but it contains neither target outputs (as in supervised learning) nor rewards from its environment. The goal of ML in this case is to hypothesize representations of the input data for efficient decision making, forecasting, and information filtering and clustering. For example, unsupervised training can aid in the development of phase-based models in which each phase, synthesized through an unsupervised learning process, represents a unique condition for opportunistic tuning of the process. Furthermore, each phase can act as a state and can be subjected to forecasting for proactive resource allocation or distribution. Unsupervised learning algorithms centered on a probabilistic distribution model generally use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), maximum a posteriori (MAP), or Bayes methods. Other algorithms that are not based on probability distribution models may employ statistical measurements, quantization error, variance preserving, entropy gaps, and so on.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
• Semi-supervised learning uses a combination of a small number of labeled and a large number of unlabeled datasets to generate a model function or classifier. Because the labeling process of acquired data requires intensive skilled human labor inputs, it is expensive and impracticable. In contrast, unlabeled data are relatively inexpensive and readily available. Semi-supervised ML methodology operates somewhere between the guidelines of unsupervised learning (unlabeled training data) and supervised learning (labeled training data) and can produce considerable improvement in learning accuracy. Semi-supervised learning has recently gained greater prominence, owing to the availability of large quantities of unlabeled data for diverse applications to web data, messaging data, stock data, retail data, biological data, images, and so on. This learning methodology can deliver value of practical and theoretical significance, especially in areas related to human learning, such as speech, vision, and handwriting, which involve a small amount of direct instruction and a large amount of unlabeled experience.
• Reinforcement learning (RL) methodology involves exploration of an adaptive sequence of actions or behaviors by an intelligent agent (RL-agent) in a given environment with a motivation to maximize the cumulative reward (Figure 1-2). The intelligent agent’s action triggers an observable change in the state of the environment. The learning technique synthesizes an adaptation model by training itself for a given set of experimental actions and observed responses to the state of the environment. In general, this methodology can be viewed as a control-theoretic trial-and-error learning paradigm with rewards and punishments associated with a sequence of actions. The RL-agent changes its policy based on the collective experience and consequent rewards. RL seeks past actions it explored that resulted in rewards. To build an exhaustive database or model of all the possible action reward projections, many unproven actions need to be tried. These untested actions may have to be attempted multiple times before ascertaining their strength. Therefore, you have to strike a balance between exploration of new possible actions and likelihood of failure resulting from those actions. Critical elements of RL include the following:
• The policy is a key component of an RL-agent that maps the control-actions to the perceived state of the environment.
• The critic represents an estimated value function that criticizes the actions that are made according to existing policy. Alternatively, the critic evaluates the performance of the current state in response to an action taken according to current policy. The critic-agent shapes the policy by making continuous and ongoing corrections.
• The reward function estimates the instantaneous desirability of the perceived state of the environment for an attempted control-action.
• Models are planning tools that aid in predicting the future course of action by contemplating possible future situations.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Figure 1-2. High-level flow of reinforcement learning
• Transductive learning (aka transductive inference) attempts to predict exclusive model functions on specific test cases by using additional observations on the training dataset in relation to the new cases (Vapnik 1998). A local model is established by fitting new individual observations (the training data) into a single point in space—this, in contrast to the global model, in which new data have to fit into the existing model without postulating any specific information related to the location of that data point in space. Although the new data may fit into the global model to a certain extent (with some error), thereby creating a global model that would represent the entire problem, space is a challenge and may not be necessary in all cases. In general, if you experience discontinuities during the model development for a given problem space, you can synthesize multiple models at the discontinuous boundaries. In this case, newly observed data are the processed through the model that fulfill the boundary conditions in which the model is valid.
• Inductive inference estimates the model function based on the relation of data to the entire hypothesis space, and uses this model to forecast output values for examples beyond the training set. These functions can be defined using one of the many representation schemes, including linear weighted polynomials, logical rules, and probabilistic descriptions, such as Bayesian networks. Many statistical learning methods start with initial solutions for the hypothesis space and then evolve them iteratively to reduce error. Many popular algorithms fall into this category, including SVMs (Vapnik 1998), neural network (NN) models (Carpenter and Grossberg 1991), and neuro-fuzzy algorithms (Jang 1993). In certain cases, one may apply a lazy learning model, in which the generalization process can be an ongoing task that effectively develops a richer hypothesis space, based on new data applied to the existing model.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Popular Machine Learning Algorithms
This section describes in turn the top 10 most influential data mining algorithms identified by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) in December 2006: C4.5, k-means, SVMs, Apriori, estimation maximization (EM), PageRank, AdaBoost, k–nearest neighbors (k-NN), naive Bayes, and classification and regression trees (CARTs) (Wu et al. 2008).
C4.5 classifiers are one of the most frequently used categories of algorithms in data mining. A C4.5 classifier inputs a collection of cases wherein each case is a sample preclassified to one of the existing classes. Each case is described by its n-dimensional vector, representing attributes or features of the sample. The output of a C4.5 classifier can accurately predict the class of a previously unseen case. C4.5 classification algorithms generate classifiers that are expressed as decision trees by synthesizing a model based on a tree structure. Each node in the tree structure characterizes a feature, with corresponding branches representing possible values connecting features and leaves representing the class that terminates a series of nodes and branches. The class of an instance can be determined by tracing the path of nodes and branches to the terminating leaf. Given a set S of instances, C4.5 uses a divide-and-conquer method to grow an initial tree, as follows:
• If all the samples in the list S belong to the same class, or if the list S is small, then create a leaf node for the decision tree and label it with the most frequent class.
• Otherwise, the algorithm selects an attribute-based test that branches S into multiple subbranches (partitions) (S1, S2, …), each representing the outcome of the test.
The tests are placed at the root of the tree, and each path from the root to the leaf becomes a rule script that labels a class at the leaf. This procedure applies to each subbranch recursively.
• Each partition of the current branch represents a child node, and the test separating S represents the branch of the tree.
This process continues until every leaf contains instances from only one class or further partition is not possible. C4.5 uses tests that select attributes with the highest normalized information gain, enabling disambiguation of the classification of cases that may belong to two or more classes.
The k-means algorithm is a simple iterative clustering algorithm (Lloyd 1957) that partitions N data points into K disjoint subsets Sj so as to minimize the sum-of-squares criterion. Because the sum of squares is the squared Euclidean distance, this is intuitively the “nearest” mean,
2 μ (1-5)
J = − = ∈ ∑∑| | x , n
1 j
j n S
xn= vector representing the nth data point μj = geometric centroid of the data points in Sj
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
The algorithm consists of a simple two-step re-estimation process:
1. Assignment: Data points are assigned to the cluster whose centroid is closest to that point.
2. Update: Each cluster centroid is recalculated to the center (mean) of all data
points assigned to it.
These two steps are alternated until a stopping criterion is met, such that there is no further change in the assignment of data points. Every iteration requires N × K comparisons, representing the time complexity of one iteration.
Support Vector Machines
Support vector machines (SVMs) are supervised learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns. SVMs are primarily used for classification, regression analysis, and novelty detection. Given a set of training data in a two-class learning task, an SVM training algorithm constructs a model or classification function that assigns new observations to one of the two classes on either side of a hyperplane, making it a nonprobabilistic binary linear classifier (Figure 1-3). An SVM model maps the observations as points in space, such that they are classified into a separate partition that is divided by the largest distance to the nearest observation data point of any class (the functional margin). New observations are then predicted to belong to a class based on which side of the partition they fall. Support vectors are the data points nearest to the hyperplane that divides the classes. Further details of support vector machines are given in Chapter 4.
Figure 1-3. The SVM algorithm finds the hyperplane that maximizes the largest minimum distance between the support vectors
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Apriori is a data mining approach that discovers frequent itemsets by using candidate generation (Agrawal and Srikant 1994) from a transactional database and highlighting association rules (general trends) in the database. It assumes that any subset of a frequently occurring pattern must be frequent. Apriori performs breadth-first search to scan frequent 1-itemsets (that is, itemsets of size 1) by accumulating the count for each item that satisfies the minimum support requirement. The set of frequent 1-itemsets is used to find the set of frequent 2-itemsets, and so on. This process iterates until no more frequent k-itemsets can be found. The Apriori method that identifies all the frequent itemsets can be summarized in the following three steps:
1. Generate candidates for frequent k + 1-itemsets (of size k + 1) from the frequent k-itemsets (of size k).
2. Scan the database to identify candidates for frequent k + 1-itemsets, and
calculate the support of each of those candidates.
3. Add those itemsets that satisfy the minimum support requirement to frequent itemsets of size k + 1.
Thanks in part to the simplicity of the algorithm, it is widely used in data mining applications. Various improvements have been proposed, notably, the frequent pattern growth (FP-growth) extension, which eliminates candidate generation. Han et al. (Han, Pei, and Yin 2000) propose a frequent pattern tree (FP-tree) structure, which stores and compresses essential information to interpret frequent patterns and uses FP-growth for mining the comprehensive set of frequent patterns by pattern fragment growth. This Apriori technique enhancement constructs a large database that contains all the essential information and compresses it into a highly condensed data structure. In the subsequent step, it assembles a conditional pattern base which represents a set of counted patterns that co-occur relative to each item. Starting at the frequent header table, it traverses the FP-tree by following each frequent item and stores the prefix paths of those items to produce a conditional pattern base. Finally, it constructs a conditional FP-tree for each of the frequent items of the conditional pattern base. Each node in the tree represents an item and its count. Nodes sharing the same label but residing on different subtrees are conjoined by a node–link pointer. The position of a node in the tree structure represents the order of the frequency of an item, such that a node closer to the root may be shared by more transactions in a transactional database.
Estimation Maximization
The estimation–maximization (EM) algorithm facilitates parameter estimation in probabilistic models with incomplete data. EM is an iterative scheme that estimates the MLE or MAP of parameters in statistical models, in the presence of hidden or latent variables. The EM algorithm iteratively alternates between the steps of performing an expectation (E), which creates a function that estimates the probability distribution over possible completions of the missing (unobserved) data, using the current estimate for the parameters, and performing a maximization (M), which re-estimates the parameters, using the current completions performed during the E step. These parameter estimates are iteratively employed to estimate the distribution of the hidden variables in the subsequent E step. In general, EM involves running an iterative algorithm with the following attributes: (a) observed data, X; (b) latent (or missing) data, Z; (c) unknown parameter, θ; and (d) a likelihood function, L(θ; X, Z) = P(X, Z|θ). The EM algorithm iteratively calculates the MLE of the marginal likelihood using a two-step method:
1. Estimation (E): Calculate the expected value of the log likelihood function, with respect to the conditional distribution of Z, given X under the current estimate of
the parameters θ(t), such that
Q t ( | ( )) l E L Z X t og ( ;X Z, ) . θ θ = | ,θ ( ) [ ] θ (1-6)
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
2. Maximization (M): Find the parameter that maximizes this quantity:
θ θ ( ) t Q + = 1 arg mθ ax ( |θ(t)). (1-7)
PageRank is a link analysis search algorithm that ranks the elements of hyperlinked documents on the World Wide Web for the purpose of measuring their importance, relative to other links. Developed by Larry Page and Sergey Bin, PageRank produces static rankings that are independent of the search queries. PageRank simulates the concept of prestige in a social network. A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. Additionally, PageRank interprets a hyperlink from source page to target page in such a manner that the page with the higher rank improves the rank of the linked page (the source or target). Therefore, backlinks from highly ranked pages are more significant than those from average pages. Mathematically simple, PageRank can be calculated as
r P r Q
Q Bp Q ( ) ( )
| | = , ∈∑ (1-8)
r(P) = rank of the page P
Bp= the set of all pages linking to page P
|Q| = number of links from page Q
r(Q) = rank of the page Q
AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting)
AdaBoost is an ensemble method used for constructing strong classifiers as linear combinations of simple, weak classifiers (or rules of thumb) (Freund and Schapire 1997). As in any ensemble method, AdaBoost employs multiple learners to solve a problem with better generalization ability and more accurate prediction. The strong classifier can be evaluated as a linear combination of weak classifiers, such that T
H x h x t t
( ) = ⋅ ( ),
H(x) = strong classifier
ht(x) = weak classifier (feature)
The Adaboost algorithm may be summarized as follows:
Data-Set I x y x y x y x y ={ } ( ) 1 1 ( ) 2 2 ( ) 3 3 ( ) m m , , , , , ,, , , Base learning algorithm L
Number of learning rounds T
i 1 D m
= // Initialize weight distribution 1
FOR (t = 1 to T) DO // Run the loop for t = T iterations ht = L(I, Dt) // Train a weak learner ht from I using Dt ∈ =t ∑ − tit i i
D | ( h x ) | y // calculate the error of hti
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
⎝⎜ ⎞⎠⎟ 121 ln // calculate the weight of ht
= −∈
i ti
D DZ e t i t i y h x
− ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ 1( ( β )) // Update the distribution,
// Zt is the normalization factor END
( ) = ( ) ⎛⎝⎜ ⎞⎠⎟ =
H x sign h x t t
// Strong classifier
The AdaBoost algorithm is adaptive, inasmuch as it uses multiple iterations to produce a strong learner that is well correlated with the true classifier. As shown above, it iterates by adding weak learners that are slightly correlated with the true classifier. As part of the adaptation process, the weighting vector adjusts itself to improve upon misclassification in previous rounds. The resulting classifier has a greater accuracy than the weak learners’ classifiers. AdaBoost is fast, simple to implement, and flexible insofar as it can be combined with any classifier.
k-Nearest Neighbors
The k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classification methodology identifies a group of k objects in the training set that are closest to the test object and assigns a label based on the most dominant class in this neighborhood. The three fundamental elements of this approach are
• an existing set of labeled objects
• a distance metric to estimate distance between objects
• the number of nearest neighbors (k)
To classify an unlabeled object, the distances between it and labeled objects are calculated and its k-nearest neighbors are identified. The class labels of these nearest neighbors serve as a reference for classifying the unlabeled object. The k-NN algorithm computes the similarity distance between a training set, (x, y) ∈ I, and the test object, x z ˆ = (x y ˆ, ˆ), to determine its nearest-neighbor list, Iz. x represents the training object, and y represents the corresponding training class. xˆ and yˆ represent the test object and its class, respectively. The algorithm may be summarized as follows:
Training object (x, y) ∈ I and test object x z ˆ = (x y ˆ, ˆ)
Compute distance x dˆ = (x x ˆ, ) between z and every object (x, y) ∈ I.
Select I I z ⊆ , the set of k closest training objects to z.
Output (Majority Class):
ˆ arg ( )
y max F v y v i
= =
( , )
x y I i i Z
F(.) = 1 if argument (.) is TRUE and 0 otherwise, v is the class label.
The value of k should be chosen carefully. A smaller value can result in noisy behavior, whereas a larger value may include too many points from other classes.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Naive Bayes
Naive Bayes is a simple probabilistic classifier that applies Bayes’ theorem with strong (naive) assumption of independence, such that the presence of an individual feature of a class is unrelated to the presence of another feature.
Assume that input features x x x 1 2 n , are conditionally independent of each other, given the class label Y, such that
=1 Π (1-9)
P x x xn Y P x Y
i ( , | ) ( | ) 1 2 =
For a two-class classification (i = 0,1), we define P(i|x) as the probability that measurement vector x x x x = n { , } 1 2 belongs to class i. Moreover, we define a classification score
f x P ( | ) ( )
P x
1 1
n ( | ) ΠΠ f x
( | )
= = =
( ) 1
f x
P x ( | ) 0
f x P ( | ) ( )
( ) 0
( | ) 0
0 0
n j
( )ln ( | )
ln ( | )
f x
( | ), P x ( | )ln ( )
∑ (1-11)
P x
= +
j f x
1 0 j
where P(i|x) is proportional to f(x|i)P(i) and f(x|i) is the conditional distribution of x for class i objects. The naive Bayes model is surprisingly effective and immensely appealing, owing to its simplicity and robustness. Because this algorithm does not require application of complex iterative parameter estimation schemes to large datasets, it is very useful and relatively easy to construct and use. It is a popular algorithm in areas related to text classification and spam filtering.
Classification and Regression Trees
A classification and regression tree (CART) is a nonparametric decision tree that uses a binary recursive partitioning scheme by splitting two child nodes repeatedly, starting with the root node, which contains the complete learning sample (Breiman et al. 1984). The tree-growing process involves splitting among all the possible splits at each node, such that the resulting child nodes are the “purest.” Once a CART has generated a “maximal tree,” it examines the smaller trees obtained by pruning away the branches of the maximal tree to determine which contribute least to the overall performance of the tree on training data. The CART mechanism is intended to yield a sequence of nested pruned trees. The right-sized, or “honest,” tree is identified by evaluating the predictive performance of every tree in the pruning sequence.
Challenging Problems in Data Mining Research
Data mining and knowledge discovery have become fields of interdisciplinary research in the areas related to database systems, ML, intelligent information systems, expert systems, control theory, and many others. Data mining is an important and active area of research but not one without theoretical and practical challenges from working with very large databases that may be noisy, incomplete, redundant, and dynamic in nature. A study by Yang and Wu (2006) reviews the most challenging problems in data mining research, as summarized in the following sections.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Scaling Up for High-Dimensional Data and High-Speed Data Streams
Designing classifiers that can handle very high-dimensional features extracted through high-speed data streams is challenging. To ensure a decisive advantage, data mining in such cases should be a continuous and online process. But, technical challenges prevent us from computing models over large amounts streaming data in the presence of environment drift and concept drift. Today, we try to solve this problem with incremental mining and offline model updating to maintain accurate modeling of the current data stream. Information technology challenges are being addressed by developing in-memory databases, high-density memories, and large storage capacities, all supported by high-performance computing infrastructure.
Mining Sequence Data and Time Series Data
Efficient classification, clustering, and forecasting of sequenced and time series data remain an open challenge today. Time series data are often contaminated by noise, which can have a detrimental effect on short-term and long-term prediction. Although noise may be filtered, using signal-processing techniques or smoothening methods, lags in the filtered data may result. In a closed-loop environment, this can reduce the accuracy of prediction, because we may end up overcompensating or underprovisioning the process itself. In certain cases, lags can be corrected by differential predictors, but these may require a great deal of tuning the model itself. Noise-canceling filters placed close to the data I/O block can be tuned to identify and clean the noisy data before they are mined.
Mining Complex Knowledge from Complex Data
Complex data can exist in many forms and may require special techniques to extract the information useful for making real-world decisions. For example, information may exist in a graphical form, requiring methods for discovering graphs and structured patterns in large data. Another complexity may exist in the form of non—independent-and-identically-distributed (non-iid) data objects that cannot be mined as an independent single object. They may share relational structures with other data objects that should be identified.
State-of-the-art data mining methods for unstructured data lack the ability to incorporate domain information and knowledge interface for the purpose of relating the results of data mining to real-world scenarios.
Distributed Data Mining and Mining Multi-Agent Data
In a distributed data sensing environment, it can be challenging to discover distributed patterns and correlate the data streamed through different probes. The goal is to minimize the amount of data exchange and reduce the required communication bandwidth. Game-theoretic methodologies may be deployed to tackle this challenge.
Data Mining Process-Related Problems
Autonomous data mining and cleaning operations can improve the efficiency of data mining dramatically. Although we can process models and discover patterns at a fast rate, major costs are incurred by preprocessing operations such as data integration and data cleaning. Reducing these costs through automation can deliver a much greater payoff than attempting to further reduce the cost of model-building and pattern-finding.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Security, Privacy, and Data Integrity
Ensuring users’ privacy while their data are being mined is critical. Assurance of the knowledge integrity of collected input data and synthesized individual patterns is no less essential.
Dealing with Nonstatic, Unbalanced, and Cost-Sensitive Data
Data is dynamic and changing continually in different domains. Historical trials in data sampling and model construction may be suboptimal. As you retrain a current model based on new training data, you may experience a learning drift, owing to different selection biases. Such biases need to be corrected dynamically for accurate prediction.
This chapter discussed the essentials of ML through key terminology, types of ML, and the top 10 data mining and ML algorithms. Owing to the explosion of data on the World Wide Web, ML has found widespread use in web search, advertising placement, credit scoring, stock market prediction, gene sequence analysis, behavior analysis, smart coupons, drug development, weather forecasting, big data analytics, and many more such applications. New uses for ML are being explored every day. Big data analytics and graph analytics have become essential components of cloud-based business development. The new field of data analytics and the applications of ML have also accelerated the development of specialized hardware and accelerators to improve algorithmic performance, big data storage, and data retrieval performance.
Agrawal, Rakesh, and Ramakrishnan Srikant. “Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases.” In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB ’94), September 12–15, 1994, Santiago de Chile, Chile, edited by Jorge B. Bocca, Matthias Jarke, and Carlo Zaniolo. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann (1994): 487–499.
Breiman, Leo, Jerome H. Friedman, Richard A. Olshen, and Charles J. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1984.
Carpenter, Gail A., and Stephen Grossberg. Pattern Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural Networks. Massachusetts: Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1991.
Freund, Yoav, and Robert E. Schapire. “A Decision-Theoretic Generalization of On-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting.” Journal of Computer and System Sciences 55, no. 1 (1997): 119–139.
Han, Jiawel, Jian Pei, and Yiwen Yin. “Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation.” In SIGMOD/PODS ’00: ACM international Conference on Management of Data and Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Dallas, TX, USA, May 15–18, 2000, edited by Weidong Chen, Jeffrey Naughton, Philip A. Bernstein. New York: ACM (2000): 1–12.
Jang, J.-S. R. “ANFIS: Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 23, no. 3 (1993): 665–685.
Kohavi, Ron, and Foster Provost. “Glossary of Terms.” Machine Learning 30, no. 2–3 (1998): 271–274.
Chapter 1 ■ Machine Learning
Lloyd, Stuart P. “Least Squares Quantization in PCM,” in special issue on quantization, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-28, no. 2(1982): 129–137.
Samuel, Arthur L. “Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the Game of Checkers,” IBM Journal of Research and Development 44:1.2 (1959): 210–229.
Turing, Alan M. “Computing machinery and intelligence.” Mind (1950): 433–460.
Vapnik, Vladimir N. Statistical Learning Theory. New York: Wiley, 1998.
Wu, Xindong, Vipin Kumar, Ross Quinlan, Joydeep Ghosh, Qiang Yang, Hiroshi Motoda, Geoffrey J. McLachlan, Angus Ng, Bing Liu, Philip S. Yu, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Michael Steinbach, David J. Hand, and Dan Steinberg. “Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining.” Knowledge and Information Systems 14 (2008): 1–37.
Yang, Qiang, and Xindong Wu. “10 Challenging Problems in Data Mining Research.” International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 5, no. 4 (2006): 597–604.
Chapter 2
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it—this is knowledge.
—Confucius, The Analects
The field of data mining has made significant advances in recent years. Because of its ability to solve complex problems, data mining has been applied in diverse fields related to engineering, biological science, social media, medicine, and business intelligence. The primary objective for most of the applications is to characterize patterns in a complex stream of data. These patterns are then coupled with knowledge discovery and decision making. In the Internet age, information gathering and dynamic analysis of spatiotemporal data are key to innovation and developing better products and processes. When datasets are large and complex, it becomes difficult to process and analyze patterns using traditional statistical methods. Big data are data collected in volumes so large, and forms so complex and unstructured, that they cannot be handled using standard database management systems, such as DBMS and RDBMS. The emerging challenges associated with big data include dealing not only with increased volume, but also the wide variety and complexity of the data streams that need to be extracted, transformed, analyzed, stored, and visualized. Big data analysis uses inferential statistics to draw conclusions related to dependencies, behaviors, and predictions from large sets of data with low information density that are subject to random variations. Such systems are expected to model knowledge discovery in a format that produces reasonable answers when applied across a wide range of situations. The characteristics of big data are as follows:
• Volume: A great quantity of data is generated. Detecting relevance and value within this large volume is challenging.
• Variety: The range of data types and sources is wide.
• Velocity: The speed of data generation is fast. Reacting in a timely manner can be demanding.
• Variability: Data flows can be highly inconsistent and difficult to manage, owing to seasonal and event-driven peaks.
• Complexity: The data need to be linked, connected, and correlated to infer nonlinear relationships and causal effects.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Modern technological advancements have enabled the industry to make inroads into big data and big data analytics. Affordable open source software infrastructure, faster processors, cheaper storage, virtualization, high throughput connectivity, and development of unstructured data management tools, in conjunction with cloud computing, have opened the door to high-quality information retrieval and faster analytics, enabling businesses to reduce costs and time required to develop newer products with customized offerings. Big data and powerful analytics can be integrated to deliver valuable services, such as these:
• Failure root cause detection: The cost of unplanned shutdowns resulting from unexpected failures can run into billions of dollars. Root cause analysis (RCA)
identifies the factors determinative of the location, magnitude, timing, and nature of past failures and learns to associate actions, conditions, and behaviors that can prevent the recurrence of such failures. RCA transforms a reactive approach to
failure mitigation into a proactive approach of solving problems before they occur and avoids unnecessary escalation.
• Dynamic coupon system: A dynamic coupon system allows discount coupons to be delivered in a very selective manner, corresponding to factors that maximize
the strategic benefits to the product or service provider. Factors that regulate the
delivery of the coupon to selected recipients are modeled on existing locality,
assessed interest in a specific product, historical spending patterns, dynamic
pricing, chronological visits to shopping locations, product browsing patterns, and redemption of past coupons. Each of these factors is weighted and reanalyzed as a function of competitive pressures, transforming behaviors, seasonal effects, external factors, and dynamics of product maturity. A coupon is delivered in real time,
according to the recipient’s profile, context, and location. The speed, precision, and accuracy of coupon delivery to large numbers of mobile recipients are important
• Shopping behavior analysis: A manufacturer of a product is particularly interested in the understanding the heat-map patterns of its competitors’ products on the store floor. For example, a manufacturer of large-screen TVs would want to ascertain
buyers’ interest in features offered by other TV manufacturers. This can only be
analyzed by evaluating potential buyers’ movements and time spent in proximity
to the competitors’ products on the floor. Such reports can be delivered to the
manufacturer on an individual basis, in real time, or collectively, at regular intervals. The reports may prompt manufacturers to deliver dynamic coupons to influence
potential buyers who are still in the decision-making stage as well as help the
manufacturer improve, remove, retain, or augment features, as gauged by buyers’ interest in the competitors’ products.
• Detecting fraudulent behavior: Various types of fraud related to insurance, health care, credit cards, and identity theft cost consumers and businesses billions of
dollars. Big data and smart analytics have paved the way for developing real-time
solutions for identifying fraud and preventing it before it occurs. Smart analytics
generate models that validate the patterns related to spending behavior, geolocation, peak activity, and insurance claims. If a pattern cannot be validated, a corrective,
preventive, or punitive action is initiated. The accuracy, precision, and velocity
of such actions are critical to the success of isolating the fraudulent behavior. For
instance, each transaction may evaluate up to 500 attributes, using one or more
models in real time.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
• Workload resource tuning and selection in datacenter: In a cloud service management environment, service-level agreements (SLAs) define the expectation of quality of
service (QoS) for managing performance loss in a given service-hosting environment composed of a pool of computing resources. Typically, the complexity of resource
interdependencies in a server system results in suboptimal behavior, leading to
performance loss. A well-behaved model can anticipate demand patterns and
proactively react to dynamic stresses in a timely and optimized manner. Dynamic
characterization methods can synthesize a self-correcting workload fingerprint
codebook that facilitates phase prediction to achieve continuous tuning through
proactive workload allocation and load balancing. In other words, the codebook
characterizes certain features, which are continually reevaluated to remodel workload behavior to accommodate deviation from an anticipated output. It is possible,
however, that the most current model in the codebook may not have been subjected to newer or unidentified patterns. A new workload is hosted on a compute node
(among thousands of potential nodes) in a manner that not only reduces the thermal hot spots, but also improves performance by lowering the resource bottleneck. The velocity of the analysis that results in optimal hosting of the workload in real time is critical to the success of workload load allocation and balancing.
Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge extraction gathers information from structured and unstructured sources to construct a knowledge database for identifying meaningful and useful patterns from underlying large and semantically fuzzy datasets. Fuzzy datasets are sets whose elements have a degree of membership. Degree of membership is defined by a membership function that is valued between 0 and 1.
The extracted knowledge is reused, in conjunction with source data, to produce an enumeration of patterns that are added back to the knowledge base. The process of knowledge discovery involves programmatic exploration of large volumes of data for patterns that can be enumerated as knowledge. The knowledge acquired is presented as models to which specific queries can be made, as necessary. Knowledge discovery joins the concepts of computer science and machine learning (such as databases and algorithms) with those of statistics to solve user-oriented queries and issues. Knowledge can be described in different forms, such as classes of actors, attribute association models, and dependencies. Knowledge discovery in big data uses core machine algorithms that are designed for classification, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and collaborative filtering as well as scalable distributed systems. This chapter discusses the classes of machine learning algorithms that are useful when the dataset to be processed is very large for a single machine.
Classification is central to developing predictive analytics capable of replicating human decision making. Classification algorithms work well for problems with well-defined boundaries in which inputs follow a specific set of attributes and in which the output is categorical. Generally, the classification process develops an archive of experiences entailing evaluation of new inputs by matching them with previously observed patterns. If a pattern can be matched, the input is associated with the predefined predictive behavioral pattern. If a pattern cannot be matched, it is quarantined for further evaluation to determine if it is an undiscovered valid pattern or an unusual pattern. Machine-based classification algorithms follow supervised-learning techniques, in which algorithms learn through examples (also called training sets) of accurate decision making, using carefully prepared inputs. The two main steps involved in classification are synthesizing a model, using a learning algorithm, and employing the model to categorize new data.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Clustering is a process of knowledge discovery that groups items from a given collection, based on similar attributes (or characteristics). Members of the same cluster share similar characteristics, relative to those belonging to different clusters. Generally, clustering involves an iterative algorithm of trial and error that
operates on an assumption of similarity (or dissimilarity) and that stops when a termination criterion is satisfied. The challenge is to find a function that measures the degree of similarity between two items (or data points) as a numerical value. The parameters for clustering—such as the clustering algorithm, the distance function, the density threshold, and the number of clusters—depend on the applications and the individual dataset.
Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality reduction is the process of reducing random variables through feature selection and feature extraction. Dimensionality reduction allows shorter training times and enhanced generalization and reduces overfitting. Feature selection is the process of synthesizing a subset of the original variables for model construction by eliminating redundant or irrelevant features. Feature extraction, in contrast, is the process of transforming the high-dimensional space to a space of fewer dimensions by combining attributes.
Collaborative Filtering
Collaborative filtering (CF) is the process of filtering for information or patterns, using collaborative methods between multiple data sources. CF explores an area of interest by gathering preferences from many users with similar interests and making recommendations based on those preferences. CF algorithms are expected to make satisfactory recommendations in a short period of time, despite very sparse data, increasing numbers of users and items, synonymy, data noise, and privacy issues.
Machine learning performs predictive analysis, based on established properties learned from the training data (models). Machine learning assists in exploring useful knowledge or previously unknown knowledge by matching new information with historical information that exists in the form of patterns. These patterns are used to filter out new information or patterns. Once this new information is validated against a set of linked behavioral patterns, it is integrated into the existing knowledge database. The new information may also correct existing models by acting as additional training data. The following sections look at various machine learning algorithms employed in knowledge discovery, in relation to clustering, classification, dimensionality reduction, and collaborative filtering.
Machine Learning: Classification Algorithms
Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is a probabilistic statistical classification model that predicts the probability of the occurrence of an event. Logistic regression models the relationship between a categorical dependent variable X and a dichotomous categorical outcome or feature Y. The logistic function can be expressed as
β β
0 1
P Y X eeXX ( | ) . = +++
0 1 1 (2-1)
β β
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
The logistic function may be rewritten and transformed as the inverse of the logistic function—called logit or log-odds—which is the key to generating the coefficients of the logistic regression,
⎝⎜ ⎞⎠⎟ = +
logit P( ( | )) ln ( | )
Y X . P Y X
1 β β 0 1 (2-2)
P Y X = X −
( | )
As depicted in Figure 2-1, the logistic function can receive a range of input values (β0+β1X) between negative infinity and positive infinity, and the output (P(Y|X) is constrained to values between 0 and 1.
Figure 2-1. The logistic function
The logit transform of P(Y|X) provides a dynamic range for linear regression and can be converted back into odds. The logistic regression method fits a regression curve, using the regression coefficients β0 and β1, as shown in Equation 2-1, where the output response is a binary (dichotomous) variable, and X is numerical. Because the logistic function curve is nonlinear, the logit transform (see Equation 2-2) is used to perform linear regression, in which P(Y |X) is the probability of success (Y) for a given value of X. Using the generalized linear model, an estimated logistic regression equation can be formulated as
1 1 2 3 0 ∑
β β (2-3)
logit( ( P Y | , X X , ) X Xn k ) . Xk
= = + =
The coefficients β0 and βk (k = 1, 2, ..., n) are estimated, using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to model the probability that the dependent variable Y will take on a value of 1 for given values of Xk (k = 1, 2, ..., n).
Logistic regression is widely used in areas in which the outcome is presented in a binary format. For example, to predict blood cholesterol based on body mass index (BMI), you would use linear regression, because the outcome is continuous. If you needed to predict the odds of being diabetic based on BMI, you would use logistic regression, because the outcome is binary.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Random Forest
Random forest (Breiman 2001) is an ensemble learning approach for classification, in which “weak learners” collaborate to form “strong learners,” using a large collection of decorrelated decision trees (the random forest). Instead of developing a solution based on the output of a single deep tree, however, random forest aggregates the output from a number of shallow trees, forming an additional layer to bagging. Bagging constructs n predictors, using independent successive trees, by bootstrapping samples of the dataset. The n predictors are combined to solve a classification or estimation problem through averaging. Although individual classifiers are weak learners, all the classifiers combined form a strong learner. Whereas single decision trees experience high variance and high bias, random forest averages multiple decision trees to improve estimation performance. A decision tree, in ensemble terms, represents a weak classifier. The term forest denotes the use of a number of decision trees to make a classification decision. The random forest algorithm can be summarized as follows:
1. To construct B trees, select n bootstrap samples from the original dataset.
2. For each bootstrap sample, grow a classification or regression tree.
3. At each node of the tree:
– m predictor variables (or subset of features) are selected at random from all the predictor variables (random subspace).
– The predictor variable that provides the best split performs the binary split on that node.
– The next node randomly selects another set of m variables from all predictor
variables and performs the preceding step.
4. Given a new dataset to be classified, take the majority vote of all the B subtrees.
By averaging across the ensemble of trees, you can reduce the variance of the final estimation. Random forest offers good accuracy and runs efficiently on large datasets. It is an effective method for estimating missing data and maintains accuracy, even if a large portion of the data is missing. Additionally, random forest can estimate the relative importance of a variable for classification.
Hidden Markov Model
A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a doubly stochastic process, in which the system being modeled is a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states. Although the underlying stochastic process is hidden and not directly observable, it can be seen through another set of stochastic processes that produces the sequence of observed symbols. In traditional Markov models, states are visible to an observer, and state transitions are parameterized, using transition probabilities. Each state has a probability distribution over output emissions (observed variables). HMM-based approaches correlate the system observations and state transitions to predict the most probable state sequence. The states of the HMM can only be inferred from the observed emissions—hence, the use of the term hidden. The sequence of output emissions generated by an HMM is used to estimate the sequence of states. HMMs are generative models, in which the joint distribution of observations and hidden states is modeled. To define a hidden Markov model, the following attributes have to be specified (see Figure 2-2):
• Set of states: {S1,S2...,Sn}
• Sequence of states: Q=q1,q2,...,qt
• Markov chain property: P P ( | q S q S , , q S , ) q S ( | q S q S ) t j + − 1 1 = =t i t k = = 0 0 = = t j +1 t i =
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
• Set of observations: O={o1,o2,o3,...,oM}
• Transition probability matrix: P = { } p p ij ij , ( = = P q S t j +1 | ) q S t i =
• Emission probability matrix: B = = { ( bk bk j j )}, ( ) ( P x o t k = = | ) q S t j
• Initial probability matrix: π π = = { }, ( π = ) i i P q S 1 i
• HMM: M = (A,B,π)
Figure 2-2. Attributes of an HMM
The three fundamental problems addressed by HMMs can be summarized as follows:
• Model evaluation: Evaluate the likelihood of a sequence of observations for a given HMM (M=(A,B,π)).
• Path decoding: Evaluate the optimal sequence of model states (Q) (hidden states) for a given sequence of observations and HMM model M=(A,B,π).
• Model training: Determine the set of model parameters that best accounts for the observed signal.
HMMs are especially known for their application in temporal pattern recognition, such as speech, handwriting, gesture recognition, part-of-speech tagging, musical score following, partial discharges, and bioinformatics. For further details on the HMM, see Chapter 5.
Multilayer Perceptron
A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a feedforward network of simple neurons that maps sets of input data onto a set of outputs. An MLP comprises multiple layers of nodes fully connected by directed graph, in which each node (except input nodes) is a neuron with a nonlinear activation function.
The fundamental component of an MLP is the neuron. In an MLP a pair of neurons is connected in two adjacent layers, using weighted edges. As illustrated in Figure 2-3, an MLP comprises at least three layers of neurons, including one input layer, one or more hidden layers, and one output layer. The number of input
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
neurons depends on the dimensions of the input features; the number of output neurons is determined by the number of classes. The number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each hidden layer depend on the type of problem being solved. Fewer neurons result in inefficient learning; a larger number of neurons results in inefficient generalization. An MLP uses a supervised-learning technique called backpropagation for training the network. In its simple instantiation the perceptron computes an output y by processing a linear combination of weighted real-valued inputs through a nonlinear activation function,
= + =
ϕ ∑
y wi i x b
, (2-4)
where w represents the weights vector, x is the input vector, b is the bias, and ϕ is the activation function. Generally, MLP systems choose the logistic sigmoid function 1/(1+e–x) or the hyperbolic tangent tanh(x) as the activation functions. These functions offer statistical convenience, because they are linear near the origin and saturate quickly when moved away from the origin.
Figure 2-3. The MLP is fed the input features to the input layer and gets the result from the output layer; the results are calculated in a feedforward approach from the input layer to the output layer
The MLP learning process adjusts the weights of the hidden layer, such that the output error is reduced. Starting with the random weights, MLP feeds forward the input pattern signals through the network and backpropagates the error signal, starting at the output. The backpropagating error signal is made up of of the difference between actual (On(t)) and desired (Tn) values. Error function may be summarized as E O t T O t n n n ( ( )) = − ( ). (2-5)
The goal of the learning process is to minimize the error function. To find the minimum value of the error function, differentiate it, with respect to the weight matrix. The learning algorithm comprises the following steps:
1. Initialize random weights within the interval [1, –1].
2. Send an input pattern to the network.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
3. Calculate the output of the network.
4. For each node n in the output layer:
a. Calculate the error on output node n: E(On(t))=Tn–On(t).
b. Add E(On(t)) to all the weights that connect to node n.
5. Repeat step 2.
To influence the convergence rate and thereby reduce the step sizes at which weights undergo an adaptive change, a learning parameter η (< 1) is used. The i-th weight connected to j-th output can be updated by the following rule:
w t w t E O t ij ij j ( ) + − 1 ( ) =η ( ( )). (2-6)
Equation 2-6 represents an iterative weight adaptation, in which a fraction of output error at iteration (t + 1) is added to the existing weight from iteration t.
MLPs are commonly used for supervised-learning pattern recognition processes. There is renewed interest in MLP backpropagation networks, owing to the successes of deep learning. Deep learning is an approach for effectively training an MLP, using multiple hidden layers. With modern advancements in silicon technology, deep learning is being developed to unlock the enormous big data analytics potential in areas in which highly varying functions can be represented by deep architecture.
Machine Learning: Clustering Algorithms
k-Means Clustering
k-means clustering is an unsupervised-learning algorithm of vector quantization that partitions n observations into k clusters. The algorithm defines k centroids, which act as prototypes for their respective clusters. Each object is assigned to a cluster with the nearest centroid when measured with a specific distance metric. The step of assigning objects to clusters is complete when all the objects have been applied to one of the k clusters. The process is repeated by recalculating centroids, based on previous S={S1,S1,...,Sk} allocations, and reassigning objects to the nearest new centroids. The process continues until there is no movement of centroids of any k cluster. Generally, a k-means clustering algorithm classifies objects according to their features into k groups (or clusters) by minimizing the sum of squares of the distances between the object data and the cluster centroid.
For a given set of d-dimensional observations vectors (x1,x2,...,xn), k-means clustering partitions n observations into k(≤n) cluster sets so as to minimize the sum of squares,
∑∑ (2-7)
argmin || || ,
where μi is the mean of the points in Si.
=1 x∈
i S i
x − μi
The k-means clustering algorithm is easy to implement on large datasets. It has found many uses in areas such as market segmentation, computer vision, profiling applications and workloads, optical character recognition, and speech synthesis. The algorithm is often used as the preprocessing step for other algorithms in order to find the initial configuration.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Fuzzy k-Means (Fuzzy c-Means)
Fuzzy k-means (also called fuzzy c-means [FCM]) (Dunn 1973; Bezdek 1981) is an extension of the k-means algorithm that synthesizes soft clusters, in which an object can belong to more than one cluster with a certain probability. This algorithm provides increased flexibility in assigning data objects to clusters and allowing the data objects to maintain partial membership in multiple neighboring clusters. FCM uses the fuzzification parameter m in range [1, n], which determines the degree of fuzziness in the clusters. Whereas m=1 signifies crisp clustering, m>1 suggests a higher degree of fuzziness among data objects in decision space. The FCM algorithm is based on minimization of the objective function
∑∑ ( ) || || ,2
J w x c x m kmj
= −
where x is the d-dimensional data object, cj is the d-dimensional centroid of the cluster j (see Equation 2-10), and wk(x) is the degree of membership of x in the cluster k dependent on the fuzzification parameter m, which controls the weighting accorded the closest centroid:
w xc x
( )
. /( ) =− ⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟−
2 1
|| ||
|| || c x
With FCM the d-dimensional centroid of a kth cluster (ck) is the mean of all points, weighted by their degree of membership to that cluster:
w x x
c =
( )
( ) . (2-10)
w x k
∑ x
The c-means clustering algorithm synthesizes cluster centers and the degree to which data objects are assigned to them. This does not translate into hard membership functions. FCM is used in image processing for clustering objects in an image.
Streaming k-Means
Streaming k-means is a two-step algorithm, consisting of a streaming step and a ball k-means step. A streaming step traverses the data objects of size n in one pass and generates an optimal number of centroids—which amounts to klog(n) clusters, where k is expected number of clusters. The attributes of these clusters are passed on to the ball k-means step, which reduces the number of clusters to k.
Streaming Step
A streaming-step algorithm steps through the data objects one at a time and makes a decision to either add the data object to an existing cluster or create a new one. If the distance between the centroid of the cluster and a data point is smaller than the distance cutoff threshold, the algorithm adds the data to an existing cluster or creates a new cluster with a probability of d/(distancecutoff). If the distance exceeds the cutoff, the algorithm creates a new cluster with a new centroid. As more data objects are processed, the centroids of the existing clusters may change their position. This process continues to add new clusters until the number of existing clusters reaches a cluster cutoff limit. The number of clusters can be reduced by increasing the distance cutoff threshold. This step is mainly used for dimensionality reduction. The output of this step is a reduced dataset in the form of multiple clusters that are proxies for a large amount of the original data.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Ball K-Means Step
A ball k-means algorithm consumes the output of a streaming step (X = set of centroids > k) and performs multiple independent runs to synthesize k clusters by selecting the best solution. Each run selects k centroids, using a seeding mechanism, and runs the ball k-means algorithm iteratively to refine the solution.
The seeding process may invoke the k-means++ algorithm for optimal spreading of k clusters. The k-means++ seeding algorithm is summarized as follows:
1. Choose center c1 uniformly at random from X.
2. Select a new center ci by choosing x∈X with probability, P(x), and add it to X , 2
P x D xD i
( ) ( )( ) = ,
∑ i X
where D(x) is the distance between x and the nearest center that has already been chosen.
3. Repeat step 2 until k centers c c 1 2 c X k , ,, ∈ are selected.
4. Randomly pick two centers c c ˆ1 2 ,ˆ ∈X with probability proportional to cnor ˆ m c || ˆ ˆc || 1 22 − . 5. For each cˆi , create a ball of radius c c ˆ|| ˆ ˆc || / 1 2 − 3 around it.
6. Recompute the new centroids c c 1 2 , by using the elements of X contained within the ball.
This algorithm is particularly useful in applications with a large number of data objects. The algorithm reduces the dimensionality of the original dataset by employing the streaming operation and replacing that data with a reduced proxy data composed of k·log(n) centroids of the original data. The reduced data act as input to the ball k-means algorithm, which synthesizes and refines k centroids for their respective clusters.
Machine Learning: Dimensionality Reduction
Machine learning works through a large number of features to train most regression or classification problems. This compounds the complexity, raises the computational requirement, and increases the time needed to converge to a solution. A useful approach for mitigating these problems is to reduce the dimensional space of the original features by synthesizing a lower-dimensional space. In this new, lower-dimensional space the most important features are retained, hidden correlations between features are exposed, and unimportant features are discarded. One of the simplest, most straightforward, and least supervised feature-reduction approaches involves variants of matrix decomposition: singular value decomposition, eigen decomposition, and nonnegative matrix factorization. The following sections consider some of the methods commonly used in statistical dimensionality reduction.
Singular Value Decomposition
Singular value decomposition (SVD) performs matrix analysis to synthesize low-dimensional representation of a high-dimensional matrix. SVD assists in eliminating less important parts of matrix representation, leading to approximate representation with the desired number of dimensions. This helps in creating a smaller representation of a matrix that closely resembles the original. SVD is useful in dimensionality reduction, owing to the following characteristics:
• SVD transforms correlated variables into a set of uncorrelated ones that exposes corresponding relationships between the data items.
• SVD identifies dimensions along which data points exhibit the most variation.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Once you identify the points with distinct variations, you can approximate original data points with fewer dimensions. You can define thresholds below which variations can be ignored, thereby leading to a highly reduced dataset without degradation of the information related to inherent relationships and interests within data points.
If M is an m × n matrix , then you can break it down into the product of three matrices U, ∑, and VT with the following characteristics:
• U is a column-orthogonal matrix. The columns of U are orthonormal
eigenvectors of MM T.
• V T is a transpose of orthogonal matrix V. The columns of V are orthonormal
eigenvectors of M TM.
• ∑ is a diagonal matrix, where all elements except diagonal are 0. ∑ contains square roots of eigenvalues from U or V, in descending order.
In its exact form, M can be rewritten as
M U VT = ∑ . (2-11)
In the process of dimensionality reduction, you synthesize U and V, such that they contain elements accounted for in the original data, in descending order of variation. You may delete elements representing dimensions that do not exhibit meaningful variation. This can be done by setting the smallest eigenvalue to 0. Equation 2-11 can be rewritten in its best rank-l approximate form as
ˆM u v , , , i i iT
= ⋅ l ∑ λ λ ⋅ ≥1 2 λ λ ≥ (2-12)
where ui and vi are the ith columns of U and V, respectively, and λi is the ith element of the diagonal matrix ∑.
Principal Component Analysis
When you have a swarm of points in space, the coordinates and axes you use to represent such points are arbitrary. The points have certain variances, relative to the direction of axes chosen, indicating the spread around the mean value in that direction. In a two-dimensional system the model is constrained by the perpendicularity of the second axis to the first axis. But, in three-dimensional cases and higher, you can position the nth axis perpendicular to the plane constructed by any two axes. The model is constrained by the position of the first axis, which is positioned in the direction with the highest variance. This results in a new feature space that compresses the swarm of points into the axes of high variance. You may select the axes with higher variances and eliminate the axes with lower variances. Figure 2-4 illustrates the new feature space, reduced from a dataset with 160 featuresto 59 components (axes). Each component is associated with a certain percentage of variance, relative to other components. The first component has the highest variance, followed by second component, and so on.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Figure 2-4. The percentage of variance of a principal component transform of a dataset with 160 features reduced to 59 components
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely used analytic technique that identifies patterns to reduce the dimensions of the dataset without significant loss of information. The goal of PCA is to project a high-dimensional feature space into a smaller subset to decrease computational cost. PCA computes new features, called principal components (PCs), which are uncorrelated linear combinations of the original features projected in the direction of greater variability. The key is to map the set of features into a matrix M and synthesize the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for MM T or M TM. Eigenvectors facilitate simpler solutions to problems that can be modeled using linear transformations along axes by stretching, compressing, or flipping. Eigenvalues provide a factor (length and magnitude of eigenvectors) whereby such transformation occurs. Eigenvectors with larger eigenvalues are selected in the new feature space because they enclose more information than eigenvectors with lower eigenvalues for a data distribution. The first PC has the greatest possible variance (i.e., the largest eigenvalues) compared with the next PC (uncorrelated, relative to the first PC), which is computed under the constraint of being orthogonal to the first component. Essentially, the ith PC is the linear combination of the maximum variance that is uncorrelated with all previous PCs. PCA comprises the following steps:
1. Compute the d-dimensional mean of the original dataset.
2. Compute the covariance matrix of the features.
3. Compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.
4. Sort the eigenvectors by decreasing eigenvalue.
5. Choose k eigenvectors with the largest eigenvalues.
Eigenvector values represent the contribution of each variable to the PC axis. PCs are oriented in the direction of maximum variance in m-dimensional points.
Chapter 2 ■ Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
PCA is one of the most widely used multivariate methods for uncovering new, informative, uncorrelated features; it reduces dimensionality by rejecting low-variance features and is useful in reducing the computational requirements for classification and regression analysis.
Lanczos Algorithm
The Lanczos algorithm is a low-cost eigen-decomposition technique identical to truncated SVD, except that it does not explicitly compute singular values/vectors of the matrix. The Lanczos algorithm uses a small number of Lanczos vectors that are eigenvectors of MTM or MMT, where M is a symmetrical n × n matrix.
Lanczos starts by seeding an arbitrary nonzero vector x0 with cardinality equal to the number of columns of matrix M. The mth (m< 0
• Hyperbolic tangent (sigmoid): K x u x uT ( ) , t = + anh(β γ )
• Gaussian radial basis function (RBF): K x u x u ( ) , e = − xp −
2 σ
• Laplacian radial basis function: K x u x u ( ) , e = − xp −
• Randomized blocks analysis of variance (ANOVA RB) kernel: n
k k d ( ) , ( = − ( ) − )
2 exp σ
K x u x u
• Linear spline kernel in 1D:
K x u x u ( ) , . = + .min( ) , ( − min( , ) ( , ) ) + 2 3 x u x u x u min x u 1 +
Kernel selection is heavily dependent on the data specifics. For instance, the linear kernel—the simplest of all—is useful in large sparse data vectors. However, it ranks behind the polynomial kernel, which avoids zeroing the Hessian. The polynomial kernel is widely used in image processing, whereas the ANOVA RB kernel is usually reserved for regression tasks. The Gaussian and Laplace RBFs are general-purpose kernels that are mostly applied in the absence of prior knowledge. A kernel matrix that ends up being diagonal indicates that the feature space is redundant and that another kernel should be tried after feature reduction.
Note that when kernels are used to transform the feature vectors from input space to kernel space for linearly nonseparable datasets, the kernel matrix computation requires massive memory and computational resources, for big data.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
Figure 3-6 displays the two-dimensional exclusive OR (XOR) data, a linearly nonseparable distribution in input space (upper-left) as well as in the feature space. In the latter, 16 points (for different sets) are created for the four inputs when the kernel is applied. The choice of the Gaussian RBF kernel-smoothing parameter σ2 affects the distribution of the data in the kernel space. Because the choice of parameter value is essential for transforming the data from a linearly nonseparable space to a linearly separable one, grid searches are performed to find the most suitable values.
Figure 3-6. Two-dimensional XOR data, from input space to kernel space
The primal formulation of the kernel SVM is
w w C i ξξ 12 1
min ,
subject to y wi x b T ( ϕ ξ ( )i i + ) ≥ −1 and ξi ≥ ∀ 0, i, where ϕ(xi) is such that K x x x x i j i j ( , . ) = ϕ ϕ ( ) ( ) .
Again, the SVM solution should satisfy the KKT conditions, as follows: 1. w y x iN
= ∑ i i i =1λ ϕ( )
2. ∑ =
i =
i i y 1λ 0
3. C i − − ∝ λ i i = = 0 1, , 2 ..., N
4. λ ϕ ξ i iTi i y w( ( ) x b + )− + i N , ,..., 1 0 = =1 2 5. ∝ ξi i = = 0 1 i N , , 2 ...,
6. ∝ ξ i i , , > = 0 1 i N 2,...,
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
As mentioned earlier, the dual formulation of this problem is more efficient to solve and is used in most
implementations of SVM:
∑ ∑ − 1 1
max , λ λ i iλj i j i j
subject to
= = i
i ∑ y
y y x x
■ Note For a dataset size of N, the kernel matrix has N2 entries. Therefore, as N increases, computing the kernel matrix becomes inefficient and even unfeasible, making SVM impractical to solve. However, several algorithms have alleviated this problem by breaking the optimization problem into a number of smaller problems.
Multiclass SVM
The early extensions of the SVM binary classification to the multiclass case were the work of Weston and Watkins (1999) and Platt (2000). Researchers devised various strategies to address the multiclassification problem, including one-versus-the-rest, pair-wise classification, and the multiclassification formulation, discussed in turn here.
• One-versus-the-rest (also called one-against-all [OAA]) is probably the earliest SVM multiclass implementation and is one of the most commonly used multiclass SVMs. It constructs c binary SVM classifiers, where c is the number of classes. Each classifier distinguishes one class from all the others, which reduces the case to a two-class problem. There are c decision functions: w x b w x b Ti cT
1 1 ϕ ϕ ( ) + ; ...; ( )i c + . The initial
formulation of the OAA method assigns a data point to a certain class if and only if that class has accepted it, while all other classes have not, which leaves undecided regions in the feature space when more than one class accepts it or when all
classes reject it. Vapnik (1998) suggested assigning data points to the class with the highest value, regardless of sign. The final label output is given to the class that has demonstrated the highest output value:
class of x max w i c i x b Ti arg ( ( ) ). ≡ + =1,..., ϕ
• Proposed by Knerr, Personnaz, and Dreyfus (1990), and first adopted in SVM by Friedman (1996) and Kressel (1999), pair-wise classification (also called one-against one [OAO]) builds c(c – 1)/2 binary SVMs, each of which is used to discriminate two of the c classes only and requires evaluation of (c – 1) SVM classifiers. For training data from the kth and jth classes, the constraints for (x y t t , ) are
w b kjTkj kjt ϕ ξ x ( ( )t + ) ≥ −1 , for y k t = ,
w b kjTkj kjt ϕ ξ x ( ( )t + ) ≤ −1 , + for y j t = ,
ξkjt ≥ 0.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
• The multiclassification objective function probably has the most compact form, as it optimizes the problem in a single step. The decision function is the same as that of the OAA technique. The multiclassification objective function constructs c two-class rules, and c decision functions solve the following constraints:
w b y w b Ty mTm im
ϕ ϕ x x ξ i i ( ) + ≥ ( ) + + 2 − , ξim ≥ 0 .
i i
For reasonable dataset sizes, the accuracy of the different multiclassification techniques is comparable. For any particular problem, selection of the optimal approach depends partly on the required accuracy and partly on the development and training time goals. For example, from a computational cost perspective, OAA and OAO are quite different. Let’s say, for instance, that there are c different classes of N instances and that T(N1) represents the time for learning one binary classifier. Using N1 examples, OAA will learn in cN3, whereas OAO will require 4(c – 1)N3/ c2.
Although the SVM parametric model allows for adjustments when constructing the discriminant function, for multiclass problems these parameters do not always fit across the entire dataset. For this reason, it is sometimes preferable to partition the data into subgroups with similar features and derive the classifier parameters separately. This process results in a multistage SVM (MSVM), or hierarchical SVM, which can produce greater generalization accuracy and reduce the likelihood of overfitting, as shown by Stockman (2010). A graphical representation of a single SVM and an MSVM is presented in Figure 3-7.
. . .
C1 C2
C2, C3, … ,Cn
Single Multiclass SVM Multistage SVM
Figure 3-7. Single multiclass SVM and MSVM flows
With a multistage approach, different kernel and tuning parameters can be optimized for each stage separately. The first-stage SVM can be trained to distinguish between a single class and the rest of the classes. At the next stage, SVM can tune a different kernel to further distinguish among the remaining classes. Thus, there will be a binary classifier, with one decision function to implement at each stage.
Hierarchical SVM as an alternative for multiclass SVM has merit in terms of overall model error. SVM accuracy approaches the Bayes optimal rule as an appropriate kernel choice and in smoothing metaparameter M
values. Also, by definition, for a multiclass problem with M ci classes, and an input vector x,
∑ ( ) =
1| ,
P ci x
because classes should cover all the search space. When the classes being considered are not equiprobable, the maximum P c xi ( ) | has to be greater than 1/M; otherwise, the sum will be less than 1. Let’s say, for example, that the probability of correct classification is
∑ ∑ ∫
= ∈ = ( ) ( ) P P x R c P c p x c dx c ( , ) , |
i i
= =
1 1
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
where Ri is the region of the feature space in which the decision is in favor of ci. Because of the definition of region Ri,
1 | ,
∑∫ ∑∫
= ( ) ( ) ≥ ( ) P P x c p x dxM p x dx ci
= =
1 1
i i R ➩ PM c ≥ 1;
hence, the probability of multiclassification error is
P PMMM e c = − ≤ − = − 1 11 1.
As the number of classes M increases, Pe increases for a multiclassification flat formulation. For a hierarchical classification the multiclassification task is reduced at each stage to a binary one, with Pe = 12. Thus, the cumulative error for the hierarchical task is expected to converge asymptotically to a lower value than with a flat multiclassification task.
SVM with Imbalanced Datasets
In many real-life applications and nonsynthetic datasets, the data are imbalanced; that is, the important class—usually referred to as the minority class—has many fewer samples than the other class, usually referred to as the majority class. Class imbalance presents a major challenge for classification algorithms whenever the risk loss for the minority class is higher than for the majority class. When the minority data points are more important than the majority ones, and the main goal is to classify those minority data points correctly, standard machine learning that is geared toward optimized overall accuracy is not ideal; it will result in hyperplanes that favor the majority class and thus generalize poorly.
When dealing with imbalanced datasets, overall accuracy is a biased measure of classifier goodness. Instead, the confusion matrix, and the information on true positive (TP) and false positive (FP) that it holds, are a better indication of classifier performance. Referred to as matching matrix in unsupervised learning, and as error matrix or contingency matrix in fields other than machine learning, a confusion matrix provides a visual representation of actual versus predicted class accuracies.
A confusion matrix is as follows:
Predicted/Actual Class Positive Class Negative Class
Positive Class TP FP
Negative Class FN TN
Accuracy is the number of data points correctly classified by the classification algorithm: AccuracyTP TN
+ + + .
The positive class is the class that is of utmost importance to the designer and usually is the minority class.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
True positive (TP) (also called recall in some fields) is the number of data points correctly classified from the positive class.
False positive (FP) is the number of data points predicted to be in the positive class but in fact belonging to the negative class.
True negative (TN) is the number of data points correctly classified from the negative class.
False negative (FN) is the number of data points predicted to be in the negative class but in fact belonging to the positive class.
Sensitivity (also called true positive rate [TPR] or recall rate [RR]) is a measure of how well a classification algorithm classifies data points in the positive class:
TP FN = + .
Specificity (also called true negative rate [TNR ]) is a measure of how well a classification algorithm classifies data points in the negative class:
TN FP = + .
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves offer another useful graphical representation for classifiers operating on imbalanced datasets. Originally developed during World War II by radar and electrical engineers for communication purposes and target prediction, ROC is also embraced by diagnostic decision making. Fawcett (2006) provided a comprehensive introduction to ROC analysis, highlighting common misconceptions.
The original SVM formulation did not account for class imbalance during its supervised learning phase. But, follow-up research proposed modifications to the SVM formulation for classifying imbalanced datasets. Previous work on SVM addressed class imbalance either by preprocessing the data or by proposing algorithmic modification to the SVM formulation. Kubat (1997) recommended balancing a dataset by randomly undersampling the majority class instead of oversampling the minority class. However, this results in information loss for the majority class. Veropoulos, Campbell, and Cristianini (1999) introduced different loss functions for the positive and negative classes to penalize the misclassification of minority data points. Tax and Ruin (1999) solved the class imbalance by using the support vector data description (SVDD), which aims at finding a sphere that encompasses the minority class and separates it from the outliers as optimally as possible. Feng and Williams (1999) suggested general scaled SVM (GS-SVM), another variation of SVM, which introduces a translation of the hyperplane after training the SVM. The translation distance is added to the SVM formulation; translation distance is computed by projecting the data points on the normal vector of the trained hyperplane and finding the distribution scales of the whole dataset (Das 2012). Chang and Lin (2011) proposed weighted scatter degree SVM (WSD-SVM), which embeds the global information in the GS-SVM by using the scatter of the data points and their weights, based on their location. Many efforts have been made to learn imbalanced data at the level of both the data and the algorithm. Preprocessing the data before learning the classifier was done through oversampling of the minority class to balance the class distribution by replication or undersampling of the larger class, which balances the data by eliminating samples randomly from that class (Kotsiantis, Kanellopoulos, and Pintelas 2006). Tang et al. (2009) recommended the granular SVM repetitive undersampling (GSVM-RU) algorithm, which, instead of using random undersampling of the majority class to obtain a balanced dataset, uses SVM itself—the idea being to form multiple majority information granules, from which local majority support vectors are extracted and then aggregated with the minority class. Another resampling method for learning classifiers from imbalanced data was suggested by Ou, Hung, and Oyang (2006) and Napierała, Stefanowski, and Wilk (2010). These authors concluded that only when the data suffered severely from noise or borderline examples would their proposed
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
resampling methods outperform the known oversampling methods. The synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) algorithm (Chawla et al. (2002) oversamples the minority class by introducing artificial minority samples between a given minority data point and its nearest minority neighbors. Extensions of the SMOTE algorithm have been developed, including one that works in the distance space (Koknar-Tezel and Latecki 2010). Cost-sensitive methods for imbalanced data learning have also been used. These methods define a cost matrix for misclassifying any data sample and fit the matrix into the classification algorithm (He and Garcia 2009).
Tax and Duin (2004) put forward the one-class SVM, which tends to learn from the minority class only. The one-class SVM aims at estimating the probability density function, which gives a positive value for the elements in the minority class and a negative value for everything else.
By introducing a multiplicative factor z to the support vector of the minority class, Imam, Ting, and Kamruzzaman (2006) posited that the bias of the learned SVM will be reduced automatically, without providing any additional parameters and without invoking multiple SVM trainings.
Akbani, Kwek, and Japkowicz (2004) proposed an algorithm based on a combination of the SMOTE algorithm and the different error costs for the positive and negative classes. Wang and Japkowicz (2010) also aggregated the different penalty factors as well as using an ensemble of SVM classifiers to improve the error for a single classifier and treat the problem of the skewed learned SVM. In an attempt to improve classification of imbalanced datasets using SVM standard formulation, Ajeeb, Nayal, and Awad (2013) suggested a novel minority SVM (MinSVM), which, with the addition of one constraint to the SVM objective function, separates boundaries that are closer to the majority class. Consequently, the minority data points are favored, and the probability of being misclassified is smaller.
Improving SVM Computational Requirements
Despite the robustness and optimality of the original SVM formulation, SVMs do not scale well computationally. Suffering from slow training convergence on large datasets, SVM online testing time can be suboptimal; SVMs write the classifier hyperplane model as a sum of support vectors whose number cannot be estimated ahead of time and may total as much as half the datasets. Thus, it is with larger datasets that SVM fails to deliver efficiently, especially in the case of nonlinear classification. Large datasets impose heavy computational time and storage requirements during training, sometimes rendering SVM even slower than ANN, itself notorious for slow convergence. For this reason, support vector set cardinality may be a problem when online prediction requires real-time performance on platforms with limited computational and power supply capabilities, such as mobile devices.
Many attempts have been made to speed up SVM. A survey related to SVM and its variants reveals a dichotomy between speedup strategies. The first category of techniques applies to the training phase of the SVM algorithm, which incurs a heftier computational cost in its search for the optimal separator. The intent of these algorithms is to reduce the cardinality of the dataset and speed up the optimization solver. The second category of techniques aims to accelerate the testing cycle. With the proliferation of power-conscious mobile devices, and the ubiquity of computing pushed from the cloud to these terminals, reducing the SVM testing cycle can be useful in applications in which computational resources are limited and real-time prediction is necessary. For example, online prediction on mobile devices would greatly benefit from reducing the computations required to perform a prediction.
To reduce the computational complexity of the SVM optimization problem, Platt (1998) developed the sequential minimal optimization (SMO) method, which divides the optimization problem into two quadratic program (QP) problems. This decomposition relieves the algorithm of large memory requirements and makes it feasible to train SVM on large datasets. Therefore, this algorithm grows alternately linearly and quadratically, depending on dataset size. SMO speeds up the training phase only, with no control over the number of support vectors or testing time. To achieve additional acceleration, many parallel implementations
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
of SMO (Zeng et al. 2008; Peng, Ma, and Hong 2009; Catanzaro et al. 2008; Alham et al. 2010; Cao et al. 2006) were developed on various parallel programming platforms, including graphics processing unit (GPU) (Catanzaro et al. 2008), Hadoop MapReduce (Alham et al. 2010), and message passing interface (MPI) (Cao et al. 2006).
Using the Cholesky factorization (Gill and Murray 1974), Fine (2002) approximated the kernel matrix by employing a low-rank matrix that requires updates that scale linearly with the training set size. The matrix is then fed to a QP solver to obtain an approximate solution to the SVM classification problem. Referred to as the Cholesky product form QP, this approach showed significant training time reduction, with its approximation of the optimal solution provided by SMO. However, if the training set contains redundant features, or if the support vectors are scaled by a large value, this method fails to converge (Fine and Scheinberg 2002).
Instead of decomposing the optimization problem, Lee (2001a) reformulated the constraint optimization as an unconstrained, smooth problem that can be solved using the Newton-Armijo algorithm in quadratic time. This reformulation resulted in improved testing accuracy of the standard SVM formulation (Vapnik 1999) on several databases (Lee 2001). Furthermore, Lee (2001) argued that this reformulation allows random selection of a subset of vectors and forces creation of more support vectors, without greatly affecting the prediction accuracy of the model.
Margin vectors were identified by Kong and Wang (2010) by computing the self and the mutual center distances in the feature space and eliminating the statistically insignificant points, based on the ratio and center distance of those points. The training set was forced to be balanced, and results were compared with those found using reduced SVM (RSVM) on three datasets from the University of California, Irvine, Machine Learning Repository (Frank and Asuncion 2010). The authors found that the model resulted in better generalization performance than with RSVM but that it required slightly more training time, owing to the overhead of computing the ratios and center distances.
Zhang (2008) identified boundary vectors, using the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN algorithm. With this method the distance between each vector and all other vectors is computed, and the vectors that have among their k-NN a vector of opposing class are retained. For linearly nonseparable problems, k-NN is applied in the kernel space, where the dataset is linearly separable. The preextract boundary vectors are used to train SVM. Because this subset is much smaller than the original dataset, training will be faster, and the support vector set will be smaller.
Downs, Gates, and Masters (2002) attempted to reduce the number of support vectors used in the prediction stage by eliminating vectors from the support vector set produced by an SMO solver that are linearly dependent on other support vectors. Hence, the final support vector set is formed of all linearly independent support vectors in the kernel space obtained by using row-reduced echelon form. Although this method produced reduction for polynomial kernels, and RBF with large sigma values, the number of, support vectors reduced could not be predicted ahead of time and was dependent on the kernel and the problem.
Nguyen (2006) reduced the support vector set by iteratively replacing the two nearest support vectors belonging to the same class, using a constructed support vector that did not belong to the original training set. The algorithm was applied after training the SVM on the training set and obtaining the support vector set. The algorithm was tested on the United States Postal Service database (Le Cun 1990) and achieved
significant reduction in support vector set cardinality, with little reduction in prediction accuracy. Rizk, Mitri, and Awad (2013) proposed a local mixture–based SVM (LMSVM), which exploits the increased separability provided by the kernel trick, while introducing a one-time computational cost. LMSVM applies kernel k-means clustering to the data in kernel space before pruning unwanted clusters, based on a mixture measure for label heterogeneity. Extending this concept, Rizk, Mitri, and Awad (2014) put forward knee-cut SVM (KCSVM) and knee-cut ordinal optimization–inspired SVM (KCOOSVM), with a soft trick of ordered kernel values and uniform subsampling to reduce the computational complexity of SVM, while maintaining an acceptable impact on its generalization capability.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
Case Study of SVM for Handwriting Recognition
Automated handwriting recognition (HWR) is becoming popular in several offline and online sensing tasks. Developing robust yet computationally efficient algorithms is still a challenging problem, given the increased awareness of energy-aware computing. Offline sensing occurs by optically scanning words and then transforming those images to letter code usable in the computer software environment. Online recognition automatically converts the writing on a graphics tablet or pen-based computer screen into letter code. HWR systems can also be classified as writer dependent or writer independent, with dependent systems’ having a higher recognition rate, owing to smaller variance in the provided data.
Because isolated-letter HWR is an essential step for online HWR, we present here a case study on developing an efficient writer-independent HWR system for isolated letters, using pen trajectory modeling for feature extraction and an MSVM for classification (Hajj and Awad 2012). In addition to underlining the
importance of the application, this case study illustrates how stationary features are created from sequential data and how a multiclass task is converted into a hierarchical one. Usually, hidden Markov models (HMM) are better for modeling and recognizing sequential data, but with an appropriate feature generation scheme,
an SVM model can be used to model variable sequence length for moderate handwriting vocabularies. The proposed HWR workflow is composed of preprocessing; feature extraction; and a hierarchical, three-stage classification phase.
The UJIpenchars database can be transformed into a sequence of points suitable for feature extraction in a way similar to preprocessing performed a step typically found in many HWR systems. The preprocessing comprises correcting the slant; normalizing the dimensions of the letter; and shifting the coordinates, with respect to the center of mass.
To correct the slant, the input, consisting of a sequence of collected points, is first written in the form of a series of vectors with polar coordinates, and then only vectors with an angle equal to or less than 50 degrees with the vertical are considered. The slant is computed by averaging the angles of the significant vectors. Next, the letter is rotated by the slant angle, and the data are normalized so that all letters have the same dimensions. Finally, the shifting of the coordinates, with respect to the center of mass, fits the letter into a square of unit dimension with a centroid with the coordinates (0, 0).
Figure 3-8 shows two letters before (left) and after (right) the preprocessing stage.
Figure 3-8. Examples of letters before (left) and after (right) preprocessing
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
Feature Extraction
To obtain different representations of the letters, a set of feature vectors of fixed length should be computed. The preprocessed data, consisting of strokes of coordinate pairs [x(t), y(t)], can be modeled, using a pen trajectory technique (Jaeger 2008), and the set of features is obtained after averaging the following functions:
• Writing direction: Defined by
s t ( ) = ( )( ) ( ) = ( )( )
x t
s tt y t
cos ; α α t sin ,
where Δx, Δy, and Δs are defined as
∆x t( ) = − x t( ) 1 1 − + x t( ),
∆y t( ) = − y t( ) 1 1 − + y t( ),
∆ ∆ s t( ) = x t( ) + ∆y t( ) 2 2.
• Curvature: Defined by the sine and cosine of the angle defined by the points (x(t - 2), y(t - 2)); (x(t), y(t)); and (x(t + 2), y(t + 2)). Curvature can be calculated from the writing direction, using the following equations:
cos c β α ( )t t = − os ( ) 1 1 cos s α α ( ) t t + + − in ( ) 1 1 sin , α( ) t +
sinβ α ( )t t = − cos ( 1 1 )sinα α ( ) t t + − − sin ( 1 1 )cosα( ) t + .
• Aspect of the trajectory: Computed according to the equation
y t x t ( ) = ( ) ( ) − ( )
A t y t x t
∆ ∆
∆ ∆ .
( ) ( ) + ( )
• Curliness: Describes the deviation of the points from a straight line formed by the previous and following points in the sequence by the equation
C t( ) = L t( )/ , max( ) ∆ ∆ x y − 2,
where L(t) represents the length of the trajectory from point (x(t - 1), y(t - 1)) to point (x(t + 1), y(t + 1)).
In addition to the previous functions, the following global features are computed:
• Linearity: Measured by the average distance from each point of the sequence to the straight line joining the first and last points in the sequence:
1 .
LNN= ∑di
• Slope of the sequence: Measured by the cosine and sine of the angle formed by the straight line joining the first and last points in the sequence and a horizontal line.
• Ascenders and descenders: Describes the number of points of the sequence below (descenders) or above (ascenders) the baseline (the straight horizontal line on which the letter is written), each weighted by its distance to the baseline.
• Variance of coordinates (for both dimensions): Measures the expansion of the points around the center of mass.
• Ratio of variances: Represents the proportion of the width to the height of the letter.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
• Cumulative distance: The sum of the length of the segments of line joining
consecutive points of the sequence.
• Average distance to the center, The mean of the distances from each point of the sequence to the center of mass of the letter.
Hierarchical, Three-Stage SVM
After the preprocessing and feature extraction stages, a three-stage classifier recognizes one of the 52 classes (26 lowercase and 26 uppercase letters).
• Using a binary SVM classifier, the first stage classifies the instance as one of two classes: uppercase or lowercase letter.
• Using OAA SVM, the second stage classifies the instance as one of the manually determined clusters shown in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Lower- and Uppercase Clusters
Lowercase Clusters Uppercase Clusters
Cluster 1: a c e o Cluster 2: b d l t Cluster 3: f h k Cluster 4: g z j Cluster 5: p q Cluster 6: i r s Cluster 7: u v w x Cluster 8: m n
Cluster 9: A B P R Cluster 10: C D G O Q Cluster 11: E F I L Cluster 12: J K T
Cluster 13: M N H Cluster 14: S Y Z X Cluster 15: U V W
• Using OAA SVM, with a simple majority vote, the third stage identifies the letter as one of the 52 classes (or subclusters). Figure 3-9 displays the hierarchy of the three-stage system.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
C1 - C8?
C 1
a, e,
c, o? ae
Input letter Lower or Upper Case
Upper case
C 2
C 8
C9 - C15?
A, B,
. o .
Output letter
C 9
P, R? AB
C 10
C 15
Figure 3-9. Hierarchical, three-stage SVM
Experimental Results
Experimental results, implemented with the MATLAB R2011a SVM toolbox, showed (using a four-fold cross-validation) an average accuracy of 91.7 percent—or, an error rate of 8.3 percent, compared with an error rate of 10.85 percent, using 3NN (Prat et al. 2009). The three stages of the classifier achieved, respectively, 99.3 percent, 95.7 percent, and 96.5 percent accuracy. The kernel used for the three stages was an RBF with parameters tuned using a grid search algorithm. Our proposed preprocessing helped improve the general accuracy of the recognizer by approximately 1.5 percent to 2 percent.
Figure 3-10 presents a confusion histogram demonstrating the occurrence of the predicted classified labels, along with their true labels. For example, in the first column, of the six letter a’s, five were correctly recognized, and one was mistaken for c. Generally, no particular trend was observed in this confusion matrix, and the error may be assumed to be randomly distributed among all classes.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
Figure 3-10. Confusion plot for classified label versus true label
Because a flat SVM architecture may seem computationally less expensive, it was compared with the proposed three-stage SVM, using OAO and OAA SVM techniques. Table 3-2 shows the recognition rates obtained using the proposed architecture, compared with a flat SVM technique as well as the3NN algorithm. The accuracy attained ranged from 65 percent, using OAA, to 82 percent, using OAO, whereas the hierarchical SVM structure reached 91.7 percent. This is due to the fact that, with a three-stage SVM, both the metaparameters of SVM (i.e., the regularization parameter between the slack and hyperplane parameters) and the kernel specifics can be better modified independently during each phase of training and better tailored to the resulting data subsets than a flat SVM model can be for the whole dataset.
Table 3-2. Recognition Rate Comparison
Architecture Recognition Rate (%)
Flat SVM OAA 65
Flat SVM OAO 82
3NN (Prat et al. 2009) 89.15
Three-Stage SVM 91.8
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
Complexity Analysis
Tables 3-3 and 3-4, respectively, provide the required operations for the preprocessing and feature extraction stages of the three-stage SVM, where a letter is represented by a sequence of strokes of length N, with M being the number of significant vectors, and K, the data size.
Table 3-3. Required Operations for the Preprocessing Stage
Step Total Operations
Representing letter in a sequence of vector 8N
Computing slant M + 1
Rotating letter N
Normalizing dimensions 2N
Shifting to center of mass 4N + 2
Table 3-4. Required Operations for the Feature Extraction Stage
Feature Total Operations
Writing direction 7N
Curvature 6N
Aspect 2N
Curliness 14N
Linearity 6N + 1
Slope 7
Ascenders and descenders 6N
Variance 8N + 4
Ratio of variances 1
Cumulative distance 5N - 5
Average distance 4N
Table 3-5 compares the required operations for the classification process using three-stage SVM and the 3NN algorithm . Both SVM optimal hyperplane coefficients and support vectors were computed during the training process. Given an input pattern represented by a multidimensional (11) vector x and a w vector representing the decision boundary (hyperplane), the decision function for the classification phase is reduced to a sign function.
Chapter 3 ■ Support Vector Machines for Classification
Table 3-5. Comparison of Three-Stage SVM and 3NN Classifiers
Classifier Decision Function Total Operations Three-Stage SVM C w x x w T ( ) = + 0 12 operations per classifier; in total, 168 operations (the class requiring the
most classifiers)
3NN (Prat et al. 2009) D x( ) , z x = − ( ) z x + + ... ( ) − z 1 1250 502 150 operations per distance measure; in total, 3 50 * K = 150 * K
The online classification task is much costlier using a 3NN classifier compared with a hierarchical SVM. In fact, every classification task requires the Euclidian distance calculation to all points in the dataset, which would be an expensive cost to incur in the presence of a large dataset. Additionally, with the lack of a classification model, the k-NN technique is a non parametric approach and requires access to all the data each time an instance is recognized. With SVM, in contrast, separating class boundaries is learned offline, during the training phase, and at runtime the computational cost of SVM training is not present. Only preprocessing, feature extraction, and a simple multiplication operation with the hyperplane parameters are involved in the online testing process. An advantage of 3NN, however, is that no training is required, as opposed to the complex SVM classification step.
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Chapter 4
Support Vector Regression
The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.
—Jeff Hawkins
Rooted in statistical learning or Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theory, support vector machines (SVMs) are well positioned to generalize on yet-to-be-seen data. The SVM concepts presented in Chapter 3 can be generalized to become applicable to regression problems. As in classification, support vector regression
(SVR) is characterized by the use of kernels, sparse solution, and VC control of the margin and the number of support vectors. Although less popular than SVM, SVR has been proven to be an effective tool in real-value function estimation. As a supervised-learning approach, SVR trains using a symmetrical loss function, which equally penalizes high and low misestimates. Using Vapnik’s ε-insensitive approach, a flexible tube of minimal radius is formed symmetrically around the estimated function, such that the absolute values of errors less than a certain threshold ε are ignored both above and below the estimate. In this manner, points outside the tube are penalized, but those within the tube, either above or below the function, receive no penalty. One of the main advantages of SVR is that its computational complexity does not depend on the dimensionality of the input space. Additionally, it has excellent generalization capability, with high prediction accuracy.
This chapter is designed to provide an overview of SVR and Bayesian regression. It also presents a case study of a modified SVR applicable to circumstances in which it is critically necessary to eliminate or strictly limit underestimating a function.
SVR Overview
The regression problem is a generalization of the classification problem, in which the model returns a continuous-valued output, as opposed to an output from a finite set. In other words, a regression model estimates a continuous-valued multivariate function.
SVMs solve binary classification problems by formulating them as convex optimization problems (Vapnik 1998). The optimization problem entails finding the maximum margin separating the hyperplane, while correctly classifying as many training points as possible. SVMs represent this optimal hyperplane with support vectors. The sparse solution and good generalization of the SVM lend themselves to adaptation to regression problems. SVM generalization to SVR is accomplished by introducing an ε-insensitive region around the function, called the ε-tube. This tube reformulates the optimization problem to find the tube that best approximates the continuous-valued function, while balancing model complexity and prediction error. More specifically, SVR is formulated as an optimization problem by first defining a convex ε-insensitive loss function to be minimized and finding the flattest tube that contains most of the training instances. Hence, a multiobjective function is constructed from the loss function and the geometrical properties of the tube.
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
Then, the convex optimization, which has a unique solution, is solved, using appropriate numerical optimization algorithms. The hyperplane is represented in terms of support vectors, which are training samples that lie outside the boundary of the tube. As in SVM, the support vectors in SVR are the most influential instances that affect the shape of the tube, and the training and test data are assumed to be independent and identically distributed (iid), drawn from the same fixed but unknown probability distribution function in a supervised-learning context.
SVR: Concepts, Mathematical Model, and Graphical Representation
SVR problem formulation is often best derived from a geometrical perspective, using the one-dimensional example in Figure 4-1. The continuous-valued function being approximated can be written as in Equation 4-1. For multidimensional data, you augment x by one and include b in the w vector to simply the mathematical notation, and obtain the multivariate regression in Equation 4-2.
y f x w x b w xj j b y b x w M = = < >+ = + ∈ ∈ ∑ = ( ) , , , , , 1(4-1)
f x wbx w x b x w
T M ( ) = , = + ∈ +
1 (4-2)
Figure 4-1. One-dimensional linear SVR
SVR formulates this function approximation problem as an optimization problem that attempts to find the narrowest tube centered around the surface, while minimizing the prediction error, that is, the distance between the predicted and the desired outputs. The former condition produces the objective function in Equation 4-3, where w is the magnitude of the normal vector to the surface that is being approximated:
min . w w 122 (4-3)
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
To visualize how the magnitude of the weights can be interpreted as a measure of flatness, consider the following example:
f x w wix x w i M
( , ) = , , ∈ ∈ . ∑ = 1
Here, M is the order of the polynomial used to approximate a function. As the magnitude of the vector w increases, a greater number of wi are nonzero, resulting in higher-order solutions, as shown in Figure 4-2. The horizontal line is a 0th-order polynomial solution and has a very large deviation from the desired outputs, and thus, a large error. The linear function, a 1st-order polynomial, produces better approximations for a portion of the data but still underfits the training data. The 6th-order solution produces the best tradeoff between function flatness and prediction error. The highest-order solution has zero error but a high complexity and will most likely overfit the solution on yet to be seen data. The magnitude of w acts as a regularizing term and provides optimization problem control over the flatness of the solution.
Figure 4-2. Solutions with various orders
The constraint is to minimize the error between the predicted value of the function for a given input and the actual output. SVR adopts an ε-insensitive loss function, penalizing predictions that are farther than ε from the desired output. The value of ε determines the width of the tube; a smaller value indicates a lower tolerance for error and also affects the number of support vectors and, consequently, the solution sparsity. Intuitively, the latter can be visualized for Figure 4-1. If ε is decreased, the boundary of the tube is shifted inward. Therefore, more datapoints are around the boundary, which indicates more support vectors. Similarly, increasing ε will result in fewer points around the boundary.
Because it is less sensitive to noisy inputs, the ε-insensitive region makes the model more robust. Several loss functions can be adopted, including the linear, quadratic, and Huber ε, as shown in Equations 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6, respectively. As demonstrated in Figure 4-3, the Huber loss function is smoother than the linear and quadratic functions, but it penalizes all deviations from the desired output, with greater penalty as the error increases. The choice of loss function is influenced by a priori information about the noise distribution affecting the data samples (Huber 1964), the model sparsity sought, and the training computational complexity. The loss functions presented here are symmetrical and convex. Although asymmetrical loss functions can be adopted to limit either underestimation or overestimation, the loss functions should be convex to ensure that the optimization problem has a unique solution that can be found in a finite number of steps. Throughout this chapter, the derivations will be based on the linear loss function of Equation 4-4.
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
⎧⎨⎪⎩⎪0 (4-4) , , ( ) ( ) = − ( ) ≤
L y f x w y f x w
ε , , , ; y f x w otherwise ε − ( ) −
, , ( ) ( ) =− ( ) ≤
y f x w
L y f x w
, ;
ε , , 2
y f x w otherwise ε
( ) − ( ) − 2
( ) ( ) =
L y f x w
c y f x w c y f x w c − ( ) − − ( ) >
, ,
, ,
− ( ) − ( ) ≤ y f x w y f x w c
, ,
Figure 4-3. Loss function types: (a) linear, (b) quadratic, and (c) Huber
Some researchers have proposed modification to loss functions to make them asymmetrical. Shim, Yong, and Hwang (2011) used an asymmetrical ε-insensitive loss function in support vector quantile regression (SVQR) in an attempt to decrease the number of support vectors. The authors altered the insensitivity according to the quantile and achieved a sparser model. Schabe (1991) proposed a
two-sided quadratic loss function and a quasi-quadratic s-loss function for Bayes parameter estimation, and Norstrom (1996) replaced the quadratic loss function with an asymmetrical loss function to derive a general class of functions that approach infinity near the origin for Bayesian risk analysis. Nath and Bhattacharyya (2007) presented a maximum margin classifier that bounds misclassification for each class differently, thus allowing for different tolerances levels. Lee, Hsieh, and Wang (2005) reformulated the typical SVR approach into a nonconstrained problem, thereby only solving a system of linear equations rather than a convex quadratic one. Pan and Pan (2006) compared three* different loss functions for economic tolerance design: Taguchi’s quadratic loss function, inverted normal loss function, and revised inverted normal loss function.
Adopting a soft-margin approach similar to that employed in SVM, slack variables ξ, ξ* can be added to guard against outliers. These variables determine how many points can be tolerated outside the tube illustrated in Figure 4-1.
Based on Equations 4-3 and 4-4, the optimization problem in Equation 4-7 is obtained; C is a regularization—thus, a tuneable parameter that gives more weight to minimizing the flatness, or the error, for this multiobjective optimization problem. For example, a larger C gives more weight to minimizing the error. This constrained quadratic optimization problem can be solved by finding the Lagrangian (see Equation 4-8). The Lagrange multipliers, or dual variables, are λ, λ*, α,α* and are nonnegative real numbers.
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
subject to
1 *
21 w C i i iN
+ + ∑ = ξ ξ (4-7)
min ,
y w i x i N T − ≤i i ε ξ + = * 1...
w x y i N Ti i − ≤ + = i ε ξ 1...
ξ ξi i , i N... * ≥ = 0 1
w w C y w x i i iNi iNiTi , , , , , , * * * * * ( ) ξ ξ λ λ α α = + ξ ξ + + α ε − − ∑ ∑ = =
1 1 ( ) −
i iNiTi i i i i i iN
+ −( ) + − − − + ∑ ∑ = =
* *
α ε ξ λξ λ ξ
y w x
1 1
The minimum of Equation 4-8 is found by taking its partial derivatives with respect to the variables and setting them equal to zero, based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. The partial derivatives with respect to the Lagrange multipliers return the constraints, which have to be less than or equal to zero, as illustrated in Equation 4-9. The final KKT condition states that the product of the Lagrange multipliers and the constraints is equal to zero (see Equation 4-10). The Lagrange multipliers that are equal to zero correspond to data inside the tube, whereas the support vectors have nonzero-valued Lagrange multipliers. The solution is written in terms of the support vector only—hence, the solution sparsity. The function approximation is represented in Equation 4-12. By replacing Equation 4-9 in Equation 4-8, the dual form of the optimization problem can be written as shown in Equation 4-13.
i i i iN ∑ = ( ) *
δ α α
= − − = 0
w w x 1
* *
λ α
= − − =
i i
λ α
= − − =
i i i iN
δλ ξ
= ≤ *
i iN
δλ ξ = ≤
δα ε ξ
i i y w x
= − − − ≤ 0
δα i
i i = −y w+ − x ε ξ − ≤ 0 i
( ) − + − − = α ε ξ y w x
i i
i i
* *
( ) − − − =
α ε ξ
y w x i
i i
i i
λ ξ
i i
* *
λ ξ i i
w x i i i iNSV
= − ( ) ∑ = α α *
1 (4-11)
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
f x i i x xi C Ti i iNSV ( ) = − ( ) ∈ ∑ = α α α α * * , , [ , ]0 1(4-12) SV SVy 1 112 j iTj iN
Nx x SV SV ( ) ∑∑ == 11 , (4-13)
max , ** * * *
α α − + ε α( ) α α + − ( ) α α − − ( ) α α −α ∑ ∑ = = i i iNi i i iNi i j
subject to
α α i i α αi i iNSV * * ( ) − = ∈ , , [ ] , ∑ = 0 0 1 C
At the beginning of this section, the weights vector w was augmented with the scalar b, and the derivation of the SVR’s mathematical formulation was carried out, disregarding the explicit computation of b (see Equation 4-2). However, b could have been calculated from the KKT conditions, as shown next.
Training data that belong to the outside of the boundary of the tube will have nonzero αi or αi*; they cannot both be zero, because that would mean that the instance (xi, yi) belongs to the lower and upper boundary, which is not possible. Therefore, the corresponding constraints will be satisfied with equality, as demonstrated in Equation 4-14. Furthermore, because the point is not outside the tube, ξi = 0 , leading to the result in Equation 4-15 when α ∈( ,C)0 . Equation 4-16 computes b. Performing the same analysis for αi*, one gets Equations 4-17 and 4-18.
y w i x b T − −i i − − ε ξ = 0 (4-14) y w i x b T − −i − = ε 0 (4-15)
b y w x iT = − i −ε (4-16)
− + y w i x b − − = Ti ε 0 (4-17) b y w x iT = − + −i ε (4-18)
Instead of using the KKT conditions, one could have also computed b, while solving the optimization problem, using the interior-point method, which can converge to an optimal solution in logarithmic time by navigating along the central path of the feasible region. The central path is determined by solving the primal and dual optimization problems simultaneously.
Kernel SVR and Different Loss Functions: Mathematical Model and Graphical Representation
The previous section dealt with data in the feature space, assuming f(x) is linear. For non linear functions, the data can be mapped into a higher dimensional space, called kernel space, to achieve a higher accuracy, using kernels that satisfy Mercer’s condition (see Figure 4-4), as discussed previously for classification. Therefore, replacing all instances of x in Equations 4-1–4-18 with k(xi, xj) yields the primal formulation shown in Equation 4-19, where ϕ(.) is the transformation from feature to kernel space. Equation 4-20 describes the new weight vector in terms of the transformed input. The dual problem is represented in Equation 4-21, and the function approximation f(x) is in Equation 4-22, where k(.,.), the kernel, is as illustrated in Equation 4-23.
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
1 *
21 w C i i iN
+ + ∑ = ξ ξ (4-19)
min ,
subject to
y w i x i N T − ϕ ε ( )i i ≤ +ξ = * 1,...,
w x y i N T
ϕ ε i i i ( ) − ≤ + = ξ 1,...,
ξ ξi i , , i N ..., * ≥ = 0 1
∑ ( ) *
α α ϕ (4-20)
= − ( )
w x
i i i
2 ∑( ) α α i i − ( ) α α j j − k x( ) i j x * * , (4-21)
max ,* * * α α − + ε α( ) α α + − ( ) α − = = = =
∑ ∑ ∑
i i
i i i
1 1 1 1
, , , ,..., , * * ∈[ ] = − ( ) = 0 1 ∑ 0 α αi i SV α α C i N i i
∑ , *
α α (4-22)
( ) = − ( ) ( )
f x k x x
i i i
k x x x x i i ( ) , . =ϕ ϕ ( ) ( ) (4-23)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 4-4. Nonlinear regression
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
Bayesian Linear Regression
Unlike SVR, Bayesian linear regression is a generative, as opposed to discriminant, method, that builds linear regression models based on Bayesian inference. After specifying a model, the method computes the posterior distribution of parameters and model predictions. This statistical analysis allows the method to determine model complexity during training, which results in a model that is less likely to overfit.
For simplicity, assume that a single output yp ∈ are predicted using the model parameters w learned from a set of predictor variables X sized k ×1 and observations Y sized n×1 . The observations Y are assumed to have the distribution in Equation 4-24, where σ2 is the variance of the uncertainty in the observations:
P Y | , w X σ σ , ~ Xw, I 2 2 ( ) ( ) (4-24)
Once the model has been specified, the model parameters’ posterior distributions can be estimated. This is done by first assuming a prior distribution of the model parameters (see Equation 4-25). Given the model variance and observations, the posterior distribution of the model parameters (which is Gaussian) is as shown in Equation 4-26, with the mean computed in Equation 4-27, and the standard deviation scale
factor, in Equation 4-28. The mean is simply the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of the predictive variables multiplied by the observations. Given some observations, the posterior probability of the model variance is computed, and an inverse chi-squared distribution (see Equation 4-29), with n k − degrees of freedom and a scale factor s2 (see Equation 4-30), is obtained. The scale factor is the error between the model’s predicted output and an observation.
1 ( ) ∝ (4-25)
P w,σ σ 2
2 2
2 , | , , ( ) = ~ , ( ) ( )
| σ σ σ
P w YP Y w X P w
P Y w v E w | |
σ σ 2
( ) ( ) (4-26)
w X E X X Y T T = ( )−1 (4-27)
v X w XT = ( )−1 (4-28)
P Y σ inv n k s σ σ 22 22 2 | | ( ) = ( ) ( )
( ) ~ , − − ( ) (4-29)
2 E = ( ) − ( ) −
s Y Xw Y Xw
n k
The marginal posterior distribution of the model parameters, given the observations, is a multivariate Student’s t-distribution, shown in Equation 4-31 and computed in Equation 4-32, with n k − degrees of freedom, wE mean, and s2 scale factor, as P w|σ Y2 ( ) , has a normal distribution, and P Y σ2 ( ) | has an inverse chi-squared distribution.
P w Y t n k w s E ( ) | ~ , ( ) − , 2 (4-31) 2 2 2 , (4-32)
P w( ) | | Y P = ( ) w Y P Y ( ) | d ∫
σ σ σ 2
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
Given the model parameter probability distributions and a set of predictive variables Xp, the marginal posterior predictive distribution Yp, which is a multivariate Student’s t-distribution (see Equation 4-33) can be determined. The mean is computed in Equation 4-34, and the variance, in Equation 4-35. The predictive distribution variance depends on the uncertainty in the observed data and the model parameters.
P YP p Y t n k E Y Y var Y Y p ( ) | | ~ , ( ) − ( ), , ( ) |σ2 (4-33) E Yp p Y X wE ( ) | = (4-34)
var Yp p Y I X vw p XT |σ σ 2 2 ( ) , = + ( ) (4-35)
The concept of Bayesian regression is displayed in Figure 4-5, in which the sample input data available during training would have been generated by a Gaussian distribution. If these instances represent their population well, the regression model is expected to generalize well.
Figure 4-5. One-dimensional regression example illustrating the Gaussian conditional probability distributions of the output on the input and model parameters
A generative approach models the joint probability distribution of the data and class labels p(x, Ck), based on the prior probability distributions of the class labels p(Ck) and the likelihood probability distribution p x Ck ( ) | . The joint distribution computes the posterior probability distributions p C( ) k |k , which will be used to map datapoints to class labels.
A discriminant approach directly computes the posterior probability distributions p C x k ( ) | without computing the joint probability distribution p(x,Ck). A discriminant approach produces a mapping from the datapoints to the class labels without computing probability distributions. Therefore, this approach performs the inference and decision stages in one step.
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
Advantages Disadvantages
Generative • Robust to outliers
• Can easily update decision model
• Allows combination of classifiers trained
on different types of data by applying
probability rules
• Can improve prediction accuracy by
measuring confidence in classification based
on posterior distributions and not making
predictions when confidence is low
Discriminant • Computationally less demanding • Simple to implement
• Computationally demanding • Requires a lot of training data • Suffers from the curse of
• Sensitive to noisy data and outliers • Requires retraining for any changes in the decision model
Asymmetrical SVR for Power Prediction: Case Study
Justification: In many instances of approximation, there is an uneven consequence of misprediction, based on whether the error is above or below the target value (Stockman et al. 2012a, 2012b). For example, in power prediction an incorrect low estimate may be of much more concern than an overestimate. Underpredicting can lead to insufficient cooling of datacenters, inadequate uninterruptible power supply (UPS), unavailable processor resources, needless powering down of chip components, and so on. In the case of forest fire behavior prediction, a lower estimate of the threat can lead to greater property damage as well as loss of life, owing to a lack of adequate supply of personnel and equipment.
In these instances, it is crucial to minimize misestimates on one side of a boundary, even at the risk of reducing the accuracy of the entire estimation. It is necessary to restrict the loss function so that a minimal number of under- or overestimates occur. This leads to an asymmetrical loss function for training, in which a greater penalty is applied when the misestimate is on the wrong side of the boundary.
Approach: Asymmetrical and lower-bounded SVR (ALB-SVR) was proposed by Stockman, Awad, and Khanna (2012a). This approach modifies the SVR loss functions and corresponding error functions, such that the ε-tube is only above the function, as demonstrated in Figure 4-6. The penalty parameter C is split into C+ and C- so that different penalties can be applied to the upper and lower mispredictions.
Figure 4-6. (a) SVR and (b) ALB-SVR (Source: Intel, 2012)
Chapter 4 ■ Support Vector Regression
ALB-SVR uses the Huber insensitive loss function (Popov and Sautin 2008). This function is similar to the ε-insensitive loss function; however, it increases quadratically for small errors outside the ε-bound but below a certain threshold ∂ > ε and then linearly beyond ∂. This makes it robust with respect to outliers. The Huber insensitive loss function is represented by:
⎧ ⎪⎪
if t y
− ≤
∂ ( ) =
L t, y ⎨
ε HuberSVR
( ) − − < − < ∂ ε ε
t y if t y
⎪⎪ ε if t y . ( ) ∂ − − ≥ ∂ ( ) ∂ − − −
t y
ALB-SVR modifies the Huber insensitive loss function as follows:
≥ − ( ) ≤
if t y
∂ − ( ) = L t y
0 0 0 2
( ) − ( ) − < t y if t y
− , ( )
t y ε HuberALB SVR 2
( ) − < − < ∂ ε ε
if t y
( )
( ) ∂ − ( ) − − ∂ − − ≥ ∂ ε ε
Thus, the solution is:
t y if t y
⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ )( ),
+ −
1 2 2
∑ ∑
+ −
α α εα α ( ) ( ) − − −
i i i
1 C 1
i i
+ −
α α
− + − − ⋅
2 α α i i αi i j
x x
− −
i j
and the resulting optimization problem: L
1 2 2
⎢⎢⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥ − + − α α i i αi i j )( )x x
+ −
∑ ∑
+ −
α α εα α − − + − t
( ) ( )
i i i
1 1 C
i i
+ −
α α
2 − − ⋅
i j
− ≤ − ≤ = + − C C ( ) α α i i i L 1..
+ − ( ) α α − = .
∑ i i 1
By substituting the new loss function, ALB-SVR’s empirical risk becomes
∑ − −
( ) = ALB SVR i i R y LL t y empi
ε ( , ). 1
The maximum additional empirical risk for ALB-SVR can be computed as
∑ ∑ ( ) − +
i y t
y t
∈ − ( )≤ ∈( ) − >
ε ε
i y t
Validation: ALB-SVR was tested on a dataset used by David et al. (2010) and Stockman et al. (2010) that consists of 17,765 samples of five attributes of memory activity counters, with the actual corresponding power consumed in watts, as measured directly by a memory power riser. The memory power model attributes are activity, read, write, CKE = high, and CKE = low. ALB-SVR was implemented with a modified