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Kh h - ■ -íftá h câ E x e r c is e on C o m p /e te E n g ỉis h S e n t e n c e s
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ị i s e o n C o m p l e t e E n g l i s h S e n t e n c e s w a r -
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compUte £ngLisl\ senUnces
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N hu cầu học tiếng Anh ngày một nhiêu, n h ất là đôi với các loại sách hướng dẫn ôn luyện thi chứng chi ABC.
X uất p h át từ n hu cầu đó, chúng tôi biên soạn loạt sách theo dạng thức đề thi A. B. c của Bộ Giáo dục - Đào tạo. Mỗi tập sách là một chuyên đề luyện thi. giúp người học rèn luyện, nám vững kiến thức một cách có hệ thông và đầy đủ n h ất. Nội dung đề thi đa dạng phong phú. giúp nguòi học làm quen với các dạng thức đẽ' thi khác nhau, không bị bỡ ngỡ lúng túng khi gặp đê thi khác lạ. Trong quá trìn h biên soạn chắc không thê trá n h khoi thiếu sót, rấ t mong bạn đọc góp ý đê lần tái ban sau được hoàn th iện hơn.
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TESTS..........................1...................................................................... 7 KEYS................................................................................................148
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I. C om plete each o f th e follow in g sen te n ces, u sin g a su ita b le w ord or phrase.
1. English is the spoken communication. 2. The m an who was rescued had L aki..... in the sea for ten hours.
3. I meet your brother this afternoon 'HLỈẾứi- Green Street. 4. H ardly had he taken up the book .HiWj... the telephone rang.
5. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the rain. If it had not rained, the trip VL.£uisj....have been more enjoyable. 6. He is supposed to leave ...AS 4 o’clock.
7. Formerly, he worked ..... A.B.C company.
8. My Aunt Milly was well known all over town. 9. The boss has been ill for the last week. 10. I don’t care Cìhoiỉ... your problem — I’ve got enough of my own.
11. M atch the first part o f the con versation on the left w ith th e o th er part on the right.
1. Do you think Jan e is a x a. I’m sorry I have to leave so beautiful girl? early.
2. W hat would you like for c{ b. Hm, yes, thanks, Tracy, your birthday? I And you?
3. W hat's the time? i 1 c. Oh, yes. We went to school \ together.
4. How do you do° 9 d. I’m not sure about the first \ one.
5. W hat's her nationality? r V I think she is good Download Ebook Tai: htts://downloadsachmienhi.com
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6. Do you know Rom
Duval? °
7. Hello, Adam... did you have a good day?'!?
8. Can you stay any longer^ 9. The theatre! Do you often go there?
10. Is this your first visit to England9
f. Well, she was born in France.
g. Yes, every fortnight.
h. I've been here before. i.Well, I’m still feeling a little homesick.
j. It’s one o’clock.
III. Put th e follow in g sen ten ces into In d irect S peech . 1. She said, "I w ant to bring my children”.
2. Jack said, "My wife went with me to the show.” 3. She asked, “Do you want to come with me?”
4. Dave asked, “W here did you go last weekend?” 5. He asked, “Why are you studying English?”
6. He said, “I went to New York last week.”
7. He said. "I am going to find a new job.”
8. He said. “I am cooking dinner.”
9. He said. "I have visited London twice.”
10. He said, “I will give Jack a call.”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
P a rt A:
S + be + adj + prep o S + V + adv
S + V + adv <=> S + be + ad jective + prep
1.Peter drives his c^r carefully.
Peter was carefui"...viW>.Cku.....
2.She speaks English fluently.
She is f l u e n t ..............
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3.We did our work quickly.
They were quick.. ivC^aIv .
4. I examined the question closely.
I was close..
5. She suffered terribly when her son was killed. She was terrible .
P art B: / ■
___________S + V + w ith + S + V + adv
1. They used the fragile wares with care. )
They used
2. We did th a t work with em husiasm .
W e.. .cb'cl. u*as i& ilu .......................
3. My m other held my hands with joy.
My m other . AwX-d. .wty ..jf
4. He looked at the throne with lust.
He looked . at. Xjl. . ¡i-xi Hi. .XusJf$£v.
5. She watched th at film with excited.
She.. .WffkJiu. Kw: .a '.teu. £ x u ko (
V. S en ten ce b u ild in g._______________________ ________________ It + be + adj + to + V______
l.It / easy / learn /subject by reading books / by listening to lectures... St.
2. It/ unwise/ buy/ new shoes or sandals/ first trying them on. ... l . t .u . :.&*>.. ■ - iWKuHf .«‘-t f • 3. It/ pointless / have / old type-w riter repaired. . . . , I A . IA . . .0 3 4 * .. ,'R.vivi
4. It/ difficult / satisfy / examiners.
5. It /im portant / make a good im pression / this meeting.
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1. C o m p lete each o f the follow ing sen te n ces, u sin g a su ita b le word or phrase.
1 I wish you'd w rite clearly i.OWjk for us to read it. 2. x.'ti-i... if I have to walk all the way, I'll get there. 3. He is the real m a n ............I want to see.
4. He looks as ill as he sounded ..;.......the phone. 5. She i s ..........much better actress than she is singer. 6. Don't worry - th e y ......... have just forgotten to phone. 7. S h e ............ to have been more careful.
8. They have much m o n ey ......... the bank.
9. The person to ........... this letter was addressed died three years ago.
10. I saw neither M r............Mrs Smith at church.
II. M atch the tw o h alves o f th e sen ten ces. U se each h a lf on ce only.
1. Not only do we w ant to go
2. That story was
3. Sometimes it is
4. Both Peter
5. In the end he had to choose
6. I would love to take
7. Students who do well not only study hard
8. Either Jack will have to 10
a. we decided to stay at home.
b. num ber of candidates c. either his career or his hobby.
d. the football match was postponed
e. but also use their instincts if they do not know the answer.
f. or we will have to hire somebody new
g. to run down state
h. but we also have enough
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work more hours money.
9. Because of bad w eather, i. not only wise to listen to your parents but also
10. The governm ent are j. and I are coming next week, trying
11. They narrow ed down k. neither true nor realistic, the num ber of candidates
12. Feeling tired 1. both my laptop and my cell phone on holiday.
III. P ut th e fo llo w in g sen ten c es into R eported S p eech . 1.Phillip said, “Olive, can you remem ber where you put the cam era?”
2. Ju a n asked a passer-by, “Can you tell me the way to the railw ay station, please?”
3. “I w ant you to come to office on time” the director told his secretary.
4. S arah ’s father said "If you have to go out tonight, at least finish your homework first!”.
5. John said "Why don't you put a better lock on the door. B arry0 ”
6. Peter asked, "Can I borrow your typewriter, Ja n e t0" 7. The officer m anager wondered, "Why didn’t I get a com puter before0’’.
S. The nurse said Mrs. Bingley, "How old is your little boy0'' 9. Mrs. Sm ith asked me. “W here is the station car-park0" 10. P eter said. "I am not feeling well.”
IV. T ran sform ation pattern.
P art A:___________________________________________ ____ (S) + rem em ber + to do sth o (S) + don't forget + to do sth 1. Rem em ber to lock the bicycle.
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2. Remember to brush your teeth before going to bed. Don't...................
3.Remember to tu rn the light off.
4.Remember to bring English book to school.
D on’t ..................
5. Remember to call me soon.
Don’t ...............
Part B:
S + be + adj 0 W hat + a + adj + N!
How + adj + S + be
S + V + adv 0 How + adv + S + V!
1. He is a very pretty boy.
W hat ............ ............'
2. How hard she works!
She i s ................
3. The view was lovely.
W hat ¿-. ..
4. That is aii uglv girl.
W hat....................
5. She painted very beautifully.
V. S en ten ce building._____________________
C onnected statem en ts w ith "so" and "too"
He wanted / get m arried /so / his girlfriend.
2. He play / guitar /his sister /. too.
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3. I like /come to France / so / my wife.
4. I've / to P an s / he /, too.
5. My son like /go to the zoo I so I my daughter.
I. C om plete each o f th e follow in g sen ten ces, u sin g a su ita b le w ord or phrase.
1. May I meet y o u ......... work?
2. He w a s........... th at we had to send for a doctor. 3. The p eo p le ........called yesterday want to buy the house. 4. He r id e s...........w hite horse like mine.
5. The holidays last ......... September.
6. He has ............. organized his life th at his wife suspects nothing.
7. Drugs cause a great ......... of excitement for the nervous system.
8. The ro a d s......... be less crowded today.
9. I........ already seen th at film, so I'd ra th er see another one. 10. I like h e r ........ th an her husband.
11. M atch th e tw o h a lv es o f the sen ten ces. Use each h a lf on ce only.
1. I go a. crazy.
2. I am going b. supper at about ten o'clock. 3. I am seeing c. w hat you mean.
4. I see d. John off at the airport tonight. 13
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5. I am thinking e. a party this Saturday. Are you free? 6 I think f. to forget people's names. It's old age, I suppose.
7. I start g. of having an early lunch today. 8. I am starting h. I'll go home now. 9. I usually have i. crosswords but I never finish them . 10. I am having j. to Spain every summer.
III. Put the fo llo w in g q u e s tio n s in to In d ire c t S p eec h . 1. Jan e asked me: “Did you see th at film last month?” 2. The old lady told me: “Don't touch th at flower!” 3. Jill asked me “Do you w ant to go to the cinema?” 4. He said t h a t : “I'll visit M ary tomorrow.”
5. She asked us: “When did you find the money?” 6. Fred said: “Will M ary arrive by five?”
7. Mary said that: “If I knew the answer, I would tell you.” 8. The man said that: “If you give me some money, I'll help you.”
9. She asked me: “Open the window, please.”
10. He said: “I will come here soon”.
IV. T ra n s fo rm a tio n p a tte r n .
P a r t A:
S + be + ing-adj S + be + ed-adj S + V
0 S + be + ed-adj 0 S + be + ing-adj 0 S + be + ed-adj
1. Her m other can be concerning often.
i She is...............
i2. The girl was interested in music.
tPylusic w a s....................
Si- This refusal bores my m other to tears.
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My m o th er.....................
4. His son can be so surprising sometimes.
He is....................................
5. Peter was encouraged by the praises.
The praises........................
Part B:____________________________________________ s + V + khoảng thời gian
<=>It + take / took + (sb) + khoảng thời gian + to + V N
1. We finished this work in 2 hours.
It took »i i ^ vAxyi t .
2. My father spends 45 minutes a day in reading. R eading.....................
3. My family spends 7 days of the holiday at the seaside. The holiday at the seaside took...........
4. She read that novel in 2 weeks.
It took....................
5. They completed their film in two years.
It took........................
V. S en ten ce building.______________________________ ________ It + be + adj + for + (pronoun) + to + V 1. It /easy / me / talk like that.
2. It / too late /her / have.remorse.
3. It /difficult / him / abandon / wife.
4. It /good / children /read /that story.
5. It hard /my mother / do this work.
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I.Complete each of the follow ing sen tences, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. The story gets m o re ..................more exciting.
2. The explosion happened 300 metres ........... the police station.
3. The machine is too h eavy...........me to lift.
4. The typist is away ..».......holiday this week.
5. A h ouse............overlooks the park will cost more. 6. His new car, f o r ........... he paid 50000 francs, has already had to be repaired.
7. These are docum ents...........high-ranking officials. 8. We tried to do it ..........couldn't.
9. He's never more annoying ........... when he's trying to help.
10. He was g rad u ated law at Oxford.
11. Match the words in colum n A w ith those in column B to make com plete sentences.
(A) (B)
1. We still went to the beach a. every Friday night. 2. I wouldn't marry him b. I'll be sleeping.
3. We decide to go home c. at five.
4. Beethoven composed d. I'll have cleaned the whole great music in spite of house.
5. He put on his glasses e. although the sun wasn't shining.
6. By the time my brother f. even if he was the last arrives, man on earth.
7. I didn't go out for dinner g. because it was getting late.
8. They go to the movies h. being deaf.
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9. Don't call me after 11 o'clock
10. His flight arrives tomorrow
i. in order to see the board better.
j. because I had already eaten.
III. Put the follow ing sen ten ces into Reported Speech. 1. Many will come and say: “I am the Christ”; and deceive many.
2. She said: “I’ll do my homework, here, at the library, tonight.”
3. He said: “Sally has broken her leg.”
4. I asked him : “Can you pick me up from the station tonight?”
5. She asked me : “W hat’s the m atter?”
6. He asked me : “Do you like Oasis?”
7. He told me: “I love you but I can’t marry you!”
8. He promised : “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
9. Tom said: “I w ant to visit my friends this weekend.” 10. They said: “We’ve lived here for a long time.”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:________________________________________________ S + be + too + adj + to + V
o S + be + so + adj + that + S + can’t + V S +V + too + adv + to + V
o S + V + so + adv + that + S + can’t + V
1. The book is too heavy for us to carry.
The book is so............................................
2. She was too excited to sleep much.
She was so...............................................
3. It’s too cold for you to go in the sea.
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It’s so......................................................
4. These shoes are too small for me to wear.
These shoes are so.............................................
5. This text is too difficult for them to do.
This text is so.....................................................
P art B:_______________________________________________ S + be + se + adj + th at + S + V
S + be + too + adj + to + V
o S + be + not + adj + enough + to + V S + V + so + adv + th at + S + V
o S + do/does/did + n ot + V + adv + en ou g+ to + V
1. He is too weak to lift the box.
He is not tK. ^0/-
2. He drove so carelessly th at he couldn’t pass the driving test.
He didn't drive .«v&ikS.iu.. r t C i t . p J S J i ..tVx.., 3 .1 studied so well th at I passed the exam.
I studied well en o u g h .........................................
4. The exercise is too difficult for me to do.
The exercise is not.............................................
5. He is so stapid th at he can’t do it.
He is not..............................................................
V. S en ten ce building._________________________________ _________________ adj + en ou gh + to + V_______________ 1. Jack / intelligent enough/ do / difficult exercises.
2. He /not old enough /get m arried.
3. The book / easy enough /read.
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4. Ann /tall enough /reach /top shelf.
5. You /not old enough/ to buy alcohol /14.
I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sentences, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. She arrived early i n .........get a good seat.
2. There's usually a reason why people.......... crazy. 3. You'll h a v e ...........watch for the right moment. 4. I n ............I forget, please remind me of my promise. 5. W hat are the qualities that m ak e .............her character? 6. You know you've arrived when you're asked to appear TV.
7. In this respect, English differs.............French. 8. P a re n ts.........like their children to be successful in life. 9. His tastes are fishing..................tennis and racing. 10. A h am m er............used for driving in nails.
11. Match the w ords in column A with those in column B to make com plete sentences.
(A) (B)
1. You must signal
2. You must brush your teeth
3. You must see a doctor 4. You m ustn't cross the road
a. after meals
b. when you turn right or left if you go by car.
c. in red lights.
d. if you are ill.
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5. You must go by plane e. I have not spoken to her for two weeks.
6. I must call Mary. f. because the journey by bus takes too long.
7. You m ustn’t go without a g. It is very cold outside, helmet
8. We must wear our gloves. h. if you go by a motorbike. 9. The rain started i. but he can't afford buying a new one.
10. Bob's car is old j. while I was driving home.
III. Put the follow in g sen ten ces into R eported S peech. 1. Nhung said: "I am beautiful!”.
2. Tom asked Mary: "Do you understand me?”
3. She asked: “Will he leave?”
4. Susan asked: "What time is it0"
5. They asked: "When will the meeting end?”
6. The teacher said: "Sit down, please”.
7. She said: “Don't put the book on my table”.
8. He asked me: "Have you finish reading the new spaper0" 9. Peter said: “I get up every morning at seven o’clock". 10. Susan reassured me: "I can come tonight".
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:__________________________________________________ B ecause + clau se o B ecau se o f + noun / gerund
1. He doesn't go to shool because he has a toothache. |H e .......................................................................................... 2. I did it because they told me to.
' Because of.................................................
\3. Because he was lazv. h e got bad results. because of...................................................................................... 1. Because 1 didn't have enough money. I didn't buy that car.
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Because of......................................................................... 5. Because it was raining, the match was postponed. Because of.........................................................................
P art B:
A lthough + clause o In sPite o f + Noun 1 gerund ________________________ D espite___________________ ; 1. Although it was cold, she went out in shorts. \ In spite of..................................................................
) 2. Although it rained, they went out.
j In spite of.........................................
3. Although superm arkets develop rapidly, traditional m arkets continue to exist.
In spite of................................................................................ 4. Although the weather was bad, they had a wonderful holiday.
Despite...................................................................................... \5. Although she wanted to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.
V. S en ten ce building._________________________________ ________________ S + V + Q + not + to + V________________ 1. They w arn/her not/ eat / much fat.
2. My m other tell /me not / worry /it.
3. The doctor advise/him not/smoke.
4. She advise/ me not/ go out tonight.
5. The doctor warn/ us not /wake her too soon.
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I. C om plete each o f the follow in g sen te n ces, u sin g a suitable word or phrase.
1. I had to translate a le tte r.........Vietnam ese into French. 2. It had ........the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident.
3. S h e .........worried sick about her missing son. 4. Summer com es...................................... Spring.
5. It's quicker b y ...........to go by train.
6. This coffee...........too hot to drink.
7. It is n o t...........my way.
8. How far is it to t h e ...........petrol station?
9. This is the h o u se ..............owner is very rich.
10. Do you k n o w ...........broke the window?
II. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th o se in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
1. He was a famous hockey player
2. I wrote many books 3. They had to cancel the meeting
4. No one knows for sure 5. You won't succeed
6. Although it was raining 7. I've been to Spain
8. When you get back to town,
9. I've been waiting here 22
a. because the director did not show up.
b. when he was young. c. before I was aw arded the literature prize.
d. for almost an hour. e. four times.
f. we'll have a party.
g. last night and watched TV.
h. who won last year’s race.
i. he went out w ithout an umbrella.
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10. I stayed home j. if you don't try hard.
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Reported Speech. 1. Mary said: “I love chocolate.”
2. She said: “I went skiing."
3. He said: “I will eat steak for dinner. ”
4. My teacher said: “I have been to Sydney. ”
5. He said: “I have had three cars.”
6. Tom said: “I'm going to go to Long Beach.”
7. He told me: “I don't like spinach. ”
8. She said to me: “I have never been to London”. 9. He said: “I was swimming. ”
10. She told us: “I had a cat. ”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
S + V + N 0 S + be + adj
S + be + adj 0 s+v+o
1. That is a picture of great prettiness.
T hat............................................................
2. The project is of great importance.
The project is...........................................
3. The house is of real value.
The house is............................
4. This happen proved his kindness.
This happen th a t................................
5. This document showed her honesty.
This document showed th a t................
Part B:____________________________
S + be accustom ed to + V-ing
S + often + V
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o S + be used to + V-ing / N
3. This is the first tim e + S + have + P,,
o S + be + not used to + V-ing / N
1. He isn't accustomed to waking up early.
He isn’t ............................................................
2. I often come back home late.
I am used..................................
3. We often visit him.
We are used...............
4. That was the first time I had seen him angry. I’m not used................................................................
5. He always wears a bow tie.
He’s used...........................................
V. S en ten ce building._______________________ ______________ Too + adj + to + V_______ 1. It/ too long /finish / one day.
2. The warehouse / too dark /look in.
3. Children /too fearful / listen / story.
4. The boy / too young / know that.
................................................................................................... .. J
5. The w ater / too cold / swim in.
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I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sentences, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. Take the book ............is lying on the table.
2. She should know better .........to poke the animal with her umbrella.
3. We moved to Paris.............we lived for six years. 4. They so o n ............to be friends.
5. He drives faster than h e .........a year ago.
6. My parents, ............ I'm sure you remember, passed away within a week of one another.
7. This will n e e d ...........typed again.
8. I went im m ediately.......... I had received the information. 9. Can you b rin g ............................ any proof of what you say? 10. He was given consumption............his inmate.
11. Match the w ords in colum n A with those in column B to make com plete sentences.
(A) (B)
1. I was studying
2. I won't speak to him
3. Have you ever
4. Mark ought to
5. You don't believe him
6. Yesterday Mary
7. They were
8. When he was 12.
9. During the war.
10. I tried to warn him.
a. until he apologizes b. many people lost their homes
c. been to Ireland?
d. be much more careful e. but he wouldn't listen f. when the fire started g. trying to open the can h. don't you?
l. sent you the parcels j. David moved to London
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III. Put th e follow in g sen ten ces into R eported S peech . 1. Mary said: “I can't swim.”
2. She said: “I won't buy a new car.”
3. She said: “I have to do my laundry.”
4. Alex said: “I am going to meet a friend.”
5. Ken asked: “W hat are you going to do tonight?” 6. I said: “I've been to Mexico.”
7. Steve said: “I w ant to go to-tai>outh Africa.”
8. Allen said: “I'd like to visit his grandparents.” 9. He asked me: “Where are you going?”
10. They w anted to know: “How did you do that?”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:____________________________________________ S + w ould prefer
o S w ould rather + S + P ast subjunctive.
S + lik e...b etter than... o S + w ou ld ...th an ... S + prefer o S + w ould rather + V____________________ 1. I would prefer you to make me a cup of coffee. I’d ra th e r........................................................................ 2. She’d prefer you not to talk in class.
She’d ra th e r.....................................
3. Mary likes to wear skirt better th an trousers. Mary would ra th e r..................................................... 4. We like to play football better than tennis.
We would ra th e r....................................................
5. My son likes to be a doctor better than to be a worker. My son would ra th e r..................................................................
Part B:
S + V + OoS+ k eeP + O + Adj
_____ S + find + it (unreal ob jective) + adj + to + V______ 26
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1- He has problems in speaking English.
He finds it....................................................
2. You m ust tidy and clean your room.
You m ust keep...........................................
3. Some students found th at it was easy to do this test. Some students found it......................................................... 4. The noise annoys the visitors.
The visitors find...........................
6. Some people to Asia get depressed by traffic.
Some people to Asia find.................................................
V. S en ten ce building.____________________________ __________ W h-word + to + V as direct object_____
1. Tell / how / spell it.
2. I wonder/ who /phone.
3. I /not know why /talk that.
4. Are / sure when /arrive / London?
5. She told / whom / meet /the bank.
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I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sen ten ces, u sin g a suitable word or phrase.
1. She spent an hour m ak in g ........before the party. 2. The person to whom this letter ........... addressed died three years ago.
3. You can't leave the co u n try ............a passport. 4. My friend bought this shirt ............ thirty per cent discount.
5. D o n 't.........so ready to find fault.
6. How are y o u ............. along with your English? 7. The teacher divided the c la s s........................ groups. 8. My wife, ............. is out at the moment, will phone you when she gets back. • *
9. Our head office is i n ............centre of the city. 10. She was soon lost from v iew ..................the crowd.
11. Match the w ords in colum n A w ith those in colum n B to make com plete sen tences.
(A) (B)
1. Last year my friend was 23, a. No. It was last Saturday 2. Was the play last night? b. Yes, there was 3. When you were on holiday. c. was the w eather good0 4. The food at the restaurant d. I don't know. They were was very good. in the garden nearly 10
m inutes ago.
5. We were late for the e. so she is 24 now. concert.
6. Was Ali at home yesterday f. but the waiters weren't morning0 very polite.
7. When I was a child. g. because there was a lot of traffic.
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8. Was there a basketball h. I was afraid of dogs, game on TV last night?
9. Where are the children9 i. but yesterday I was very tired.
10. I feel fine this morning j. No, he wasn't. He was at work.
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Reported Speech. 1. They asked "Who will come to the cinema with us?" 2. She asked me "Why are you so sad?”
3. They wondered "What is the matter?”
4. I wondered "How could they be so impatient?” 5. I asked him “Which compact disk are you taking with you?”.
6. He wondered “W hat am I to do?”
7. I asked him “How do you know that?” 8. He asked me "Are you enjoying yourself?”
9. Mr. Smith asked: "Are you a student?"
10. Ms. W ashington asked me: "What is your name?"
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
It's one’s duty to do sth
«> S + be + supposed to do sth
S + be + P n + to + V
1. It is you to finish this work.
You are ........................................
2. Milk is thought to be good for your health.
Milk is...................................................................
3. Training is believed to be good for our will.
Training is............................................................
4. Smoking is said to do us harm.
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5. Taking exercise is thought to do you good.
Taking exercise....................................................
Part B:_________________________________________ _____ Im perative verb 0 S + should (not) + be + P„ _________________________S + should (not) + do sth. 1. Don’t come with him.
H e ........................
2. Don’t leave a baby alone in the house.
You shouldn’t ............................................................
3. It isn’t a good idea for you to tell so much about yourself. You shouldn’t .................................................................................. 4. You can’t smoke here.
You shouldn’t ........................
5. It isn’t a good idea for you to call the police.
You shouldn’t ........................................................
V. S en ten ce building.____________________
-Ing phrase as objects
1. The boy fear/ take/ medicine.
2. He/ not mind eat/ big chicken.
3. The police try/ inquire/ the dead / woman.
4. We have finish/give /the inquiry.
5. She fear/ drink/ a glass of beer.
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I. C om plete each o f the follow ing sentences, using a su itable word or phrase.
I. Could you a tte n d .........this m atter immediately? 2 25 years, the town centre had changed beyond all recognition.
3. They have a ............of money.
4. I ............been there several times.
5. This hook i s ............more expensive than th at one. 6. R a re ly ............she request help but this was a m atter of urgency.
7. The film la s ts............. hour.
8. If you're not better by tom orrow ,......... call the doctor. 9. We knew h im ............a child.
10.............. cows are milking well this season.
II. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith those in colum n B to m ake com plete sen tences.
1. Andy would have enjoyed a. decided to stay longer, coming
2. He's always getting b. if he had been invited. 3. How about going to c. the concert next week? 4. I might be able to d. attend the conference next week.
5. I wish she had e. finished the report by next Friday.
6. If he were in charge f. unless she hurries up! - 7. Peter will have g. she telephoned me from her home in Austin.
8. She'll be late h. built by Anderson Inc. 9. She can't have flown to i. into trouble at school. New York because
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10. That house is being j. he would fire a few people.
III. Put the follow ing sen ten ces into R eported S p eech . 1. The teacher told: “Stand up, please, Maurice!" 2. Mr. Brown told: “Don't speak now, Melissa!”
3. Miss Claymore said: “One month ago, I warned you to study for th at test!”
4. Mr. Jones said: “I will teach you how to do research on the Web.”
5. Myrna said, “The postman has brought a parcel." 6. “It's from America,” said the postman.
7. “It must be from Pasni,” thought Savni.
8. “Open it!” said Arinas.
9. “W hat is it?” asked Murna.
10. Arinas said, “All I see is powder.”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
S + like + sth o S + be + fond o f + sth.
1. I like fish./
I am.
2. He likes smofcmg.
He is........
3. My m other likes ch^colateC
My mother is.■■■/■■■ r ~
4. Children like toys.
Children are...,...;....
5. They liked go to shopping.
They were...............................j?/
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Part B:
S + let + O + do sth o S + allow + S.O + to do sth.
1. I let'him try once more.
I allowed..)..........¿..¡s:................
2. She let him go there.
3. My parents let me go to the cinema with Tom. My p aren ts.............................................................
4. The guard let the people enter the company.
The guard.................................................................
5. The teacher didn’t let the students talk in class. The teacher...................................................................
V. S en ten ce building._________________ _______ _______ _____ -Ing phrases as subjects______
1. W riting Russian / difficult. i
2. going shopping / every week/ interesting.
3. W atching / news everyday / im portant.
4. Taking exercises/ good/ our health.
5. Brushing /teeth everyday/ necessary.
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I. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen te n ces, u sin g a suitable word or phrase.
1. Wait until the traffic lights change from r e d ........green. 2. I've never s e e n ........ a thing.
3. We w e re ...........only people there.
4. My car was tw ic e ...........large as yours.
5. Is the river d e e p ..........for swimming?
6. We tried to do i t ...........couldn't.
7. The ointm ent is for e x te rn a l............only.
8. The result depends on the s p irit...........which it is done. 9. W e .........up the bed in the spare room for our guest. 10. There was still ...........abundance of food when we arrived.
II. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th o se in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
(AJ (B)
1. They're going to study
2. They were discussing the new account
3. We'll be giving the
4. We usually sleep
a. look for some tee-shirts for them.
b. after going to church.
c. the presentation this time tomorrow
d. out for a quiet meal.
5. We would have brunch on e. with me to the Conference Sundays
6. I've bought some 7. I've enjoyed
f. com puter sciences at university
g. when he burst into the meeting to tell them the news.
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8. My kids want me to h. in on Sundays.
9. I've invited Sarah i. spending time with you. 10. I've brought my tennis j. writing paper, stamps and racket envelopes.
III. Put the follow in g sen tences into Indirect Speech. 1. “I think it's coffee,” announced Murna.
2. “I believe it's pepper,” said Arinas.
3. “I'm saving the last bit for Dr Haret,” said Savni. 4. “Please spread the ashes on the ground,"said the letter. 5. “I'm going to the cinema”, he said.
6. She said, “It's cold.”
7. She said, “I'm teaching English online.”
8. She said, “I've been on the web since 1999.”
9. She said, “I've been teaching English for seven years”. 10. She said, “I taught online yesterday.”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
S + once + past verb
o S + used to + do sth.
S + p resent verb (negative) any more_______________
1. He once worked for a Taiwanese company.
He used to............................................................
2. She doesn’t live here any more.
She used..............................................
3. They cannot see you any more.
They used.......................................
4. She doesn’t watch TV any more.
She used.................................................
5. I don’t talk with him any more.
I used.............................................
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S + V + because-------------------------------
+ S + V o S + V + to
so that in fin itive in order that
1. I went to the superm arket because I wanted to buy some vegetables.
I w ent.......................................................................................... 2. She worked hard so that everything would be ready at 6 o’clock.
She worked.................................................................................... 3. She earned money so th at she could feed 3 children. She earned................................................................................ 4. He left early in order th at he should arrive on time. He left........................................................................................ 5. She came to work late in order th at she could meet him. She cam e.......................................................................................
V. S en ten ce building.___________________________________ j S + V + O + to + V
1. My m other tell/ me/ go to bed.
2. They advise/ her/ get married.
3. Peter persuade / us/ buy a new house.
4. We invite / them / talk / conference.
5. My boss allow / me / use the telephone.
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I. Complete each of the follow ing sentences, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. Many allow h im .........be the leading artist in his field. 2. Wine is m ad e ...........grapes.
3. The election re s u lt.............disputed.
4. He has many books but only a ......... of them are interesting.
5. S h e 's.........cold as the ice she skates on .
6. I have only just h e a rd .......... his resignation from office. 7. Don't go out i n .....rain - do you hear me?
8. He took his d o g ............with him to work.
9. S h e .........few pleasures left in life.
10. He a c te d ............thought for himself.
11. Match the w ords in column A with those in column B to m ake com plete sentences.
(A) (B)
1. I'm really worried a. interrupt our view of the sea
2. If we had some money b. climbing about on the rocks
3. If George had apologized c. about my future. 4. I wish he wouldn't d. we would buy a new flat 5. The government are e. to run down state trying industries.
6. They narrowed down f. the. number of candidates 7. These new fiats will g. at the top of the football league
8. Liverpool finished the h. nothing would have season happened
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9. I asked all the children i. interrupt me all the time, and
10. The boys were j. each told a different story
III. Put the follow in g sen ten ces into R eported Speech. 1. She said, “I was teaching earlier.”
2. She said, “The lesson had already started when he arrived.”
3. She said, “I'll teach English online tomorrow.” 4. She said, “I can teach English online.”
5. She said, “W hat shall we learn today?”
6. “I might go to the cinema”, he said.
7. “My name is Lynne”, she said.
8. She said : ‘Today's lesson is on presentations.” 9. She asked me: “How long have you worked here?” 10. She said “I teach English online.”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
To infinitive or gerund + be + adj
o It + be + adj + to + V
1. To wear a new dress is interesting.
2. To learn English is easier than to learn Chinese. It is...................................................................................... 3. Earning money is difficult.
It is................................................
4. To see a cartoon film is cheering.
It is......................................................
5. To have it here is harmful.
It is..............................................
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S, + V, + such + a + singular noun + that + S2 + V2 __________________ plural noun_________________________
1. The book was good and I couldn’t put it down.
It was such..'/.k..ii>»A-.. . . { ( t a r . ........................
2. The speech was so boring that I fell asleep.
It was s u c h ......................................................
3. It is a great party so it can last out the night.
It is such.....................................................................
4. She is an all-round athlete and I’m not surprised she won the gold.
She is such an .................................................................................. 5. The manager gave us hard works and we did them in 2 weeks.
The manager gave us such...........................................................
V. S en ten ce building._________________
Had better (not)...
1. They / better not forget / Tom / birthday gift.
2. You / better take / umbrella with you /today.
3. That bus /better get / soon!
4. You / better watch /wav you talk /me / future!
5. You / better not clean / toaster until / unplug it.
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I. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen ten ces, u sin g a suitable word or phrase.
1. The person to ........ this letter was addressed died three years ago.
2. Has an y o n e ...........during my absence?
3. We have to consider...........question of where to park. 4. His eyes aren't quite as blue as they lo o k ........the film. 5. Men with moustaches all look t h e ............. to me. 6. The cover has com e............the book.
7. Think how much the parents of the kidnapped boy must suffered.
8. I t 's.......long a journey to make in one day.
9. You must drink it to t h e ............. drop.
10. It is only a 30 minute's r u n ...........our place.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th ose in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
1. If you didn't understand it 2. Despite the fact th at the company was doing badly, 3. As the company is expanding,
4. I can't tell the difference 5. I met a lot of
6. These are documents for
7. If we could travel by car 8. I'm a non-resident,
9. Her statem ent to the 40
a. high-ranking officials b. we need to hire more staff.
c. we wouldn’t spend so much time
d. so I'm new to this region e. between m argarine and butter.
f. famous people at that meeting
g. why didn't you ask?
h. in evidence against her i. she'll ring me tonight.
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Customs will be used
10. It's very likely th at j. they took on extra employees
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Reported Speech. 1. Tom said: “I’m feeling ill”.
2. He said: “My parents are very well”.
3. She said: “I’m going to give up my job
4. He said: “Ann has bought a new car”
5. They said to me: “we can’t come to the party on Friday” 6. He said “I w ant to go on holiday but I don’t know where to go”.
7. David said: “I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back”.
8. My father said: “I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed”.
9. Ann said: “I w ant to go to New York next year”. 10. The doctor said to me: “Stay in bed for a few days”.
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
S + V + and+S + V
o S + V + both...and
S + V + not on ly... + but also
1. You are not only intelligent but also modest.
You are both............................................................
2. My son came to England and my daughter did, too. Both........................................................................................ 3. Linda was a singer and his sister was, too.
'4. George was a new member, and so was Jane.
Both George.............................................................
5. It was a very hard work and it was very boring too. 41
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The work was both
Part B:________________________________________________ S + V + both... and...
S + V + O/C + and + O/C o S + V + not on ly ...b u t also... S + V + and + S + V____________________________________
1. She is both beautiful and intelligent.
Not only......................................................
2. He writes his own plays and acts in them.
He not only.................................................................................... 3. The car is old and expensive.
The car is not only.................................
4. I like chocolate and rose.
I like not only...............................
5. They like to sing and dance.
They like not only............................
V. S en ten ce building.____________________
Not only., but also
1. He / only study well /also work/ hard.
2. She / only play/ well/ also write/ music.
3. The goods produced are / only abundant / also / good quality.
4. We w ant /only to capture the European m arket/ also /part of the world m arket.
5. He / only get into bad company /also /argue with his parents.
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I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sentences, using a su itable word or phrase.
1. Never trust that blabbermouth, no m a tte r.........he says. 2. Students who do well in examinations are the .......... who ask questions in class.
3. The one way to succeed is to work h a r d ........live a healthy life.
4. The ship was helpless against the pow er.........the storm. 5. The car accident left h im ...........the power of speech. 6. If you saw somebody drowning, what would y o u .......... ? 7. The ship was lost with all h a n d s ............board. 8. The postman comes at 6.30 in the morning, a t .......... time I’m usually fast asleep.
9. He doesn't play half as w e ll............his sister.
10. By my count, that's five cakes you've h a d ............
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith those in column B to m ake com plete sentences.
(A) (B)
1. If you are a good boy a. immigrating in France 2. H er opinion counts b. I couldn't follow him because
3. You m ustn't open the c. what he is saying oven door
4. She met with many d. seeing a sexy film difficulties when
5. You'd better hear e. to welcome our speaker 6. I caught them f. she had been underpaid 7. Travelling by train is g. of her experience more
8. He spoke so fast th at h. relaxing than driving 43
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9. It gives me a great i. you can play with the pleasure computer
10. She complained with j. before the cake is ready reason that
III. Put the follow in g sen ten ces into R eported Speech. 1. I said to Jim: “Don’t shout”.
2. Mary said to Nam: “I have ever seen this film”. 3. Nam said to me: “ I don't agree with you about it”. 4. He said : “I w ant to go to see An tomorrow”.
5. An said to me : " I will buy a car”.
6. She said : “I have worked here for one year”.
7. His father said to him : “You m ust study harder” . 8. Hoa said : “You needn't w ater the flowers because it rained last night”.
9. The doctor said to Nam : ‘You should stay in bed”. 10. The professor said : "The moon revolves around the earth”.
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
1, Sj + sim ple present + and + S2 + sim ple future o l f + Sj + sim ple p resent + S2 + sim ple future. 2, Sj + d idn’t + Vj + because + S 2 + d id n ’t + V2 o l f clau se (type 3)
V arious facts given
o M ện h đề với if the hiện điểu trái với thực tế
1. I don’t see him this afternoon and I will phone him in the evening.
If........................................................................................................... 2. He didn’t go to school because he didn’t do his homework. If........................................................................................
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3. She didn’t get up early so she went to work late. If..............................‘........................................................ 4. I wanted to make a cake, but I hadn’t got enough sugar. I f l ...................................................................................7............ 5. You can avoid standing by coming early in show. If......................................... 7..............................................
Part B:
Sj + Vj + if + Si + V2 (phủ định)
o Sj + Vj + u nless + S2 + V2 (khẳng định)
1. I will come at 8 o'clock if I am not busy.
2. You'll fail in French if you don’t work harder.
Y ou'll.........................................................................
3. If I were not sure of the facts I wouldn't be saying this. U n less.............................................................................. 4. She hasn't got any hobbies if you don’t call watching TV a hobby
She ....................................................................................... 5. They are going to lose the match if England doesn’t improve their game.
U n less......................................................’................................
V. S en ten ce building._____________________
____ Would rather + bare infinitive____
1. She/ rath er die /lose her children.
2. I/ rather walk / take /bus.
3. We /rather die / freedom / live / slavery.
4. I ' rath er drink /Coca /Pepsi.
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5. Jim / rather go /class tomorrow / today.
I. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen ten ces, u sin g a suitable word or phrase.
1. It happened a few m in u te s..............
2. The cord was such lo n g ............I could not m easure it. 3. The standard of his w o rk .........well below the average of his class.
4. At last, among friends, he was fr e e ............speak his mind. 5. I h a v e go to the bank to get some money.
6. She m ust be having a lot of problems with ............ language.
7. His new car, for ......... he paid 50,000 francs, has already had to be repaired.
8. The questions were all ............ opera, about which subject I know nothing.
9. The child is not y e t............to write.
10. I ...........afford to lose a minute.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th ose in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
(A) (B)
1. The fields afford enough a. if they'd caught the early train.
2. Unless there is any other b. have gone bankrupt business recently.
3. Many small businesses c. some money was missing. 4. There was so much traffic d. will be liable to a very heavy fine.
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5. The profits are shared out
6. They would have been here by now
7. He informed the police that
8. Any person found pissing in the streets
9. They need more money now but
10. You may know him
e. that we were stationary for half an hour.
f. equally among the partners.
g. fodder for the cattle.
h. more important, they need long-term help.
i. by the company he keeps. j. we can end the meeting.
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Reported Speech. 1. She says : "The train will leave here in 5 minutes". 2. Dung said :"What did you do yesterday?"
3. Dung asked him : "Do you like swimming?"
4. She said : "Close the door and go away!"
5. Nam said to his brother : "Don’t turn off the radio" 6. The commander said to his soldier : "Shoot!" 7. Teacher said: "Do your homework."
8. Jessica told me: "Write a letter."
9. John said: "Mandv is at home."
10. Emily said: "My teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow”.
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
w here
S + V + O o S + be + noun +
whom + adj clause.
w hich
1. I have my lunch at eleven o’clock.
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Eleven o’clock is the time when.....................
2. I have much trust in my husband.
My husband is the person whom...................
3. We are going to learn a little on Chinese.
4. Most of these cars comes from Italia.
Italia is the place w here...................................
5. I want to see him.
He is the man th a t............................................
Part B:
S + V + and then + s + V 0 s + V + when + s + V S + V + and + s + V + there 0 s + V + w here + s + V
1. The sun shone and then we left.
We left when.......................................
2. Peter came back and then my mother called.
My mother called.....................................................
3. She will sing and then we’ll arrive.
We’ll arrive.....................................................
4. I saw the killer and then I called the police.
I called....................................................................
5. My mother cooked and then my father went home. My father went...................................................................
V. Sentence building._________________________ Mênh đề trang ngữ với "so...that"
1. It / so hot / we decided / stav indoors.
2. The water / so cold / we /swim in.
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3. She /so beautiful /anyone /see her once /never forget her. 4. I / so tired / 1 went / bed / early.
5. The crowd /so dense / 1 / get through.
I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sentences, using a su itable word or phrase.
1. He showed ............ concern that people took him to be a relative.
2. This is n 't.........only story of starving children. 3. He's not such a fool ...........he looks.
4. I wish you'd write clearly ..............for us to read it. 5. My husband knows F ren ch ,..........................I don't. 6. If you work hard, you w ill...............a good teacher. 7. The clock strikes the h o u rs...........not the half-hours.
8. The Vietnamese Workers' Party is one which is ............. power.
9. It is the business of the police ......... protect the community.
10. I promise I'll pay you back.................my honour.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith those in colum n B to m ake com plete sen tences.
(A) (B)
1. They stood in silence a. he plays the piano as skilfully as ever
2. The floor measures b. the voice of the people 3. a fruity quality is common c. six metres by four to metres
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4. It was quite an event when 5. The Conservatives won
6. The second translation of the book
7. He broke his arm last year but
8. The result depends on 9. Our new spaper represents
10. The employees are demanding
d. is a far cry from the first e. the seat from Labour at the last election
f. as a m ark of honour to her.
g. a six-hour day and five day week
h. all wine made from this grape
i. a girl in this village became a beauty queen j. the spirit in which it is done
III. Put the follow in g sen ten ces into R eported Speech. 1. Andrew said: “Clean the blue bike.”
2. Peter told me: “Don't clean the black shoes.”
3. Max said:”I often read a book."
4. Helen told me: “I was w riting a letter yesterday.” 5. Christopher asked me: “Do you w ant to dance?” 6. Mandy asked: “Are you reading th a t book now?” 7. Ju stin asked: “W hat are you doing?”
8. Nelly told me: “Help Peter's sister.”
9. Karen said: “Don't play football in the garden.”
10. Susan said: “I'm watching TV.”
IV. T ra n s fo rm a tio n p a tte r n .
P a r t A:
S + V + 0 + a n d + S + V
S + be + su ch + a + N dem diidc so it + th a t + S + V N dêm diide so nhiêu
N không dem diMc
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1. It was an interesting storv and I read it twice. It was su c h ...............................................................
2. It is a rainy day I want to stay at home.
It was such a .............................................................
3. It was a snowy season and we like to ski.
It was such snowy...................................................
4. We had a good dav and nobody wanted to leave. We has such................................................................... 5. They are close friend and everybody admires them. They are such........................................................................
Part B:
1, s + V + and + S + V o S + V + if + S + V
2, s+v+if+s + V(phủ định)
o s + V + u nless + s + V(khẳng định)
1. We had enough money and we would travel around the country.
We would travel............................................................................ 2. The condition is favorable and they decide to act. They’ll decide........................................................................ 3. She wants to cook well and a girl m ust practice every day. A girl........................................................................................... 4. She runs very quicklv and the children cannot catch up. The children............................................................................. 5. The time is free and we have a talk at the office. We’ll have a .........................................................................
V. S en ten ce building._____________________________ M ệnh để trạng ngừ vởi: so m uch / m any + N + that 1. There/ so much traffic /we/ stationary / half an hour.
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2. There/ so many shoes/1/ not choose.
3. She / so much work/ not go/ holiday.
4. He / so much / free time/ he/ bored.
5. There / so much noise/ we/ not/ stand.
I. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen ten ces, u sing a suitable word or phrase.
1. The new model is n o t.........sale in the shops.
2. Surgeons are working round the clock.........save his life. 3. She accepted the job with no th o u g h t..............her parents. 4. He sat at his desk all morning ........... he didn't write much.
5. I have only just h e a rd ........ his resignation from office. 6. I can't afford to sp e n d .............more on food.
7 Try to keep in touch with them, n o ........... where they are. 8. If h e ...........here. I could explain to him myself. 9. Ask him ............platform the London train leaves from. 10. One of the major conditions ............ the job is that you m ust speak French fluently.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th ose in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
(A) (B)
1. The size of the carpet is a. the next thing I knew conditioned was waking up in hospital. 2. She was trying to rem ain b. the crops are late this calm. year.
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3. He promised to be here at 4 o'clock
4. I felt a sharp pain in my head and
5. At a distance of six miles, 6. The scrap m erchant has
7. She accepted the contract with the provision that
8. We leave Dover at ten and
9. Because of the cold
10. Candidates will be invited for
c. you can't see much.
d. a machine which crushes cars.
e. interview early next month.
f. but there was a distinct edge to her voice.
g. it would be revised after a year.
h. but didn't appear until six.
i. by the area of the room.
j. we should be across in Frarfie by midnight.
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Reported Speech. 1. Anna said: “Open the window.”
2. Teacher told me: “Don't forget your homework.” 3. Simon said: “David was ill.”
4. Robert said: “My father flew to Dallas last year.” 5. Betty asked: “When did you come?”
6. Jason asked: “Who gave you the book yesterday?” 7. Ben told me: “Come home at 8.”
8. Maik said: “Don't shout at Peter.”
9. Stephen and Claire told me: “We have cleaned the windows.”
10. Michael said: “I'm going to read a book this week.”
IV. Transform ation pattern.
Part A:
S + be + scared o f + sth o S + be + afraid of + sth 53
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1. I am scared of snakes.
I am afraid.......................
2. She's scared of going out alone at night. She is afraid........................................................ 3. All small children are scared of school bullies. All small children........................................................ 4. The students are scared of strict teacher. The students............................................................ 5. They are scared of any anim als and insects. They are....................................................................
Part B:
Let’s + V
In my opinion
S + advise
Why d on’t you do sth?
o S + su ggest + th at + S + p resen t subjunctive
1. My father advised me not to smoke.
My father suggested.....................................
2. Let's talk with your neighbor.
Yvonne suggested......................................................
3. In my opinion you meet Sandy at the station.
Sabine suggested......................................................
4. Andrew' asked: “Will M andy have lunch with Sue?” Andrew suggested................................................................ 5. Nancy asked: “Why didn't you go to New York last summer?”
Nancy suggested..................................................................
V. S en ten ce building.__________________
S + m ade + O + adj____________
1. This game / me / dizzy.
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2. Her idea / him /interested.
3. H ard works / her /tired.
4. This film / my mother/ sad.
5. He / made/ happy.
I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sen tences, using a su itab le word or phrase.
1. We spoke in w h isp ers........fear of waking the baby. 2. Nobody understands the situation b e tte r...........you. 3. I'v e ...........known it snow in July before.
4. He m ust have k n o w n ........she wanted.
5. How do you co p e............the problem of poor vision? 6. I am no match for h im ............martial arts.
7. She's never a b s e n t............work without good cause. 8. I've known her for years, but s h e .........never a friend. 9. Our friend from China will now tell u s ........her research. 10. The Declaration of Independence of the United State of America s a y s...........all men are created equal.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith those in column B to m ake com plete sentences.
1. Sunday is the day when 2. As long as we live,
a. made play very difficult. b. very few people go to work.
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3. My car was twice c. the sooner you will get there.
4. The sooner you start, d. the audience went home. 5. After much applause, e. we will fight oppression and exploitation.
6. The photograph does not do f. the prem ature closing of full justice the exhibition
7. The theatre is full, g- was broadcast to the nation.
8. The bad light, coupled with h. as large as yours, the wet ground,
9. A fire in the gallery caused i. to the rich colours of the gardens.
10. The announcem ent of the j. I'm afraid you'll have to royal birth wait for the next show.
III. Put the follow ing sen ten ces into R eported Speech. 1. Tom said: “Dance with me.”
2. Denise said: "Don't open this door.”
3. Charles remarked: “I didn't have time to do my homework.”
4. Jason said: “I'll do my best in the exams tomorrow.” 5. M ark asked: “Has John arrived?”
6. Robert asked: “Are you leaving next Friday?” 7. Marcel said: “Don't sing th at song.”
8. Mr Jones told me: “My mother will be 50 years old.” 9. Andrew said: "We didn't eat fish two days ago.” 10. Ronald asked: “Where does M aria park her car?”.
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
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1. The car was repaired bv Sam.
Sam ..................................................
2. Many tourists have visited that castle.
That c a stle ...............................................
3. Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight. A beautiful d in n e r.......................................................... 4. I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM. I k n ew ...........................................................................
Part B:_______________________________________ Causative active:
S + get/ask/request/want/ + sb + to do sth
o S + have + sb + do sth
Causative passive: o S + have + sth + P n
1. They are going to paint our house next week.
We are going to..........................................................
2. She had the boy bring her suitcase to the room. She had her................................................................... 3. I had a repairer repair my watch yesterday.
I had my watch......................................................
4. He had a woman clean the floor in his house.
He asked......................................................................... 5. I’m going to ask somebody to carry goods.
I’m going to have..................................................
V. Sentence building.______________
Use to + verb
1.1/ child/1 used / go swimming / the lake.
2. In the army/1 / get up / six /every morning.
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3. My grandm other /used/ walk/ 5 miles /go / church /Sundays.
4. On holiday / Finland /my wife used / take / sauna /every day!
5. I used / smoke /packet a day but I /stop/ two years ago.
1. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen ten ces, using a suitable word or phrase.
1............. the patient vomit, tu rn him over with his head to the side.
2. He i s ........sinned against than sinning.
3. They're going........get married, and w hat's more, they are setting up in business together.
4. The house is in a bad s ta te ...........repair.
5. Do you remember the day w hen......... met you the first time?
6. The motion w a s..............by 12 votes to 10.
7. W hat did she do ........... pass the tim e while she was convalescing?
8. Do you k n o w ............. broke the window?
9. The bullet missed the ta rg e t............. two inches. 10. It is one of the few countries ........... people drive on the left.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th ose in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
(A) (B)
1. The oil is carried a. light during the day 58
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2. We then moved to Paris,
3. That was much the best meal
4. I would like you very much to
5. You are wearing
6. If today is Wednesday,
7. The sun gives us
8. We can't reach a decision
9. Those who were absent without good excuse
10. He thinks that everyone
b. the day after tomorrow will be Friday
c. I've ever tasted
d. come to dinner next week
e. your jumper the wrong way round
f. across the desert in pipelines
g. will be dismissed
h. who believes will go to heaven
i. without our chairman
j. where we lived for six years
III. P u t the follow ing sentences into Indirect Speech. 1. Linda asked: “Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?” 2. Andrew asked: “Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?” 3. David said: “John had already gone at six”.
4. Jean said: "The boss must sign the letter”.
5. Dominique told to me: "Don't ring Romy on Sunday.” 6. Barbara asked: “M ust I do the homework this week?” 7. Mandy asked: “Can I help you?”
8. Alice complained: "I spent all my pocket money last Monday.”
9. Jana told me: “Don’t go to the cinema.”
10. Jennifer asked: "Where do you play football today?”
IV. Transform ation pattern.
Part A:
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D irect speech -, Indirect sp eech
In d irect sp eech D irect sp eech
1. Elisabeth asked me: "Did you watch the latest film0” Elisabeth asked m e................................................................ 2. Daniel asked: “Do you think it will rain tomorrow?” Daniel......................................................................................... 3. Uncle Peng asked Bowbow w hether he wanted the bat. Uncle Peng.................................................................................. 4 “I know the answer,” Jane said.
5. Doris told Robert that he could then watch television. Dons told Robert.......................................................................
Part B:
S + w ish + S P ast su bjun ctive
P ast perfect subjunctive
W ould + V
1. She isn't a doctor.
She w ishes................
2. I can't speak French
I w ish..............................
3. She told me all this.
I w is h ...........................
4. He went awav home
He w ish ed ....................
5. She doesn't buy th at dress.
V. S en ten ce building.
S + be + to in fin itiv e as com plem ent
1. His task / to finish / work
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2. Police’s hope /to rescue /hostages.
3. Our aim / to win /match.
4. His dream / to become /engineer.
5. His responsibility / drive /carefully.
I. Com plete each of the follow ing sentences, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. I 'll............the children for a walk.
2. This text is too difficult............them.
3. If you've got any spare milk, could you give me a ............. ? 4. How did you open the b o ttle ............a bottle-opener? 5. He's never more annoying.........when he's trying to help. 6. It will be difficult........... one person alone.
7. S h e ...........served her sentence and will now be released. 8. The monkey is t h e .........intelligent of all animals. 9. T ravelling...........train is more relaxing than driving. 10. The pop star was...........by a train of admirers.
11. M atch the words in colum n A with those in column B to m ake com plete sentences.
1. If you miss the train.
2. She met with many difficulties
a. the more depressed she became.
b. between 5 and 16.
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3. Supposing th at it rains, 4. She rescued three children
5. Children m ust attend school
6. Climbing a tree,
7. She had had many proposals of m arriage, 8. The more she thought about it,
9. Nothing more was heard from him so that
10. Mind out for daredevil drivers
c. can we go to the cinema? d. we began to wonder if he was dead.
e. when you cross the road!
f. there's another an hour later.
g. when im m igrating in France.
h. from a fire or something.
i. but preferred to remain single.
j. he slipped and fell
III. Put the follow in g sen ten ces into In d irect Speech. 1. “Do you understand?” she asked.
2. “Where has he gone?” I wondered.
3. “W hat a clever boy you are!” David told his son. 4. Jane said to Jenny, “Phone me if you need any help”. 5. She had said to me, "I've not beaten her."
6. “Will you phone me tomorrow?” she asked.
7. He said:"I will be waiting for you tomorrow."
8. Susan said: "I'd rath er go somewhere else"
9. He said, "I have eaten my lunch. "
10. He says, “I have done my work.”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
P art A:
S + V+ncr+N o S + be + N + less S + V + no + N oS + be + N + less + N
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1. He has no hair.
2. The house has no window.
It is.............................................
3. The book has no cover.
It is............................................
4. The notebooks have no lines.
They are ......................................
5. It has no rain.
Part B:
s + v + o o S + be + N + V + e r /o r
1. He repairs watch.
He’s a ..........................
2. She manages a bank.
3. He visits Paris.
4. She teaches Chinese.
5. He learns French.
He’s ...........................
V. S en ten ce building.
Mênh để với "w hether............. or not"
1. We will /playfootball /Saturday whether / rains /not. 2. She / tell /me whether/ you/interested / not.
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3. 1/ be happy w hether /1 / get/ job / not.
4. We /come / w hether / invites / not.
5. I / hang /picture w hether / husband likes / not.
I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sen ten ces, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. It’s the n ig h t...........I went to the theatre.
2. There's no doubt th at communism will be achieved the world.
3. This book is no more expensive................ that one. 4. Paris is the p la c e ..................he last saw.
5. Where food is hard ............... find, few birds remain throughout the year.
6. How o fte n ............you go to church?
7. My parents, ............... I'm sure you remember, passed away within a week of one another.
8. To be or n o t............. that is the question.
9. He left without sp eak in g ............ anyone else.
10. I went immediately ............ I had received the information.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith those in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
(A) (B)
1. He can see over the wall a. the line was engaged 2. Stop at the kerb and look b. drove him to crime both ways
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3. He was cheated out of
4. As often as I tried to phone him,
5. You'll have to mend that leak or
6. When he had no money,
7. We can't help thinking 8. It was not greed but ambition that
9. We plan to meet again 10. Drops of supplies are being made
c. it will cause problems later
d. he had to work for $15 a week.'
e. in the not too distant future
f. to villagers still cut off by the snow
g. before crossing the road h. he's still alive
i. because of his height j. his rightful inheritance
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Indirect Speech. 1. My father says ‘T he sun is a star”
2. Ram said to me, “I am 6 feet tall”.
3. Teacher said, “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan”. 4. “Bill wants to go alone,” said Ann, “but I'd rather he went with a group”.
5. She says, “ I am in the right”.
6. She says, “I am in eighth class”
7. He says, “I am ten years old".
8. She says to me, “You have done your homework” 9. He says to her, ‘You have done your homework”. 10. She says, “He does not work hard”.
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
S + be + adj + th a t clau se o S + be + adj + to + V
1. I’m sorry that I have to lie you.
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I’m ......................................................
2. They were sad th at they know the truth.
3. The boy was excited th at he saw the clown.
The boy....................................................................
4. I was happy th at he loves me.
I w as...................................................
5. We are interested th at we know w hat happens. We are.............................................................................
Part B: ______________________________________ S + be + adj + to + V. o It + be + adj + to inf.
1. The test w asn’t easy to do.
It w asn’t ....................................
2. He’s nice to meet.
It’s nice.......................
3. He’s happy to fall in love with.
It’s happy................................
4. Is this food all right to eat?
Is it.............................................
5. This machine is easy to use.
V. S en ten ce building._______________________ M ệnh để trạng ngữ với
___________ "so m uch/m any + noun + that..." 1. It/ so much snow / we /not go /work.
2. There /so many shoes /she /not choose.
3. She/ so much trouble / she /not sleep well.
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4. There / so many trees /1 not count.
5. We / so much work / we /not go on holiday.
I. Com plete each o f the follow ing sentences, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. We count her as o n e ..................our habitual customers. 2. Switzerland lies ............. France, Germany, Austria and Italy.
3. The plant d ie d ............lack of water.
4. I wondered if h e 'd ............stopped to think how I felt. 5.............time enough to get to the airport.
6. He applied............the job through regular channels. 7. They were able ............ save enough of their furniture to fill a room.
8. The boys were climbing a b o u t.............the rocks. 9. H e 's...............the same height as you.
10. The party was organized ............. her knowing anything about it.
11. Match the words in colum n A with those in column B to m ake com plete sentences.
(A) (B)
1. She entered the room a. be expressed in mathematical language.
2. In this sentence, b. the warehouse to the accounts office.
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3. He transferee! from
4. You will answer to your director for
5. BASIC is the language 6. This theory can only
7. Conspicuous consumption which
8. The waves were very high and
9. She was struggling under
10. Under the term s of the lease
c. is an affront to people on low incomes.
d. the boat began to ship water.
e. any damage caused by your own men.
f. most program mers learn first.
g. without knocking.
h. the weight of three suit cases.
i. you had no right to sublet the property.
j. the word RED is in capitals.
III. Put the follow ing sen ten ces into In direct Speech. 1. Everybody says, “They have spoken the tru th ”.
2. She said, “I am suffering from fever”.
3. He said th at "I am milking the cow".
4. She told me. "I have seen the Zoo twice".
5. He said: "it have been raining since morning".
6. She told me: "I have taken the breakfast in the morning" 7. He said: " I have been listening to the running
8. He asked me: "Did I sing a song then?".
9. She asked them: "Did he disturb you?".
10. They asked her: "Are we w asting your time?".
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:
s + out tV oS +v + adv dạng so sánh
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1. He outacted the others.
He acted.......................................
2. She outbade the others.
She bade.............................................
3. He outdrank the others.
He d ra n k ........................................
4. Owl outgaze the others.
Owl gaze........................................
5. She outcried the others.
She cried.....................................
Part B:____________________________________________ S + V + O 0 S + be + e d - adjectives.
S + V + O 0 S + be + ing - adjectives.
1. It worries me that he didn’t drive carefully.
I’m worried th a t.........................................................
2. It troubles me that they make much noise.
3. It pleases me that thev are going to take my children to the zoo.
I’m .................................................................................................... 4. It irritates me that he didn’t go to work.
5. It upsets me that he declared his love.
I’m ....................................................................
V. S en ten ces building.______________________________ Câu điều kiện với “u nless”
1. Unless he / ill, he / be / work.
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2. Unless you /buy / tickets / advance, you won't / able / see that concert.
3. Unless you /finish / homework, you / not go / movie theater.
4. Uriless / try, you / never /succeed.
5. I / not go unless / w eather / fine.
I. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen ten ces, using a suitable word or phrase.
1. Unless England improve their game, th e y 're ...........to lose the match.
2. He was su rp rise d ............w hat he saw.
3. I ............very much frightened by the report.
4. You are not q u ite ...........today.
5. She decided...........the green coat.
6. He recognized th at he was not qualified ............ the post. 7. It's only a step to the p a r k ...............here.
8. Room where 200 p eople.............served at one sitting. 9. I ............. care w hat a car looks like as long as it gets me from A to B.
10. Their proposal puts u s ................ a difficult position.
11. M atch the w ords in colum n A w ith th ose in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
(A) (B)
1. At the first meeting, a. no m atter how ill she is. 2. I must speak to her, b. she does try very hard.
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3. The Vietnamese guerilla's legendary exploits have been
4. All our glass and china is 5. He doesn't want any ties; 6. He received a large reward,
7. She's a slow worker but, to give her due,
8. The orchestra had a distinctively
9. Several rioters were imprisoned
10. Children should
c. celebrated in many world famous documentary films.
d. kept in the cupboard. e. to learn assiduously. f. my heart went out to him at once.
g. warm and mellow sound.
h. that's why he's never married.
i. which was no more than his due.
j. for causing a disturbance.
III. Put the follow ing sen tences into Indirect Speech. 1. We said to them, “Is she making a noise?”
2. He said to her, “Am I reading a novel?
3. She said to them. “Have you revised your lesson?” 4. They said to him, “Has he failed again?”
5. She said to us, “Did you abuse your neighbors yesterday?” 6. He said to her, “Was I cheating you?”
7. She said to you, “Were you playing a hockey match?” 8. She said to me, ‘W ho teaches you English?”
9. She said to us, “Why are you disturbing us?”
10. He said to his mother, “Why have you not washed my school dress?”
IV. T ransform ation pattern.
Part A:________________________________________________ S + be + adj + to + 0 It + be + adj + o f + sb + to + V V
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1. I am happy to meet you.
It is happy...............................
2. Lee is very sad to hear about the news about his grandpa. It’s very sad................................................................................... 3. She is afraid to touch a snake.
It is afraid.....................................
4. Mel Gibson and Jackie Chan are proud to be movie stars. It’s proud........................................................................................ 5. Some people are lucky to be alive after a car accident. It’s lucky.....................................................................................
Part B:__________________________________________ ______
'"I"1’ + I*1 1 «> The first/last + N + to i nf + be+ 0 S + V + first/last ______
1. The plaintiff is speaks first.
The first person to speak.....................
2. The loser is cried first.
The first person to.....................................
3. The drinker is avoided first.
The first person to......................................
4. Mary sings last.
The last person to sing.........................
5. Tom goes out last.
The last person to...................................
V. S en ten ces building.______________________________ Câu điểu kiện loại 1
___________C onditional sen ten ces type 1___________ 1. If / Caroline / Sue prepare / salad, Phil / decorate / house.
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2. If Sue /cut/ the onions for / salad, Caroline /peel / mushrooms.
3. Jan e / hover / sitting room if Aaron / Tim move / furniture. 4. If Bob/ tidy/ up /kitchen, Anita / clean / toilet.
5. Elaine/buy / drink/ if somebody/ help/ her carry / bottles.
I. C om plete each o f the follow ing sen tences, using a su itable word or phrase.
1. It all d ep en d s...........whether she likes the boss or not. 2. She was undecided............she should accept his offer. 3. Keep those medicines out o f.......... of the children. 4. Those trousers are dirty - you'd better wear your ............ pair.
5. A light ap p eared.................the end of the tunnel. 6.There m a y ........... an announcement about this tomorrow. 7. I sm ile d ....................the child and said “Hello!” 8. You'll ........... time to visit other places than those on the itinerary.
9. I w ant to meet other employees than th o se .............the com puter room.
10. “I don't want to com e............you today”. “Oh, please yourself’.
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II. M atch th e w o rd s in colum n A w ith th o se in colum n B to m ak e co m p lete sen te n c e s.
1. Action stations :
2. Please reach me the English -Vietnamese
3. It will soon be five years
4. He's too shy to ask a stranger the time,
5. During the week, the road is very busy but
6. She has found
7. The definition does not cover
8. This sum of money means 9. They try to deal politely
10. This must be enough to
a. all the meanings of the word.
b. since we became friends.
c. I can hear the boss
d. down from the bookshelf.
e. there is very little traffic on Sundays.
f. the answ er to the problem. g. a lot to a poor person.
h. cover your expenses. l. even less speak to a room full of people.
j. with angry customers.
III. Put the follow ing sen ten ces into R eported Speech. 1. She said, “I w ant to bring my children tomorrow.” 2. Jack said. "My wife went with me to the show yesterday.” 3. She asked, “Do you want to come with me?”
4. Dave asked. "Where did you go last weekend?”
5. He asked, “Why are you studying English?”
6. She asked. "Do you want to come with me?”
7. He said. "I am going to find a new job."
8. He asked, "Why are you studying English9”
9. He said, “I live in Paris."
10. He said. "I am cooking dinner.”
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IV. Transform ation pattern.
Part A: _
S + prefer + sth + to + sth
o S t would rather + sth + than + sth
1. He prefers beer to wine.
He’d ra th er...........................
2. I prefer the coat to the dress.
I’d rather wear................................................................. 3. I prefer driving to travelling by train.
I'd rather drive............................................
4. I prefer listening to music to watching TV.
I’d rather listen............................................................. 5 I prefer jazz to rock music.
I’d rather listen...............................
P a rt B:_______________________________________ S + be + too + adj + to inf.
o S + be + so + adj + th a t + S + can’t + V
1. This is too difficult text for us to do.
The text is..................................................
2. These shoes are too small for me to wear it.
These shoes..........................................................
3. The journey is too long for us to make in one day. The journey..................................................................... 4. The snow was too little for us to ski.
The snow..................................................
5. The weather was too cold for us to go in the sea. The w eather...................................................................
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V. S en ten ces b u ild ing.___________ _
Câu điều k iện loại 2
__________C onditional sen ten ce type 2
1. If I /play/ lottery, I /have a chance / hit the jackpot. 2. If I hit / jackpot, I / rich.
3. If I / rich, my life / change completely.
4. I / buy a lonely island, if I / a nice one.
5. If I /own/ a lonely island, I / build a huge house / the beach.
I. Com plete each o f the follow in g sen ten ces, using a su itable word or phrase.
1. I haven't enjoyed m yselfmuch for a long time.
2. She will be h e r e ...............than you expect.
3. We have lived i n ...............house for twenty years. 4. He is careless...............his personal appearance. 5. You may have to wait a ............. while.
6. A certain person locked us o u t...............the house. 7. I'd just as soon stay at home as g o ................a walk. 8. His m other claimed that the doctors had turned him a vegetable.
9. I n ...........of all his efforts, he failed.
10. She was wearing a ...............of tight blue jeans.
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II. M atch th e w ords in colum n A w ith those in colum n B to m ake com plete sen ten ces.
1. The boys could play football but
2. Since we've no money,
3. She's so talented that 4. He's always missing
5. We plan to meet again
a. he resumed his speech.
b. the girls had to go to the library.
c. we can't buy a new car. d. her success can only be a question of time.
e. when there's work to be done.
6. The argument turned into f. human labour in many
a fight
7. Life goes on for those of us
8. The after a short pause, 9. Machines have replaced
10. The public relations machine covered up
g. the firm's heavy losses.
h. in the not too distant future.
i. when knives were produced.
j. who remain here below.
III. Put the follow ing sentences into Reported Speech. 1. He said: “I went to the theatre last night”.
2. He said: “I'm having a party next weekend”.
3. He said: “I'm staying here until next week”.
4. He said: “I came over from London 3 years ago”. 5. He said: “I'm having lunch with my parents
6. He said: “I've been to France three times
7. He said: “I bought a new car”.
8. He said: “It was raining earlier”.
9. He said: “I'll come and see you soon”.
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10. He said: "I can swim under w ater for two m inutes”.
IV. S en te n ce tra n s fo rm a tio n .
P a r t A:_______________________________________________ S + V + o + a n d + s + V
<=> s + be + su ch a + D an h từ đếm được sô ít + th a t + s + V
o S + be + su ch + D anh từ đếm được sô nhiêu / D an h từ không dấm dược + th a t + s + V_________________________ 1. It was a good job and I wanted to do it.
It was such a ................................................
2. It was a very beautiful dress and she decided on it. It was such........................................................................... 3. It is fine and we are going to the park.
It is such...........................................................
4. He was an excellent student and I wanted to meet him. He was such a/an........................................................................... 5. It was an excited story and I read it twice.
It was such a/an.......................................................
P a r t B:
S + V + an d + S + V o S + V + i f + S + V
s + v + s + i f + v (phủ đ ịnh)
<=> S + V + u n less + s + V (k h ẳ n g đ ịn h )
1. You offer me more money and I stay.
I’ll stay...............:..... ..................................
2. You have finished eating and you may leave the table. You may..................................................................................... 3. They’d caught the early train and they would have been here by now.
They would have.............................................................................
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